Afternoon day 1: The bowels of Montserrat

We want to start our trip in a magical spot. Although the mountain of Montserrat is already spectacular outside, inside its beauty is just as breathtaking. Its rocks conceal a unique underground world, and it is best seen and enjoyed at the Saltpetre Caves (Coves del Salnitre) in Collbató.
Perhaps it is just our imagination but during this half-kilometre walk through the bowels of the holy mountain you seem to be looking at Gaudí's architecture, organ pipes or even the sculpture of La Moreneta, which leaves you fascinated and a little disconcerted. Is it really possible that Antoni Gaudí visited here and was inspired for the design of his buildings? We cannot be certain about the great architect but we do know that other renowned figures such as Santiago Rusiñol, Ramon Casas and Jacint Verdaguer did visit the caves.
But this was a long time ago. Now we are here and we can admire these underground landscapes that water has patiently sculpted in the stone over thousands of years.