
Get ready for the World Naked Bike Ride on Saturday

Written by
Clayton Guse
Photograph: Max Herman

The World Naked Bike Ride is returning to Chicago this Saturday, so lube up your chain, clean out all of your crevices and get ready to bare it all. Clothing is optional on the ride, but in past years participants have gotten pretty creative with pasties, banana hammocks and other adornments for their fleshy goodies. The Chicago Police Department escorts the ride, so those who decide to go for the full Monty may be targets for ticketing. However, with a turnout expected to be in the thousands, it would be surprising if any naked folks are punished for flaunting their skin.

Check-in for riders will begin at 6pm—the exact starting location has yet to be announced, but it's typically somewhere in the West Loop. The swarm of naked cyclists hit the city's streets from approximately 8pm to 11pm. You can follow the group's location as it progresses via MassUp.

If you don't participate in the ride, you should at least take a moment to appreciate a huge group of people celebrating beauty in all shapes and forms. Either way, it's probably a good idea to wipe down your Divvy seat the following morning.

RECOMMENDED: Photos from the World Naked Bike Ride 2014

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