If you despair of the wanton chaos that is Black Friday, then Bristol pie maker Pieminister is offering a far more pleasant alternative to getting trampled outside Asda while the teeming masses scramble their way to a discounted telly.
On Friday November 27, from 8-10am, Pieminister is setting up a pop up shop on Stokes Croft for 'Black Pieday', where it will hand out hundreds its classic beef, chicken and vegetable pies for free.
In exchange, Pieminister asks that you make a goodwill donation to housing and homelessness charity, Shelter.
So, free pie and a warm, fuzzy feeling that you've done something to help people less fortunate, too.
Needless to say, you'll need to get down to Stokes Croft early if you want the best choice.

Pieminister Black Pieday. Friday November 27, 8-10am. 24 Stokes Croft, Bristol, BS1 3PR. Find more info here.
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