
17 gross habits most Chicagoans are guilty of

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Time Out Chicago editors
Lou Malnati's
Photograph: Martha Williams | Lou Malnati's deep dish pizza

Living in a city with two-and-a-half million other people can be undeniably disgusting. While we’re a city of gorgeous public parks and stunning architecture, we’re also sweaty, public transit-riding, beer-drinkers with little concern for the spread of germs. No shade—we wouldn’t trade our city lives for anything! But when we take half a step back and consider our everyday habits, we realize how many of them are pretty nasty. These 17 habits Chicagoans are guilty of really take the cake.

Biking to work and then just… sitting at work all day. Yes, your co-workers notice your smell.

Holding onto CTA poles and then just going about our days. C’mon, hand sanitizer, anybody?

Devouring everything in sight at the Taste of Chicago and using your clothes as a napkin. We’ve only got so many hands!

Being in the same vicinity as sweaty, drunk teenagers at music festivals. Wasted Lolla teens are just a fact of life.

Cramming a week’s worth of garbage into one can. Wrestling in that last bag before garbage day ain’t pretty.

Eating deep dish pizza. The fact that our city’s signature dish puts you in a food coma after three bites speaks volumes.

Just leaving dirty snow on the sidewalks instead of shoveling it. Snow in the city gets real gross, real quick.

Using porta-potties all summer long. Between street fests to music fests to beach days, there’s no escaping porta-potties.

Wearing the same jacket every day of winter without washing it. We somehow manage to forget that our winter coats are clothes.

Starting your day-drinking at a 1:20 Cubs game and continuing to get sloshed for the following 14 hours. Going home for a power nap will just kill your buzz—might as well drink through it!

Constantly spitting on the sidewalks. This ain’t the dugout, folks.

Still eating at Chipotle. We bounced back from the whole ‘life-threatening bacteria in your burrito’ thing a little too quickly.

Taking home furniture someone left in the alley. Don’t trust that beautiful dresser just sitting there!

Not picking up dog poop in the winter and forgetting about it…until the snow melts in the spring.

Sneezing in a crowded El car. Spring allergies can be a beast, no getting around this one.

Wearing the same jersey all throughout the playoffs without washing it. We know it’s good luck, but…

Eating food anywhere near the Chicago River. Come to think of it, doing anything near the Chicago River.

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