Voice of Boston is our series where we interview local tastemakers on their favorite neighborhoods, restaurants and hangouts around the city. If you missed our last one, catch up on our chat with Mike Lamagna, founder of Long Wharf Supply.
This week we are speaking with Michael Kasseris, a Belmont native, who co-founded The Rail Trail Flatbread Co., New City Microcreamery and Less than Greater than. He inherited his passion for the restaurant industry from his father, Teddy, who established eateries across the state. Armed with an MBA from Babson, Michael co-founded his own popular spots over the past few years.

What are your favorite neighborhoods in Boston?
Seaport Harbor walk. My wife Anna was born and raised in Thessaloniki Greece, so we love to walk around in the Seaport, because it reminds us of being back in Greece.
Where do you go for a late-night bite?
Franklin Cafe is always a go to for me. Food has always been on point and cocktails always hit just right.
In general, what are some of your favorite restaurants and bars right now?
I love Josephine’s in Somerville, Myers and Chang, Greco Seaport and Lolita’s.
Name a “hidden gem” where you always take friends or family when they are visiting from out of town?
Not much of a hidden gem, but when friends from out of town come to Boston, they usually want great seafood and I always take them to Row 34. And another favorite is Yankee Lobster, which is also close by in the Seaport.
What do you think is the best thing about Boston right now?
I feel like Boston is challenging its own reputation and the hospitality scene is leading the way. New neighborhoods are weaving into old ones and it’s bringing new life to areas we didn’t always visit.
What do you think is the worst thing about Boston right now?
I wish developers spent a little more attention to the architecture of the building they are putting up. Glass and concrete are out. How about some brick granite?
What is your go-to Dunkin Donuts coffee order?
Medium iced coffee splash of milk.