
An afternoon just for you (and the spa)

This Saturday, January 11th, the Grande Real Villa Itália Hotel & Spa invites you to indulge in a spa day designed for ultimate relaxation.

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Time Out and Visit Cascais
Real Spa Therapy - Grande Real Villa Itália Hotel & Spa

In 2025, the mantra is simple: rest, recharge, and repeat. If you’re looking to stick to this resolution, there’s no better plan than indulging in hours of pure relaxation at the spa, with nothing else on your mind.

Real Spa Therapy has designed the Fresh Start: Mind & Body Retreat, taking place on January 11th, from 3pm to 7pm. This carefully curated session is all about reconnecting your body and mind while soaking up the tranquillity of the serene surroundings.

Here’s what’s on the agenda for your perfect afternoon: it kicks off with an inspiring talk by Paula Trigo, founder and CEO of Xpand Pro – Coaching, Training, and Consulting. Once you’re fully motivated, it’s time for a Yoga & Mindfulness session to get you moving (at your own relaxed pace). And to round off the day, enjoy a thalassotherapy circuit, which harnesses the therapeutic properties of ocean water to rejuvenate and heal. Think benefits for your neurological, circulatory, cardiovascular, dermatological, respiratory, and metabolic systems - all while soaking in a calming atmosphere with Atlantic views. Trust us, you won’t want to leave when it’s all over.

You’ll be in expert hands with a team of highly trained professionals in health and wellness therapies. And if you fancy some company, why not bring a friend along? Tickets are €50 per person, but spots are limited, so don’t wait too long. To secure your place, simply book via phone (+351 210 966 010) or email the spa at

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