Lucila Portabales
Lucila Portabales

Evita Experience: the ideal way to connect with an icon of argentine history

In the heart of Recoleta, at the former Unzué Palace, this immersive experience explores the world of Eva Perón.


Many tourists come to Buenos Aires interested in the figure of Evita, the woman who went from being born the daughter of an illegitimate family in Los Toldos, a small town in the countryside, to becoming the First Lady and eventually, among other recognitions, being portrayed by Madonna in the famous 1996 musical.

With the aim of telling the story of this icon of Argentine history and under the slogan "the most loved, the most hated," Evita Experience was born. The experience takes place in what remains of the Unzué Palace, in the heart of Recoleta, which was the presidential residence of Juan Domingo Perón and the place where the then First Lady passed away in 1952. Today, in this historically protected space, the bar “Un café con Perón” operates.

Lucila Portabales

Evita Experience invites you to travel back in time through a tour of the palace and its history — with an unbeatable view of the National Library — a play, and a three-course dinner to taste authentic Argentine cuisine. This is an ideal outing for tourists, who describe it with words like “native,” “entertaining,” and “fabulous.” It is also perfect for locals who want to relive the life of a woman who made a mark in Argentine history.

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“Evita is, in addition to being an undeniable figure in Argentine history, one of our strongest icons abroad, beyond our borders,” says Martín Alomar, the director of the show. Together with historian Francisco Taiana, who wrote the script, he brought the production to life.

“Evita is one of our strongest icons abroad, beyond our borders,” says Martín Alomar
Lucila Portabales

It is a one-woman show that chronologically covers Evita's life, from her childhood in Los Toldos in the "small house" — as the second hidden family was called back then — to her last breath, including the beginning and development of her relationship with the former president and the creation of the Eva Perón Foundation. The performance is interspersed with a very interesting curation of audiovisual material.

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Rafaela Gamba and Flora Ferrari movingly portray the role — each one for a week — with period costumes and iconic objects such as the replica of the death mask Juan Carlos Pallarols made of Evita at the time. The entire experience takes place in a cozy room with few elements on stage: a vanity, a chair, a trunk, and a microphone.

Lucila Portabales

In sum, it is a true immersive experience centered around an emblem of Argentine history. It is worth noting that, as it is primarily aimed at foreign audiences, Evita Experience offers simultaneous translation into English and Portuguese through headsets. "For many viewers, it's very interesting, on one hand, all the educational and formative aspects of the show, but also the emotion it provokes in them," summarizes the director.

When and Where: Mondays at 7:00 pm, at “Un Café con Perón,” Austria 2601, CABA.

More Information and Reservations: experience.evita@gmail.com | +54911 5769 4444.

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