Winter in Chicago
Photograph: Jaclyn Rivas
Photograph: Jaclyn Rivas

Gorgeous Instagram photos of today’s blizzard in Chicago

The first big snowfall of 2018 resulted in stunning photos of the city in a blizzard blanket


It’s been a fairly rough winter here in Chicago—with single-digits temps over the holidays and much of January, we certainly haven’t gotten off easy this year. That said, we have managed to avoid major snow storms up until this week, so let’s take a small victory in that. Starting on February 8 and drifting into February 9, the lower Great Lakes region got smacked with over six inches of flakes, tying up traffic and giving CPS a day off of school. Sometime between playing dibs and cooking comfort food, Chicagoans snapped some gorgeous photos of the blanketed city today. These are just a few of our favorites.

Well we know who's not worried about the snow. Have a safe commute everyone.

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