Donald Trump, owner of America's most infamous hair, was recently voted the least desirable neighbor in the entire country. Real estate website Zillow conducted a poll asking which celebrity people would least enjoy as their neighbor, and the owner of Chicago's second-tallest building won out. Surprise, surprise.
This sentiment has been echoed by Chicagoans since mid-2014 when the Donald decided to slap his name on the side of the Trump International. In Chicago, it's not so much a sign as it is a monument to his own narcissism. Its letters are 20 feet high and span half the length of a football field, ensuring Chicagoans can see it from virtually anywhere. Even Rahm Emanuel, who is easily among the most disliked mayors in the United States, called the thing "tasteless."
Chicagoans have even more reason to dislike Trump if that weren't enough. Earlier this year, he proposed an immigration plan that would deport 7 percent of Chicago's population.
It appears Trump's presidential campaign is adding to his unsavory reputation. Trump rose in the polls over last year in the same Zillow survey, when he was voted the fourth least desirable neighbor. Nearly a quarter (24 percent) of respondents gave their votes to Trump this year. Last year, he only commanded just 5 percent of the vote, trailing behind Justin Bieber, Kanye West and Kim Kardashian and Miley Cyrus.
Outside his small dedicated following, it appears Trump's presidential campaign has made him more unlikable than ever.