C2E2 is officially over. The cosplayers have taken a bow and attendees are sorting through the bags of loot they scored throughout the weekend. It's easy to find vinyl figures, themed T-shirts and discounted trade paperbacks among the stack of items for sale at the convention, but an observant shopper can walk away with some extremely strange items. We walked the floor and searched for the weirdest stuff that you could purchase at this year's C2E2, from Spock beer koozies to Nintendo cartridge flasks.
Ted doll

Photograph: Zach Long
We're not sure who the target audience for this foul-mouthed stuffed bear is. Probably the same people who will shell out cash to see Ted 2.
Embroidered velvet fez

Photograph: Zach Long
Every serious Time Lord needs a $55 embroidered fez to complete their getup.
Nintendo cartridge flask

Photograph: Zach Long
Cool idea, but there's nothing covert about taking swigs from a Nintendo cartridge.
Star Wars prayer candles

Photograph: Zach Long
If the deities you worship include Stormtroopers, Darth Vader and Boba Fett, there are the prayer candles you're looking for.
Dragon bracelet

Photograph: Zach Long
Nothing is more ferocious than a pet dragon that you can wrap around your wrist.
Plush poop

Photograph: Zach Long
You already overuse the poop emoji, so you might as well own a plush version of it.
Golftrooper action figure

Photograph: Zach Long
Why don't Putt-Putt Troopers like golfing on Tattooine? Because it's one giant sand trap.
Mutant art doll

Photograph: Zach Long
Yes, Sid from Toy Story had a booth at this year's C2E2.
Spock koozie

Photograph: Zach Long
There's no better way to honor the memory of the late Leonard Nemoy than by sippping a Vulcan ale sheathed in this Spock koozie.
Video game soap

Photograph: Zach Long
Scrubbing yourself with 1UP mushroom soap will not make you any better at Super Mario Bros.