
3 perks and struggles you'll experience as a parent in Chicago

Written by
Autumn Pippenburg

I lived in the suburbs my entire life, but when it was time to have children, I decided to move to the city. Everyone says I did that backwards, but being a parent in the city has its perks just as it has its struggles. If it weren’t for a few seasoned city moms guiding me, I would be exasperated by now and maybe even give up. Brace yourselves for parking in snowstorms, paying for expensive living and enduring public transit. 

Let's start with the positives. 

There's no shortage of fun for kids in the city

From festivals to Movies in the Parks, you’ll always find something to entertain the family in Chicago. Unlike the suburbs, you’re right in the heart of everything with kid-friendly restaurantsmuseums, zoos and so much more at your fingertips. The city's parks and playgrounds are especially amazing. You'll find dozens of kids at any given time running around playing. Nap time has never been easier—the little ones will be tuckered out in a jiff.

Everything comes with a history lesson

“Look, Mom, that’s the Sears Tower” is always cool to hear coming from your 4-year-old's mouth. “It’s actually called the Willis Tower, Mommy" is even more fun. Soon to follow will be Trump Tower and the John Hancock. There is so much to see and take in, especially for a little sponge. A stroll through Chicago is a lesson in world history, complete with skyscrapers and museums.

Culture and diversity

Greek Town has some of the best gyros in the city, while West Loop has some of the highest-rated children’s parks. Your children will go to school with people from all over the world. If you want your child to be well-rounded, the city is a great way to get them there.

And, as you may already know, the negatives. 

Everything is expensive

So you want to be a fun city mom, always exploring new things. What you didn’t think about is that everything costs a lot of money, all the way down to parking. Suburban life never taught you what a dollar was worth—$1 in the city gets you 15 minutes of no parking tickets. You probably never paid for that parking spot either, and now you'll pay more for it than a month's groceries. Wait, is that a boot on your car in the middle of winter? Bet you didn’t know about online tickets now did you? 

Everyone's impatient

I’ve lived with my son in the city for a couple of years, so he’s used to things happening instantly. The park is two blocks away. The ride to school takes five minutes. Even the restaurants serve your food quicker than in the suburbs. My son is now entirely too comfortable with being demanding, and half of that comes from my impatience as well. The city changes the way you live, work and play, which also changes your expectations.

Public transit is daunting with a kid

Public transportation is a nightmare for parents, particularly those who don’t know what to expect. Learning to maneuver a stroller on the buses and trains is the most maddening. Many bus drivers make you take your child out and fold up the stroller. Choosing the right day to travel is important too. There are tourist days and non-tourist days to think of.

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