Not only will you be in a new city, speaking and hearing new languages, but you're also sure to get caught up in a bit of red tape when trying to figure out how things work. Allow us to help with a few bureaucratic steps to setting up a life in Barcelona, the transport options, how to validate a degree, and where to learn Catalan or Spanish.
What do I need to open a bank account?
You need a letter of acceptance from your host university or research centre, or any document that proves you’re studying or doing research at a centre in Catalonia, as well as a passport and a foreigner’s ID number (NIE). If you’re a national of an EU member state, apply for the NIE at the police station located at Rambla Guipúscoa, 74. You’ll need a prior appointment, which you can make at (some of the info is in English, but certain sections are in Spanish only). If you don’t come from an EU member country, you should go to the police station at Pg. de Sant Joan, 189; to make an appointment, email
Do I need to register with the authorities?
Registration ('empadronament') with the city council enables you to become a resident of Barcelona. Everyone, with or without Spanish residence permits, has to register, and it enables you to carry out various administrative processes. To register, go to a Citizen Service Centre (Oficina d'Atenció Ciutadà); the addresses are listed on, and it's a good idea to call 010 or go online to make a prior appointment.
How can I access the public health system?
If you come from an EU or EEA member state or Switzerland, you need either a valid European Health Card (issued in your home country) or private medical insurance for the duration of your stay. Non-EU citizens: you'll require private medical insurance that covers your time here. Primary medical care is provided at neighbourhood CAP centres: see or call 902 111 444.
Which card should I use to travel by public transport in Barcelona?
The most popular integrated travel cards (for metro, bus, FGC, tram and Renfe trains) are:
T-10: A multi-person travel card allowing 10 journeys to be made on all operators in the Integrated Fare System (IFS) across one to six zones. In the case of one-zone cards, passengers have 75 minutes from validating the ticket to change lines or mode of transport (eg, bus to train); this time increases by 15 minutes per zone.
T-Mes (monthly travel card): A holder-specific travel card allowing unlimited journeys on all operators in the IFS, and which lasts one calendar month. T-Mes cards must be used in conjunction with a valid ID such as a national ID document or any ID issued by IFS operators.
T-Jove (young person travel card): Under-25s can use this personalised card to make unlimited journeys over 90 days (from the first validation) on all operators in the IFS. Proof of age is necessary with a valid national ID document, NIE or passport.
T-50/30: An individual travel card valid for 50 journeys over 30 consecutive days from the first validation. In the case of one-zone cards, holders have 75 minutes between the first and last validation when changing lines or mode of transport.
For more details on ickets and route maps, visit
Where I can get my foreign degree approved/validated?
You should go to the High Inspectorate Area of Education in C/Bergara, 12, ground floor. T. 93 520 96 03.
Where can I learn Catalan?
Consorci per a la Normalització Lingüística (CpNL)
UPF Idiomes
Where can I learn Spanish?
UAB Idiomes
Merit School UPC
UPF Idiomes
How can I get free WiFi internet access?
Barcelona WiFi is a service from the local council that enables you to connect to the internet through WiFi hotspots in various municipal amenities and public access points. You can find a list of WiFi stations at
Where can I find the contact details of my consulate?
The website of the Generalitat has information about the 100 or so consulates in the city:
Safety tips
Every big city has its risks. While there’s no need to be paranoid, it is a good idea to stay safe. Here’s a guide to what to look out for and what to do in case you need help.
Before starting out on your big Barcelona adventure, you may want to gather practical information just in case you run into problems. For example, get the phone number of your country’s embassy or consulate, and any numbers you might need to cancel credit cards or handle medical emergencies. During your stay, there are many things that you can do to keep yourself safe:
When making reservations or renting accommodations it’s best to use the services of institutions and organisations dedicated to that purpose, as recommended by Barcelona Centre Universitari (
If you use public transport, be sure to keep an eye on your personal belongings, especially your phone and money.
If you travel by car, take the appropriate safety measures. Note that everyone in the car needs to wear a seat belt, and it’s best not to stop for strangers. Try to park in well-lit locations where there are other people about.
Avoid showing your cash in public and, if possible, carry a small amount.
In any crowded place, you might want to strap your bag and/or camera across your front, rather than your back. It’s also important to use a secure closure, such as locks, zips, etc., ensuring that it's always properly closed.
In restaurants and bars, ask for the price of food and drinks to avoid surprises when paying.
You may come across people who will try to divert your attention with various excuses (saying you have stains on your clothes, selling flowers, asking for your signature, etc.). Do your best to avoid them, as they could be pickpockets.
You may also find people in the street seeking your participation in forms of gambling games that appear easy to win. Remember that these people run their games ‘professionally’, with the aim of earning money through dishonest means. Such activity is illegal and prosecuted by the police as fraud.
On the beaches respect the coloured flags indicating whether it's safe to swim. If you’re going alone to the beach and planning to swim, it’s best not to leave valuables unattended, and, in general, you should only take with you what you really need.
Emergencies: 112 (see below)
Fire brigade: 080
Health emergencies: 061
Local police (Guàrdia Urbana): 092
Duty courts: 93 567 31 40
Duty pharmacies: 93 481 00 60
Call 112
If you’re the victim of a crime, ask for help from a police officer or call 112. This number works for all emergency services, including ambulances and the fire brigade. It’s free, works 24/7 and you can even call using your mobile from places where you can’t get a signal with your provider (so long as another company can; you can get a signal everywhere in Barcelona except a few spots underground). Operators can help you in English, French and German as well as Catalan and Spanish. If you prefer, there are two pass you can download, ‘112 accessible’ and ‘My 112’, for accessing the service – your phone will then use geolocation to identify your position so the respondent can find you. Both apps are free, useful and easy to use. For details, contact