
13 signs you know you’re in Logan Square

Written by
Jonathan Samples
logan square
Photograph: Wendell Remington | Logan Square

Anyone who lives in Chicago knows that Logan Square is quickly becoming one of Chicago’s trendiest neighborhoods. An ever-increasing number of bars and restaurants, a thriving nightlife and scenic boulevards define this burgeoning North Side community. But, Logan Square is so much more than that. Whether you’re rediscovering an old favorite at the Logan Theatre or meeting friends for a drink at Cole’s, here are the telltale signs that you've stumbled into Logan Square.

RECOMMENDED: Our complete guide to Logan Square

1. You can throw a rock and hit a bar. You're never more than half a block away from a trendy cocktail bar and never more than a few blocks away from an arcade bar.

2. You’ll have a hard time finding a place to lock your bike. With Milwaukee Avenue’s protected bike lanes and plenty of destinations within biking distance, who needs the CTA?

3. Gentrification is happening in real time. Every abandoned storefront you pass is in the process of becoming a new restaurant, bar, boutique or vape shop.

4. The place you feel most comfortable has “comfort” in the name. You know that Comfort Station, the little house near the Illinois Centennial Monument, is a reliably great spot for art installations, movies and music.

5. Old timers remembering how things used to be. Longtime residents wax nostalgic about Bonny's late night dance parties and the distinct aroma of urine in the (pre-renovation) Logan Theatre.

6. Wicker Park is cast as the villain. While out in the neighborhood, you’ll hear at least one argument that Logan Square is, in fact, not the new Wicker Park.

7. Movie billboards carry weight. The infamous (and dearly departed) Aloha billboard is spoken about in reverent tones.

8. Everyone is on the move. Nearly every resident you talk to has a hypothetical timetable for their inevitable move to Avondale or Humboldt Park.

9. With so many good options, why would you wait in line. You’ve scoffed at the line of people waiting to get into Slippery Slope before heading to Cole’s across the street (or the Whistler).

10. Lines start looking better as the night goes on. You find yourself in the post-2am lines at ridiculously popular late night haunts East Room and the Owl.

11. Mom and pop shops galore. There's not a single Jewel-Osco (or any large grocery store chain, for that matter) in sight.

12. Summer is a guaranteed good time. Your summer weekends will be filled with street festivals (Logan Square Arts Festival, Remix Chicago, etc.) and the assurance that you can get a Gayle’s grilled cheese at the farmer’s market.

13. It's alway construction season. The air is filled with the sound of old buildings being demolished and new luxury condos being constructed.

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