1. Obrador Florida

Mercedes Roman is an ice cream nerd and has no problem admitting it. Perfectionist and super attentive to details, this graphic designer raised in Florida, United States, opened a cozy shop with a visible kitchen in 2021. Its flagship flavor is vanilla, prepared from pods brought from Madagascar that cost a small fortune. But when available, we like Higuera, which is obtained by infusing the leaves of the plant, or the sorbet made with orange blossom, juice, and peel.
A note: might be interpreted as audacious because in its classic version, it's the best-selling flavor in all Argentine ice cream shops: the only dulce de leche they have is scented with zest from agroecological oranges and lemons.
Wednesday to Friday, from 3:30 pm to midnight. Saturdays and Sundays, from 3 pm to midnight. IG: @obradorflorida
Where: Soler 5063.