In 1984, Winston Smith lives in a world of constant surveillance, of perpetual war where only the name of the enemy changes, a world in which cheap entertainment, alcohol and the lottery ticket keeps the masses ignorant but content, a world of doublethink, thoughtcrime, and newspeak. Sound familiar? In 2017, we live in a world of constant surveillance, of perpetual war where only the name of the enemy changes, a world in which cheap entertainment, alcohol and the lottery ticket keeps the masses ignorant but content, a world of fake news, alternative facts and post-truth. Whether Breitbart or the BBC, we are all Winston Smith. Big Brother is the modern surveillance state. And he is definitely watching you.
Escapade Theatre brings you George Orwell's epic, dystopian view of the future. Our present. From November 2 to 12 (Thu, Fri, Sat and Sun shows). See website for discounts and offers.
Time Out says
- Event website:
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- Price:
- €15-€20 (see website for discounts and offers)
- Opening hours:
- Thu-Sat 8pm; Sun 6pm
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