
Celebrate Allston Christmas this weekend at the new Stop & Shop (with presents!)

At two locations in student-heavy areas, the local grocer is giving out Santa sacks to haul home your street treasures.

Tanya Edwards
Written by
Tanya Edwards
Stop & Shop Allston Christmas bag
Photograph: Courtesy Stop & Shop

It’s time for every undergrad—and let’s be honest, many apartment dwellers in the Greater Boston area—to celebrate a time-honored annual holiday, Allston Christmas. 

(Unfamiliar with this particularly Boston-centric tradition? Allston Christmas refers to all the unwanted belongings left on the curb for anyone to take during the last weekend of August and first weekend in September, when the majority of leases, especially in student-heavy areas like Allston-Brighton, turn over each year.)

This year, Stop & Shop is celebrating Allston Christmas in a fun way at its newest location. On Saturday, Aug. 31, and Sunday, Sept. 1, from 11am–1 pm both days, the local grocer is hosting an Allston Christmas party at its store at 305 Guest St. at Allston Yards. The store will have free food samples, holiday music playing—and even Santa Claus will make an appearance to make the festivities more jolly. 

Santa is handing out goodies to shoppers, as well. Customers who spend $25 or more will receive a limited-edition Allston Christmas shopping bag. The giant-size vessel is designed to haul your second-hand treasures home (or, maybe a big grocery run). Covered with illustrations depicting scenes from Allston Christmas—think: furniture-strewn streets—the shopping bags are also available at the Mission Hill Stop & Shop.

When it comes to Allston Christmas gifts, we’d suggest sticking to wood, plastic and metal items such as bookshelves, nightstands and small appliances. For bedbug reasons, you should really avoid anything with upholstery. So if you’re in the market for a gently used dresser, bed frame or some pre-read books, get thee to Allston this weekend to pick through departing renters cast-off belongings. 

And maybe hit Stop & Shop first to get a cute goodie bag from Santa. What better way to haul home your new-to-you toaster?

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