
Will you give an hour for Earth?

Earth Hour takes place on Saturday, March 23, and the World Wildlife Fund wants you to make a 60-minute pledge...

Richard Holmes
Written by
Richard Holmes
Local expert, Cape Town
Kirstenbosch movie night
Photograph: WWF

Mark your calendars: 8.30 pm on Saturday, March 23, 2024, sees the return of Earth Hour, an annual global initiative by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) to raise awareness around the ecological crisis facing the planet.

And while in the past this was as simple as switching off the lights for an hour, this year the focus is more proactive; encouraging global citizens to pledge an hour of positive action.

‘More people than ever need to join this year’s Earth Hour to leverage the collective power of individuals and communities,’ says Kirsten Schuijt, Director General of WWF International. ‘It’s crucial to get involved if we want to raise awareness about the environmental challenges and bend the curve of biodiversity loss by 2030… protecting our planet is a shared responsibility and it demands collective action from every corner of society.”

Earth Hour has certainly come a long way since the first hour-long switch-off took place in Sydney in 2007, and this year the WWF is hoping for millions of pledged hours. Not sure what that means, exactly?

Well, that’s up to you, and WWF wants each of us to tap into our own personal passions to pledge an hour of Earth-focused activity on the WWF Hour Bank.

Still not sure how to do it?

Luckily they have also come up with a host of easy suggestions for you to be more mindful of the planet in your hour, whether it’s whipping up a plant-based meal for the family, or taking a quiet moment to snap and share a golden sunset. Of course, a beach clean-up or litter drive in your own community is even better.

And, by spending an hour in planet-positive activity, you also stand a chance to win a weekend in nature at one of 17 AfriCamps around the country. Nice.

As part of the 2024 Earth Hour celebrations, WWF South Africa will also be hosting a special cinema experience in two of South Africa’s most beautiful botanical gardens, including Cape Town’s Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden. Settle in for an evening beneath the stars watching Wall-E, a family-friendly animated feature with a powerful environmental message. Bookings via Webtickets.

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