Lila Thai Massage isn’t just a great place for a massage – it’s also got the benefit of being a social enterprise supporting women who have completed rehabilitation programs, letting you have a double whammy of good feelings when you come here.
Founded by a former director of the Chiang Mai Women’s Prison, this massage spot offers high-quality, affordable massages performed by women of minor crimes, currently or recently released from the prison.
The concept is to provide them with a skill and the business acumen to continue their life along a more positive path once their time inside is complete, all endorsed by, and meet the requirements of, the Chiang Mai Public Health Department. A win-win for relaxation and community impact.
There’s a few venues dotted around the Old City, with various treatments on offer. We like the Aloe Vera after Sun Treatment, perfect after a day in the hot summer sun. Or, if you’re looking to treat some joint or bone issues, the ancient Tok Sen Massage is one to look into.