Steppenwolf Theatre Company has announced the nine-actor ensemble for the world premiere of Caitlin Parrish’s The Burials. The Steppenwolf for Young Adults production will feature Aurora Adachi-Winter, Stephanie Barron, Joel Boyd, Olivia Cygan, Matt Farabee, Coburn Goss, Ty Olwin, Becca Savoy and Kristina Valada-Viars. Erica Weiss is the director.
Parrish’s play, loosely inspired by Antigone, focuses on the sister of a school shooter. The Burials is set to run October 5–22, with public performances October 8 at 3 and 7:30pm, October 14 at 7:30pm, October 15 at 3pm and October 21 at 7:30pm.