1. Una flor, un desig
    Una flor, un desig
  2. La Rambla en flor
    La Rambla en flor

Festa del Roser rose and flower festival 2019

  • Things to do

Time Out says

La Rambla's Festa Major is back again, with the organisation Amics de la Rambla at the top of its game decorating various buildings along the avenue with 'The Rambla in Flower', a floral tribute you can admire on buildings such as Arts Santa Mònica, the shopping centre El Triangle, the Columbus monument, the Palau de la Virreina, and the Ateneu Barcelonès garden, among others.

That's the big attraction of this year's Festival of Roses, which the Amics de la Rambla have put on ever year since 1962, and this year is on from October 5 to 11, with happenings such as 'One flower, one wish' (Oct 5, 11am), a participative project with flowers as stars; and a chocolate feast (Oct 5, 11am) that's part of the celebration every year, brought to you by Café de la Ópera. The Teatrino of the Liceu Conservatory is the setting for a free concert (with prior reservation) from Ricardo Lezón (Oct 5, 7pm), singer, songwriter and lyricist for the group McEnroe.

Also during the festival different private and public cultural venues open their doors, offering free entry. To get in, however, you've got to book your free tickets in advance by calling 93 317 29 40. Participating venues include the Palau Moja, the Enric Miralles Foundation, the Gran Teatre del Liceu, and the Palau Güell, among others.


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