
An overzealous cab crashed through a door at O'Hare

Written by
Clayton Guse

Wait times at O'Hare have been nothing short of a nightmare over the past month, making traveling in or out of Chicago's largest airport on a holiday weekend sound about as appealing as scrubbing sandpaper against your face. 

But on Memorial Day, one cab driver made the travel hub an even more special place. In an apparent attempt to rescue one lucky fare from the city's version of purgatory, a driver working for Dispatch Taxi Affiliation Inc zoomed right through a set of doors on the lower level exit at Terminal 3—you know, the one you go through if you're flying on American Airlines. 

The scene was reminiscent of that one time a Blue Line train operator fell asleep and drove an O'Hare-bound train up the stairs at the airport

No one was injured in the incident, but one can safely assume the driver got a really good talking to. 

But if the crash was the most inconvenient thing that happened in the city over Memorial Day weekend, we'll consider it a success. 

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