Celler de Barberà de la Conca

Modernista wineries: Sarral, Espluga de Francolí & Barberà de la Conca

  • Things to do | Walks and tours

Time Out says

Set off on a cultural adventure to discover and enjoy the passionate world of wine in the incomparable wine region of Conca de Barberà. Characterised by a beautiful landscape full of vineyards, the region offers the possibility of getting to know the wine-making tradition along with the historical modernist wineries, referred to as 'cathedrals of wine' by Catalan writer Àngel Guimerà.

These places that make wine and cava have become big tourist attractions in the area. You can visit them, stroll through the vineyards, get to know and try grape varietals – including the Trepat, which is native to Conca de Barberà, and from which prestigious rosé wines and cavas are made. In Sarral you can ring 977 89 00 31, or write to tares@covisal.cat. In Espluga de Francolí, ring 977 87 12 20 or write to turisme@esplugadefrancoli.cat, and in Barberà de la Conca, call 977 88 70 35 or write to cobarbera@doconcadebarbera.com, and ring 977 87 12 47 for reservations.


L'Espluga de Francolí
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