When it comes to tanning if your life philosophy includes hitting the beach for some rays then you'll find no better place for tanning on pristine, sun kissed beaches than Tyre. Throw a towel, a book and a bottle of tanning oil into a bag and you can be sure of a good day. Make the stay even better by heading over to the beach huts which offer grills, drinks (some alcoholic) and argileh between the months of May to September. The great quality of the beach in Tyre is due in part to the fact that the area has been designated as a nature reserve because of the giant turtles that use the dunes to lay their eggs. There are a number of other different wildlife species in the area and you can pick up more information from nearby information centre.
Once you’ve achieved that perfect shade of brown, there is only one thing left to do; walk around and show it off to everyone (taking account of the somewhat more conservative sensibilities of this southern idle). The port area in Tyre is one of the main hubs of the city, with brightly coloured buildings and charming shaded streets you can wander around in to your heart’s content. If your feet start to ache then you won't have trouble finding a cafe or bar on the seafront where you can grab a drink and watch the local fishermen preparing their nets or heading out in their boats to get the catch of the day. However relaxing ambling around might be, you’re likely to build up an appetite. There a number of wonderful restaurants in the area, but shame on you if you visit Tyre and don’t eat some fish. Al Fanaris an ever popular, family run venue, located next to the lighthouse, which comes with a fantastic restaurant that overlooks the harbour and a bar on the sea-side deck out back. When it comes to fish, you need look no further than Le Phenicien , which is famed for seafood mezze, which offers a medley of different types of fish prepared in a variety of different ways. All the fish served is so wonderfully fresh you could believe that they only caught it after you ordered it. The spiced fish mezze is a particular treat that you must try.
Al Fanar (07 741111) Rachid Nakhle Street, Tyre, http://www.alfanarresort.com/aboutus.asp
Le Phenicien (07-740 564) Old fishermen port, Tyre
By: James Haines-Young