WGN Morning News viewers were thrown off-guard earlier today when they saw that the nice, thick-haired young man who came on to plug a new hair restoration procedure on the show was none other than former Bears linebacker Brian Urlacher.
Urlacher went on the show to debut his new hairdo for Chicagoans as well as promote the procedure, which was performed by Chicago clinic Restore. Staff at the clinic will take follicles from the back of your head and place them wherever you want so you can have a full, luscious head of hair like Urlacher. That's good news for all you guys out there who look like Carl from Aqua Teen Hunger Force. All it takes to have lots of locks is to have your remaining ones moved from the back of your head to the top!
At this stage in Urlacher's life, growing his hair out (or, having it moved to the top of his head?) is a good look. He doesn't need to look intimidating now that he's retired from football. Now he can just stroll about town looking like the accounts receivables guy in your office. Maybe he should continue to update his image by removing his barbed wire bicep tattoo, a.k.a. the official tattoo of wanna-be tough guys everywhere. Come on, Brian. You don't need that. Just because you now have a plush 'do doesn't mean we'll forget you're a badass.