Barcelona remains in Phase 0
Photograph: Marc Lozano | Barcelona remains in Phase 0
Photograph: Marc Lozano

Barcelona remains in Phase 0: What can you do and not do?

With just one out of ten people in Catalonia moving into Phase 1 of de-escalation, find out what this means for Barcelona


The Spanish government has granted a request from the Catalan government: keep the region of Barcelona and three others (Central Catalonia, Girona and Lleida) in Phase 0 of the country's proposed de-escalation phases, for at least one more week. So just Terres del l'Ebre, Camp de Tarragona and Pirineu-Aran move into Phase 1 on May 11.

The idea to extend Phase 0 in more populated areas such as Barcelona, according to the Minister of Health, Alba Vergés, is due to the desire 'to avoid a new outbreak of infections' and was decided taking into account 'social and epidemiological indicators'. But in practice, what does it mean to stay in Phase 0 for another week?

What can we do in Phase 0?


- All business that are smaller than 400 m2 can open
- Shopping centres must remain closed
- You can shop in these smaller spaces only by appointment
- Customers over 65 are given preference
- A minimum distance of 2 metres between clients and employees must be guaranteed
- You can go and pick up items you've previously ordered online or by telephone
- Among others, included in this phase are hairdressers, bookshops and beauty centres


- Open only for takeaway orders made in advance
- An appointment for pick-up must be made
- Only one customer per employee allowed inside at a time
- Terraces must remain closed until Phase 1, and then only under strict safety conditions


- Masks must be worn on all forms of public transport at all times
- Private vehicles can be used only for authorized movements (going to work, supermarkets, pharmacies, looking after dependents...)
- In any vehicle, there can be just one person per row of seats. Masks must be worn at all times
- It's not allowed to leave the province where you live


- Individual exercise or sport as well as walks with a maximum of one person you live with are permitted within the timetables previously established
-Beaches: you can be at the seafront for individual exercise only from 6am to 10am daily. Swimming in the sea is not permitted (except for permitted water sports), nor are strolling on the sand or sunbathing
- Always keep a safe distance between you and others; the use of a mask is recommended for walks
- Professional athletes can resume training without a time limit, but as long as training is done individually and without leaving the province

What will we be able to do in Phase 1?

With Phase 1 comes a moderate relaxing of the restrictions, such as meeting up with family members (maximum of ten people, and everyone must be in good health and not in a period of self-isolation), opening bar terraces (up to 50 percent capacity), driving in a private vehicle (with a maximum total of nine people) and attending wakes and funerals with a limited amount of guests. 

As for the service sector, small businesses can open and take customers without previous appointments, as long as the customers make up no more than 30 percent of the space's capacity at any one time. Hotels can reopen, but their common areas must remain closed.

RECOMMENDED: Practical guide to de-escalation in Spain

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