Everyone’s favorite inappropriate card game, Cards Against Humanity, is keeping it NSFW for a great cause with its latest expansion, the “Design Pack.” The 30 card set includes full illustrations from a bevy of notable artists offering up their interpretations of George Carlin’s classic monologue “Seven Words You Can Never Say on Television,” with all profits from the pack benefitting the Chicago Design Museum.
It’s fitting that a game known for having such a piss and vinegar tone while toeing the line of socially acceptable subject matters has decided to put its own spin on Carlin’s iconic rant. Even Carlin’s daughter, Kelly Carlin, is game, echoing the spirit of CAH by stating that “in our increasingly politically correct culture where the desire to protect people's sense of identity is paid for by reducing people's freedom of expression, I commend any chance an artist gets to fully express themselves.”
This isn’t CAH’s first foray into releasing expansion packs to benefit a worthy organization. The Chicago-based game has raised nearly $3 million for various nonprofit partners using past expansion packs and holiday campaigns that its cult following fanbase have gobbled up. Already the Design Pack has raised more than $125,000.
The Design Pack includes vivid illustrations from a variety of designers and printmakers, including Art Paul of Playboy fame, Susan Kare who designed many of the interface elements for Apple Macintosh, Matthew Hoffman of "You Are Beautiful" and many more. You can grab the expansion pack online or at the Chicago Design Museum so you and your friends can keep it crass in style the next time you visit one of your favorite board game bars in the city.
http://t.co/jrwAlCQ7rI - fun for the whole family! pic.twitter.com/X0RugM9y4H
— Mike Mitchell (@sirmitchell) July 28, 2015