
Free breadsticks & sandwiches majestically descend on Chicago...from Olive Garden

Written by
Nick Kotecki

The Olive Garden is not the most glamorous of food options Chicago has to offer, but for the next four days it'll be free.

The Italian food chain is sending its food truck to Chicago Thursday through Sunday to dole out free breadsticks and samples of its new sandwiches.

Sandwiches? Yes, sandwiches. Olive Garden's new line of things between bread was unleashed to much joy on June 1. The sandwiches are actually made from larger renditions of the restaurant's breadsticks. If you've spent any time in an Olive Garden, you know unlimited breadsticks, salad and soup is part of the deal—and the major draw.

Olive Garden connoisseurs can expect free samples of the new Italian meatball and chicken parmigiana sandwiches as well as free breadsticks. The vegetarian option? You guessed it, breadsticks.

If you have a few inches to spare on your waistline or are just craving carbs, here's the food truck's schedule:

Thursday, 11:30am–2pm at Daley Plaza Farmers Market 
Friday, 2:30–7:30pm at U.S. Cellular Field
Saturday & Sunday, 11am–4pm at Southport Art Festival (3700 N Southport Ave, in Lakeview)

Times may vary depending on weather (which looks to be overcast) and amount of samples available.

This is what the food truck looks like:


We're so excited about our new breadstick sandwiches, we had to drive around the country to share them!

Posted by Olive Garden on Tuesday, July 14, 2015


This is what the sandwich looks like:


Don't miss the Breadstick Nation Tour! You can find us at Progressive Field today starting at noon for free breadstick sammies!

Posted by Olive Garden on Sunday, July 12, 2015
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