Love Local
Image: Time Out
Image: Time Out

Love Local: Time Out pledges support for local food, drink and culture

Time Out Barcelona is backing organisations in the city by lending our voice to an initiative helping out small businesses

María José Gómez

Hola Barcelona,

Back in March, Time Out changed its name to Time In. All over the world, people were suddenly asked to stay indoors to protect themselves and others. Now lockdowns are being relaxed in many countries – but it’s becoming clear that social distancing in some form will be with us for the long run, and that spells danger for the places that make city life worth living.

The Time Out Barcelona editors have been seeking out the best of city life since 2008. We know that Barcelona is nothing without its restaurants, cafés, bars, theatres, music venues, nightclubs, cinemas, museums, art galleries – and all the other local, independently run places where people come together to eat, drink, laugh, think, create, cut loose and fall in love. 

If we don’t take action right now, countless places like this will have to close their doors forever, and thousands of artists, musicians, actors, film-makers, designers and other creatives and makers will be left unable to earn a living. This is not an exaggeration. Many venues, already struggling to pay their bills, face a total collapse due to having been closed for months and limits put on them to adapt to social distancing measures applied in the various phases of de-escalation

The impact in the food and drinks sector has been brutal, with many restaurants and bars having already locked their doors for good. Those that will be able to reopen will be met with an incredibly complicated landscape. More than just places to hang out for a fun night out, these businesses are part of our cultural heritage as a city. At Time Out, we believe that gastronomy is culture, and we’re determined to help.

That’s why we’ve launched Love Local, a campaign that Time Outs around the world are joining in so we can officially lend our voice to crucial campaigns that are fighting to support local food, drink, culture and entertainment in cities worldwide. In Barcelona we’re supporting Raise Your Fork, a new association that brings together more than 150 bars and restaurants and works toward a quality culinary offering in the city thats also diverse and sustainable.

Follow us on TwitterFacebook and Instagram to see how we’ll be stepping up our campaign over the coming weeks. Together, well work to see our city recover its wonderful venues, where we have spent so many amazing times.

And finally, to the businesses going through a tough time right now: know that we’re with you. And when you return, we’ll be first in line.

María José Gómez
Time Out Barcelona

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