Hell in a Handbag Productions, the drag-adelic camp company famed for its patented “parodages” (a hybrid of parody and homage) of pop-culture oddities such as Carrie and The Poseidon Adventure, will kick off its 2015 offerings with a drag spin on The Miracle Worker penned by none other than sex columnist, gay activist and Chicago native Dan Savage, the company announced yesterday.
Savage's irreverent Miracle!, which turns Helen Keller into blind and deaf drag queen Helen Stellar, premiered in 2012 at the Intiman Theatre in Savage's home base of Seattle; Derek van Barham will stage Handbag's production, to run May 14–July 12. It's quickly followed by Bette, Live at the Continental Baths (July 17–August 21), Caitlin Jackson's cabaret tribute to Bette Midler's early years developing a steamy following performing at the New York City bathhouse; Christopher Pazdernik directs.
For Halloween, Handbag artistic director David Cerda pens Scream, Queen, Scream!, a new triptych of spooky-campy tales inspired by classic TV horror anthologies like The Twilight Zone and Night Gallery, running September 25–October 31. And for the holidays, Cerda's Christmas Dearest, starring the author as Joan Crawford as the Virgin Mary in a very, very loose take on A Christmas Carol, returns November 28–January 2, directed by Steve Love. All four productions will take place at Mary's Attic in Andersonville.