Day 1 – afternoon: a strong, docile animal

If you think this activity is only aimed at children, then think again! Of course the younger family members will love it, but if you’re really just a big kid at heart, then you’ll also have a fantastic time taking a ride on a donkey with the company Rucs del Far, which is located in the Can Jalpí park in Arenys de Munt. It’s a good idea to book in advance, just to make sure there are enough donkeys available – once you meet the creatures, you won’t be able to help falling in love with this docile, capable animal that can carry you up, down and all around. However, if you prefer a smoother ride, the tour can also be done by carriage.
Rucs del Far is working on the survival of the ruc breed of donkey, which only a few years back, seemed set to become extinct. On their land, Rucs del Far have a small farm with other animals, a carriage museum, a picnic area, a vegetable garden and, opened just recently, an archery practice range. So, as well as riding a donkey, you can spend a great afternoon there enjoying the other activities on offer.