Riccitelli bistró
Riccitelli bistró

The 3 Michelin Green Star restaurants in Mendoza

Riccitelli, Lagarde, and Casa Vigil are the three Michelin Green Star restaurants that reflect a new era in sustainable gastronomy.


If you’re planning a trip to Mendoza and are interested in discovering places that combine high cuisine with a strong commitment to the environment, don't miss these three restaurants awarded the Michelin Green Star. What does this prestigious guide recognize with this star? It’s an acknowledgment given to gastronomic establishments that stand out for their eco-responsibility.

An interesting fact is that the name "Green Star" was chosen by the community of gastronomy lovers through a survey conducted on the guide's Instagram. Its icon, the green clover, reflects the connection with nature and biodiversity.

Riccitelli, Lagarde, and Casa Vigil agree that the key to a more sustainable and ecological future lies in educating their teams, using garden-grown and seasonal ingredients, constantly practicing recycling, and improving sustainable practices. These restaurants not only offer an authentic gastronomic experience linked to Mendocinean tradition but also stand out as leaders in promoting greener and more responsible gastronomy in Argentina. Let’s get to know them!

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Riccitelli Bistro and its Green Heart

The Michelin Green Star recognition not only highlights the creativity of Riccitelli Bistro but also its strong commitment to the environment. In an interview with Time Out, chef and owner Juan Ventureyra shares how they have managed to integrate sustainable practices into their daily operations, especially in training and educating staff to adopt new habits. “Educating people to form new routines is key. Sustainability is built with the team, and maintaining low staff turnover is crucial to continue improving in this aspect,” he says.

Riccitelli bistró

Although the international recognition has attracted a larger international audience, the restaurant has always maintained a strong connection with the national public, unlike many local wineries that are primarily oriented toward foreign tourism.

Riccitelli bistró

Regarding ingredient selection, Ventureyra reveals an approach rooted in seasonality and climate. “We don’t choose the ingredients, they choose us. We work with vegetables and adjust our dishes according to seasonal production,” he states.

Additionally, Riccitelli actively engages in environmental awareness by promoting urban planting and offering seeds to their customers to encourage home gardens in small spaces. Looking ahead, the chef notes that while innovating in sustainability can be challenging, the real goal is to continue minimizing environmental impact and educating the community through concrete and communicative actions.

"We don’t choose the ingredients, they choose us"

Zonda, From the Garden to the Table

Sofía Pescarmona, owner of Zonda at Bodega Lagarde, tells Time Out that the winery has implemented a series of educational programs and local collaborations to promote responsible practices in gastronomy and support the development of the regional economy. The biggest challenge has been integrating sustainability into all operational aspects, from olive oil production to community education.

Bodega Lagarde

The restaurant’s philosophy regarding sustainability remains constant, based on using products from its garden, caring for the environment, and minimizing waste. The winery continues to aspire to a zero-waste policy, with innovations such as recycling kitchen waste to produce soaps. Ingredient selection is based on what the season offers, increasingly using what is produced in Mendoza.

“The winery continues to aspire to a zero-waste policy”
Bodega Lagarde

To reduce its environmental impact, Lagarde has adopted multiple measures, such as building a reservoir for controlled irrigation and implementing waste management and recycling policies. The winery holds international certifications in sustainable practices and continues to evaluate its water footprint to make necessary adjustments.

These efforts reflect a solid commitment to sustainability and reducing environmental impact in all areas of its operation. Pescarmona adds: “We work for an economy where success is measured by the well-being of people, society, and nature.”

Casa Vigil's Green Responsibility

Iván Azar, chef at Casa Vigil, acknowledges that “the biggest change has been rethinking every aspect of our work. With this star, now more than ever, we feel the responsibility to be leaders and actors that inspire other businesses in the gastronomy sector to incorporate sustainability into their business model.”

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Meanwhile, Sofía Martín, Environmental Area Manager, adds that true transformation requires educating and sensitizing all staff, as well as maintaining a strategic plan to ensure that sustainable actions are effective and transparent.

“True transformation requires educating and sensitizing all staff”
Casa Vigil

Since receiving the Michelin Green Star, Casa Vigil has faced a constant challenge: to improve and innovate without compromising the quality of its cuisine. The star has raised expectations and led the restaurant to reconsider every aspect of its operation, seeking new ways to be responsible with the environment. Juan Ignacio Gerardi, Casa Vigil’s sustainability advisor, explains that the restaurant has focused on maintaining its sustainable practices while seeking innovations that continue to drive environmental responsibility in the gastronomic sector.

Casa Vigil

In terms of environmental impact, Casa Vigil manages organic waste by composting and recycling it and has implemented solar panels to reduce energy consumption. Additionally, the restaurant is in the process of measuring its carbon and water footprint and aims to obtain new certifications that support its commitment to sustainability. In the future, they plan to strengthen their Triple Impact Management, addressing issues such as climate commitment, efficient water use, and circular gastronomy.

Where: Riccitelli Bistro: Callejón Nicolas de la Reta 750, Las Compuertas, Luján de Cuyo, Mendoza. Zonda cocina de paisaje: San Martín 1745, Mayor Drummond, Mendoza. Casa Vigil: Videla Aranda 7008, Maipú, Mendoza.

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