For decades, Galera was a landmark in Cascais fashion, frequented by the region's elite who sought out pieces from the best international brands. Many notable figures passed through its doors over the years, from former Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev to Portuguese President Costa Gomes, from Eusébio to Ayrton Senna, from Nicolau Breyner to Phil Collins. The list goes on: Jorge Amado, Carlos Queiroz, Luís Figo, Rod Stewart, Stanley Ho, Rui Nabeiro, the last King of Italy, Humberto II, and of course, Cascais native Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa.
The legacy was interrupted the year the store was set to celebrate its 50th anniversary. Opened on August 6th, 1974, Galera never made it to half a century, closing its doors on January 14th of this year. This decision was made by the founder’s son, João Aguiar, who had worked in the family shop since he was 14. Now 62, Aguiar reflects on his time running the business.
"During the summers, my friends went to Algarve, but I went to Galera. And then I started to enjoy it", he recalls. He took over from his father, Joaquim Aguiar, and continued the legacy. But in recent years, he realised that it was no longer feasible to keep the concept store open, given the dominance of large shopping malls and the street commerce that was transforming the heart of Cascais town centre.

“Especially in the last five years, the street has been taken over by souvenir shops, with things like fridge magnets and similar items, and it lost its identity. This changed the area we were located in. To have a good store and a strong brand, we need a neighbourhood that’s more or less on our level – that’s crucial. And the brands we carried, like Armani and Paul & Shark, told us the same thing”.
As the 50th anniversary approached, Aguiar also began thinking about the idea of publishing a book to tell the story of Galera. Released in the month of the anniversary, Galera Modas: Loja com História - Comemoração dos 50 Anos recounts how the shop was built and became a reference over the years. It also reflects on the broader context, looking at how fashion in Cascais – and beyond – has changed since the days of Galera.

“Talking only about the shop would have been a bit boring, so we provided a broader context. The idea is to explain the landscape before and after Galera opened because it’s part of the story”, says João, who worked on the project with José d’Encarnação.
The book, which also features a series of photographs and graphic elements, includes testimonials from regular customers – including current President of the Republic, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa – press clippings, and a text by fashion expert Paulo Morais-Alexandre.
In an interview with Time Out, João Aguiar reveals that he is planning to open a new store – though he’s still unsure whether it will keep the name Galera. “This half-century of history is over. A new shop will emerge, but it will be different, for current times.” The goal is to create a “multi-brand space” also in the centre of Cascais, with plans to open in about a year and a half or two. “We’ve always invested in traditional commerce because it makes all the difference. There’s a big difference between a shopping mall, where people don’t know each other and the service is cold and impersonal, and a town centre, where there’s a friendly atmosphere, personal service, and a sense of glamour. Preferences are shared and lived in a completely different way. There’s a large clientele that enjoys being served differently”.
The book is not for sale – a limited edition has been made available in some municipal libraries for those who want to read and consult it.