The Grant Bradley Gallery is probably the last place you’d expect to find next to the imposing brick behemoth that is Asda Bedminster. A warm, airy space with arched windows and mezzanine, its shows range from photography to contemporary German wood sculpture, to special shows for local illustrators.
Built in 1914 by the Wills family as a library and theatre for their employees, the GBG has been firmly in place for ten years now. Unlike some of the larger Bristol institutions, it runs without arts funding, and has a sideline in picture framing, a café, and a shop to help with running costs.
Exhibitions change monthly. There’s no central preoccupation, and the work might be local, regional or international. Being out of town, it’s a gallery that strives to be part of the community, and it encourages people to use the café as a regular meeting place. There are free private viewings on the first Friday evening of each month, too, which are open to all: no invitations or reserve places necessary.