The Hare proudly boasts that it’s “Bristol’s best public house”. While that’s undoubtedly a bold claim, it’s certainly one of the city’s best-kept secrets. Its strongest selling point, for those keen on decent beer, at least, is that it doesn’t try to do too many things. It revels in its status as a “proper pub”, focusing on drinks and atmosphere rather than food and other 21st century gimmicks.
Inside it’s intimate and cozy, with wooden tables, chairs and stools clustered around a small but well-stocked bar. There’s a small but frequently changing real ale range, mostly from local microbreweries, plus high quality continental style lagers and a delicious Camden Ink stout.
The Hare’s other unique selling point is its reclaimed “secret garden”. Accessed via a flight of stairs, it’s long and thin with a seeming jumble of different areas to explore. While it seems small, it can seat 60, making it a perfect place to enjoy the sun in spring or summer.