This year's Upfest street art festival attracted over 35,000 visitors and more than 300 artists from around the world. However, even if you got the chance to go, do you know about the lasting legacy those artist have left behind in Bedminster after they packed up their spray paints?
On Saturday October 31, Upfest has partnered with Bedminster Town Team and graffiti culture promoters WhereTheWall for a brand-new street art tour – the first the group have organised south of the river.
The Bedminster Street Art Tour is a one-off for 2015 (although there are plans for three more in 2016) and gives fans a chance to explore Bedminster's graffitied walls, shop fronts and buildings. The tour will be led by 'graffiti godfather' John Nation, who'll be imparting his wealth of knowledge of the Bristol art scene.
South Bristol’s graffiti scene goes back over 30 years, with Dean Lane Skate Park one of Bristol’s longest running halls (or rather, walls) of fame. The popularity of the urban art scene has also left its mark on many of Bedminster’s retail streets.
This year, Upfest saw pieces created by local artists Inkie, Sepr, My Dog Sighs, Jody and Dale VN Marshall, as well as talent from abroad including Dutch duo Telmo Miel, Argentinean Martin Ron, L7M from Brazil and Croatian artist LONAC.
Tickets for the tour cost £9.20 but WhereTheWall will be giving away 25 free tickets to the first 25 people to enter the code 'bedminstertours2015'.

Paul Box
Bedminster Street Art Tour. Saturday October 31, 2pm. The tour starts at the Tobacco Factory Car Park, Raleigh Road, Bristol, BS3 1TF. Find more information here.
Love street art? Check these pictures from 2015's Upfest.