Uma Noite (Des)Encantada

"Ai, ai, if the Olharapo comes. And you're home all alone...". The famous and mysterious Olharapo rhyme, about the fear of the dark, shadows, and the boogeyman, will be told in magical verses. The little ones might start this night of tales feeling scared, but they'll end it in fits of laughter, with a finale full of surprises. This (un)enchanted evening is brought to life by Talma and Pedro Leocádio, an aunt and nephew duo, who will host an hour of fun in Cascais on the spookiest night of the month. To join in, just fill out the form and be over six years old.
Cascais Municipal Library – Casa da Horta, Quinta de Santa Clara. Av. Costa Pinto 27, Cascais. October 31st, 21.00.