
A book that tells the stories of Cascais as if it were a novel

Written by Rita Ferro, with photographs by Libório Manuel Silva, it is part of the Portugal Collection and is now available in bookshops.

Ricardo Farinha
Written by
Ricardo Farinha
Parque Natural Sintra-Cascais
DR | | Parque Natural Sintra-Cascais

After Sesimbra, it's time for Setúbal and Cascais. The publishing house Centro Atlântico has been developing the Portugal Collection, a saga of books with photographs by Libório Manuel Silva for which it invites renowned novelists to write stories based on the histories of different Portuguese lands.

For Cascais, it fell to Rita Ferro to devise a narrative that goes through the history of the town and its people: the aristocracy, the chalets, the main geographical points, some historical characters, various local references and traditions.

Rita Ferro Cascais

The aim is to reveal the history of the locality through a fictionalised and engaging text - with the main characteristics of a novel - but which at the same time can enlighten readers with information about each of the towns and villages in the collection.

All these editions are in hardback and include 64 pages, in a bilingual version (Portuguese and English), with 12 photographs recorded from each author's interpretation of the text. The book dedicated to Cascais can be bought for €15.90 online or in bookshops.

+ What's new in Cascais 

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