
Have you heard of Silent Book Clubs?

The concept originated in New York but has been successful in many other locations. Cascais now also has one.

Raquel Dias da Silva
Written by
Raquel Dias da Silva
Jornalista, Time Out Lisboa
clube do livro silencioso
© Alexandra Fuller

The premise is simple. Members gather at a bar, a cafe, a bookstore, or any other welcoming venue, and then they read silently for an hour, an hour and a half. In the end, those who wish can share their thoughts on what they just read. This is called a Silent Book Club – the idea originated in New York and has already become successful in many other places worldwide.

The Snob bookstore in Lisbon announced its Silent Book Club this week, but there has been one in Cascais since last summer. The first meeting of 2024 is scheduled for January 21st, at 3:00 PM.

If you enjoy reading and having coffee, you might want to mark the event in your calendar. The hosting venue is Nicolau Cascais, which will open its doors to all interested readers. However, please note that just showing up is not enough; you need to confirm your attendance through comments or private messages on the club's Instagram account by January 18th.

And what do you need to bring? A book you're currently reading or want to start, and the willingness to be in silence but in good company for 60 minutes. "It's a lot of fun, and eclectic meetings are created where each person reads what they feel like," concludes Andreia Tibério dos Santos from Arte no Livro, who is a co-founder of this initiative.

Nicolau Cascais, Rua Freitas Reis, 26A. Jan 21, Sun 3:00 PM. Free, upon pre-registration until Jan 18.

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