
When you arrive in Súria, we recommend that you leave your in Carrer d'Àngel Guimerà, near the Cardener River, and walk along the-streets leading to the Poble Vell. It seems a very steep climb but isn’t very far. For example, you can take Carrer de Sant Jaume and then Carrer de Sant Sebastià, and you’ll soon be on high ground. Next to a viewpoint, you’ll find the Portal de Garbona. Cross it and you’ll be in the medieval site, with cobbled streets and houses whose front doors still bear the name they have had for years (Cal Castilla, Cal Juliu, Cal Quim, Cal Xicana...). Wander around at leisure, along Carrer de la Mura, Carrer de Sant Climent, Carrer Major... You’ll soon reach Plaça Major, the centre point. Finally, you’ll reach the church, attached to the castle, the top of Súria and the origin of everything.