
Public holidays in Barcelona

Days when you might find some establishments closed and public transport limited... and celebrations to attend!


Most shops, banks and offices, and many bars and restaurants, close on public holidays (‘festius’/‘festivos’), and public transport is limited. Plenty of locals take long weekends whenever a major holiday comes along. If the holiday coincides with, say, a Tuesday or a Thursday, many will take the Monday or Friday off, in what is known as a ‘pont’/‘puente’ (‘bridge’).

New Year’s Day (Any Nou) Jan 1
Three Kings (Reis Mags) Jan 6
Good Friday (Divendres Sant)
Easter Monday (Dilluns de Pasqua)
May (Labour) Day (Festa del Treball) May 1
Mon after Whitsun (Segona Pascua) Jun 1, 2020
Sant Joan Jun 24
Verge de l’Assumpció Aug 15
Catalan National Day (Diada de Catalunya) Sep 11
La Mercè Sep 24
All Saints’ Day (Tots Sants) Nov 1
Constitution Day (Día de la Constitución) Dec 6
La Immaculada Dec 8
Christmas Day (Nadal) Dec 25
Boxing Day (Sant Esteve) Dec 26

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