Cal Rosal and Guardiola de Berguedà

No matter what day you chose for this getaway we suggest a visit to the Mercat del Bolet de Cal Rosal, because the market stalls are open every day from Monday to Sunday, this year until 30 November. There are fresh mushrooms picked from the surrounding forests, of all types and in different shapes, and some sellers have agro-food products from the region. The market is in Olvan, in the municipal district of Cal Rosal, very close to the C16 road. Also open every day until end of November is the Mercat del Bolet de Guardiola de Berguedà. If you visit this pre-Pyrenees region on these dates, you have no excuse for returning home without a good selection of mushrooms. But don’t claim you picked them yourselves! And save some time to wander through the streets of Olvan and Guardiola de Berguedà before lunch.
If you fancy mushrooms, head to one of the restaurants that form part of La Cuina del Bolet campaign. On this link you’ll find the complete list of establishments for 2019 and the “mushroom menus” they offer. Just reading the list of dishes makes your mouth water!