The Lakefront Trail is a mecca for Chicago runners, bikers and pedestrians during the warmer months of the year. The same can't be said during the winter, though, as the howling winds coming off of the lake can make a trip along the path a miserable experience.
The trail is undergoing a good deal of construction these days, including the massive Navy Pier Flyover project (expected to be complete in 2018) and the Shoreline Protection Project, which will bring 5.8 acres of new park land and path improvements near Fullerton Parkway later this year.
If you're itching for a summertime lakeside bike ride, the above video should help tide you over until the armies of winter return to the hell from whence they came. It shows the work in progress near Fullerton, as well as a delightfully empty trail.
If meteorologists' predictions of a mild February in Chicago hold, then you might be able to enjoy a ride on the trail sooner rather than later. If not, then this video should give you a bit of catharsis.