Tió de Nadal
Starting on the feast day of the Immaculate Conception (Dec 8), a log called the Tió de Nadal, but more commonly nicknamed the 'caga tió' (loosely translated into English as 'poo log'), is set up with legs, a smiling face, and a red hat. Families cover the Tió with a blanket, and every night until Christmas, they feed him. The children are meant to take good care of their little log so he will eventually poo out some really good treats and gifts for them. On Christmas Eve or Day, children sit on or near their log friend, beat him with a stick and sing the Caga Tió song. Though there are many variations, an example of the lyrics is as follows: Caga tió, hazelnuts and nougat / If you don't want to poo / We will hit you with a stick.
After singing the verses, the kids then reach under the blanket to see what their beaten log has pooped out that they can then gobble up or play with.