Record Store Day is an international event celebrated on the third Saturday of April which started in a record shop in the USA. The aim is to promote the sale of albums in shops, as opposed to other avenues, something that's needed more than ever now that more and more beloved record shops are having to close their doors for good. In Barcelona there will be free concerts on all day long in many of the record shops that are still fighting the good fight in the city, from veterans like Discos Revólver, Revólver Records and Disco 100 as well as the newer stores like La Botiga del Primavera, BCore and Ultra-Local Records. Here's the line-up for Saturday, April 22.
Discos Revólver
4.15pm Ramírez Exposure
5pm Manu Ferrón
6pm Las Ruinas
Revólver Records
4pm Tori Sparks
7.45pm Guadalupe Plata
8.30pm The Wax
Noon Ramírez Exposure
3pm Zenjiskan (Beatification party resident DJ)
5pm Nelson Poblete
6.30pm Joan Queralt & The Seasicks
Jumping Man
10.30am Beat Creator DJ
Noon Edui Bercedo
12.30pm Avernessus
1pm Soula Siete (Fluff, Green, Mindz, Fuckrense, MonoShao, Eddie B, Lazy, Lava, Daren, Dual)
1.30pm Llam Street & Music DJ
2.30pm The Piri expirience
3.30pm Llam Street & Music DJ
4.30pm Fajardo
5pm Esteban Perez DJ
6pm The Conqueror Project
Noon-2pm CRIM DJ
5pm-8pm Madee DJ
Tori Sparks
Manu Ferrón
Daniel Lumbreras
The Lazy Lies
4 Hiverns
Disco 100
Noon The Lazy Lies
4.30pm Marta Delmont
5.15pm Guadalupe Plata
6pm Ada Van
6.45pm Chet
7.30pm Mazoni
La Botiga del Primavera
Noon Gener
1pm Retirada!
2pm Manu Ferrón
5pm Orange Broek
6pm Lorien
Ultra-Local Records
Noon Manu Ferrón
1pm Últim Cavall
2pm Ran Ran Ran
3pm Mazoni
5pm Os Brú
6pm Esther Condal
7.30pm Hidrogenesse DJs
Rhythm Control
1pm Rhythm Control DJ and friends