Secret Garden
Secret Garden
Secret Garden

Secret Garden adds new shows in august

Due to its success, Secret Garden Origins extends its performances so that no one misses this unique immersive experience.

Pilar Tapia

Secret Garden Origins was one of the top choices for families to enjoy during the winter holidays. Because of the success and high turnout for this exhibition, which transforms El Rosedal de Palermo into an open-air museum every night, it will be extended through August, allowing everyone to experience this one-of-a-kind event. Here you can see the available dates.

What is Secret Garden Origins?

Starting at 6:30 p.m., Secret Garden Origins is an artistic and fully experimental tour designed for all family members. As you stroll through nineteen immersive installations, you will be amazed by the various recreations that represent the origins of life, the universe, nature, animals, emotions, human connections, and the cosmos.

It also invites us to rethink our role in caring for and preserving nature and reminds us of the importance of planet Earth as our shared home.

Secret Garden
Secret Garden

Secret Garden Around the World

The immersive exhibition Secret Garden, which in its first edition in 2023 visited the Carlos Thays Botanical Garden in Buenos Aires, then in October of the same year was presented at the Atilio Lombardo Botanical Garden in Montevideo, and is currently on display at Bicentennial Park in Mexico City. It is worth noting that its execution involves proven environmental care standards and is committed to protecting the parks it intervenes in, as well as safeguarding their architectural and cultural heritage.

Secret Garden
Secret Garden

Where: El Rosedal de Palermo. Tickets available here.

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