
Garrett Popcorn to have popcorn-scented float at Mag Mile parade Saturday

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Nick Kotecki
Garrett's Anniversary Popcorn
Photograph: Jaclyn Rivas | Garrett's Anniversary Popcorn

Garrett Popcorn is going big this Saturday at the Magnificent Mile Lights Festival tree-lighting parade.

The delicious Chicago chain plans on having a float that actually smells like its delectably famous popcorn, according to DNAinfo Chicago. Just how exactly will they accomplish such a feat? On the float will be two copper kettles of caramel to scent the air.

Perhaps more exciting though, people on and around the float will be giving away actual popcorn. Garrett said it will dole out over 5,000 free samples of its signature GarrettMix popcorn to parade attendees, as well as cups of hot apple cider. And that's not all. A "large tin" will shoot popcorn kernels to those in the crowd.

Have your napkins ready, Chicago!

The parade takes place 5:30pm–7:30pm on Saturday. If you can't make it, watch the festivities on ABC 7 in Chicago.

If you're trying to get downtown to celebrate, here's the official list of street closures.

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