While most adults may have celebrated Halloween over the weekend, tonight is the big night. October 31 is upon us and there are some beautiful places to take the kids trick-or-treating in Boston. These are a few of our favorites.

Beacon Hill
Mount Vernon and Pinckney Streets will be closed to cars from 4-8pm tonight and we can all expect the usually over the top decorations on the houses all over the neighborhood. If you have never trick-or-treated in Beacon Hill, the #1 can’t miss spot is Louisburg Square, the homeowners go all out and somehow top one another every year. However, the whole neighborhood is a delight all evening long, with kids and families enjoying themselves the whole night.
Back Bay
If you are more of a Back Bay family, Marlborough Street will be closed to cars from 4:30-8pm tonight. Similar to Beacon Hill, expect gorgeous décor, lots of costumes and some luxe candy—while it lasts. Many houses are known to give out full size candy bars and other goodies all night long.

South End
Last but not least, if you need one more option in another of Boston’s beautiful Brownstone neighborhoods, head to the South End. Rutland Street will be off limits to cars from 6-8pm. We all know that the South End is a tight knit community and on nights like Halloween it really shows because everyone is on the stoop giving out candy and enjoying the fall weather.
For more Halloween ideas read our guides to Halloween in Boston.