Whether players are shooting aliens or mowing down soldiers, violence and video games go hand in hand, which is why the latter is often used as a scapegoat for real-world occurrences of the former. The Video Game Art Gallery presents an exhibition that unpacks the aestheticization of violence in games, showing how artists and developers use weapons and combat in brutal, beautiful and meaningful ways.
Spring is almost here, and it's bringing a bounty of interesting art exhibitions with it. Start off March by heading to the Loop to see several sections of legendary artist Keith Haring's "Chicago Mural" on display at the Chicago Cultural Center. Later in the month, a selection of never-before-displayed prints and paintings by Chicago Imagist Ed Paschke will be part of a free show at the Jefferson Park art center named for the artist. Plus, the Video Game Art Gallery presents a show about video game violence, and Filter Photo debuts its annual juried exhibition. Get to a gallery or a museum and enjoy some of the best Chicago art exhibits opening in March.