After a decade spent working as an office manager, Cliftonwood resident Jessica Siggers finally set her creative juices loose six years ago, when she had her baby girl. After three years working with the Gert Lush choir, Jess is now a full-time freelance photographer on the verge of launching her own range of 'alternative' Bristol postcards.
We stumbled upon Jess's beautiful images of Bristol whilst trawling Instagram, and as the moderator of the Bristol Igers group, we knew she was the perfect person to begin our 'Bristol on Instagram' series with. Here's our city, as seen via Jess's @porthjess account.
Out of all your pictures, which is your favourite?
'I think it's probably this one; late one afternoon last winter, I was out walking around Clifton with my partner in crime (fellow Instagrammer @rosiejam) and our children and the golden hour was incredible. We had around ten minutes of the most beautiful light and enjoyed something of a photo frenzy around Windsor Terrace.'

What's your favourite area in Bristol to snap (and why)?
'I genuinely think every area of Bristol offers something, even if it's not obvious at first. You have to seek it out. But, if I had to choose just one (other than my beloved Cliftonwood), then I'm very fond of walking down through Kingsdown and into either Montpelier or Stokes Croft. That whole area is so rife with inspiration, I'm never sure what to photograph first and usually end up coming home with about 200 photos.'

What’s your go-to filter?
'I realised after a while that the filters Instagram provide are pretty dodgy (sorry Instagram) and if you want to make your phone pictures look a little more professional, then VSCO is your friend. All of my photos go through VSCO, although I do generally only use it to up exposure, adjust saturation and remove shadows. When I do feel the need for a filter, I'll usually find something on Photoshop Express for android. 'Vivid' is my go-to filter there.'

Is there a photo you’ve taken that’s been unexpectedly brilliant?
'Probably this one of an iconic blue and yellow Bristol ferry disappearing into the mist. I took it in a hurry and uploaded it to Instagram with minimal editing, fully expecting to remove it from my feed once I'd checked it over properly later that day and realised how awful it was. However, it got over 180 likes and comments such as "beautiful shot" and "this is awesome". So, obviously, I kept it!'

Where’s the best view in Bristol?
'Bristol has so many. We're very lucky when it comes to great views. My personal favourite is the one you have of the busy harbour, Hotwells and Cliftonwood together when you're sat on the jetty down at the marina (avoiding the duck poo). Throw in some sunny weather, plus a cuppa and salted caramel bubble slice from Brigstow Lounge, and that's my total bliss, right there.'

Follow Jess on Instagram at @porthjess
Check more amazing images of Bristol in our exclusive Beezer 'Wild Dayz' slideshow.