July 2015
- Ateneu Flor de Maig
- Bamberg Symphony Orchestra
- OBC: Stravinsky's The Firebird
- Centre Cultural Sant Vicenç de Sarrià
- Fundació Sida i Societat
- Fundació Privada de l'Auditori i l'Orquestra
- Rick Astley
- Odd Nerdrum & The Nerdrum School
- Discover Catalonia 2015: nature getaways
- Discover Catalonia 2015: family getaways
- Discover Catalonia 2015: cultural getaways
- Discover Catalonia 2015: gastronomic getaways
- Dona cançó
- Associació Catalana d'Escoles de Música
- Fundació Música Contemporània
- DGTL 2015
- Châtelet
- Estraperlo Club del Ritme
- Associació Coordinadora de Grups de Rock de La Sedeta
- TEB Fundació Privada
- Camilo Franco
- Cementiri de Poblenou
- Institut d'Estudis Andorrans
- Centre d'Estudis Ignasi Iglésias
- Associació Catalana Il·lusionisme
- Associació Catalana de Ceràmica
- Icària Iniciatives Socials
- Fundació Catalana per a la Paràlisi Cerebral
- Fundació Enric Miralles
- Centre Cívic l'Elèctric
- El Col·leccionista
- Maniac + Suspect Parts
- No Joy
- Alejandro Sanz
- Maná
- Jim Adkins (Jimmy Eat World)
- Caprichos de Apolo 2015: The Delines
- Caprichos de Apolo 2015: Klaus Johann Grobe
- Gambeat Weekend 2015: Dead Ghosts + Los Explosivos + The Missing Souls + Royal Roosters
- Gambeat Weekend 2015: Go!Zilla + The Kumari + The Shivas + TT Syndicate
- Gambeat Weekend 2015: The Ratkellers
- Fundació Lluís Llach
- Associació Cultural Homesession Arts Visuals
- Fundació Sagrera
- Taller Quadrat 9
- Fundació Imatge i Autoestima
- Fundació Claperós
- Institut Internacional d'Estudis Liberals i Estratègics de Catalunya
- Libidanze: Dennis Ferrer + Andre Hommen
- El Calafate
- Reial Club de Polo Barcelona
- Negro-Rojo
- Fundació Catalana Guimbarda
- Piknic #6: Pachanga Boys + Deetron + Catz’n Dogz + Chessemaker
- Spanish Brass Luur Metalls
- Fundació Babel - Punto de Encuentro
- Societat Catalana de Bioètica (Acadèmia de Ciències Mèdiques i de la Salut)
- Fundació Romea per a les Arts Escèniques
- Fundació Privada Benallar
- La Masia Guineueta - Associació de Lleure
- Associació Catalana de l'Orgue (Secretaria)
- Fundació Privada Pro Vellesa Autònoma - PROVEA
- Fundació Privada Equilibri
- Girlie Circuit 2015: Football tournament
- Circuit 2015: Open-air LGBT short-film session
- Circuit 2015: Sing-Along, The Rocky Horror Picture Show
- Circuit 2015: Erotic-literary cultural tour
- Girlie Circuit 2015: Women's open mic – poetry and stories
- Girlie Circuit 2015: Women's self-defence class at the beach
- Associació de Dissenyadors Gràfics i Directors d'Art (ADG-FAD)
- Institució Cultural de Les Corts
- Associació de Dones Pal·las Atena de Barcelona
- Associació Professional de Traductors i Intèrprets de Catalunya
- Associació Catalana Mags i Il·lusionistes Professionals
- Xino-Xano Associació de Lleure
- Fundació Occitano-Catalana
- Fundación Privada Prevent
- Associació Catalana de Puntaires
- Fundació Vicki Bernadet
- Grup Internacional de Música, Dansa, Teatre i Arts Escèniques Renaixença de Barcelona
- Fundació Privada Nous Horitzons
- Associació de Professionals de la Gestió Cultural de Catalunya
- Associació Amics de la Baldufa
- Fundació Escola Art Floral Catalunya
- Fundació del Bàsquet Català
- Centre Social de Sants
- Centre Montserrat-Xavier
- Fundació Casa Amèrica Catalunya
- Cercle d'Agermanament Occitano-Català
- Col·lectiu Esport per a Tothom 10 (CET 10)
- Centro Cultural Andaluz y Artístico Manuel de Falla
- Fundació Interarts
- Fundación Johan Cruyff
- Fundació Universitat Ramon Llull
- Circuit 2015: Amor / Miedo / Otras mierdas
- Circuit 2015: Projecte Gènere 5-Intersex
- Grec 2015: The Civil Wars
- Agrupament Escolta Marcel·lí Champagnat
- Paddock Motard Bar
- Bigas Luna: land, desire, scripts
- Girlie Circuit 2015: La Leche!
- Girlie Circuit 2016: The Legend Party
- Música als Parcs 2015: Iago Aguado Quartet
- Música als Parcs 2015: Ondita
- Girlie Circuit 2015: Lezzgo!
- Música als Parcs 2015: BDSM Trio
- Circuit 2016: Water Park
- Música als Parcs 2015: Marta Casas
- Circuit 2015: Forever Tel Aviv
- Música als Parcs 2015: Gorg Trio
- Circuit 2015: Big Opening
- Música als Parcs 2015: Pindio
- Música als Parcs 2015: Barcelona Gipsy Klezmer Orchestra
- Top restaurants on the Costa Brava
- Things to see and do on the Costa Brava
- Costa Brava: captivating and inspiring artists from around the world
- La plaça del folk 2015: Arrels de Gràcia
- La plaça del folk 2015: La Troba Kung-Fú
- La plaça del folk 2015: NewCat_ètnic + Orquestrina Trama
- La plaça del folk 2015: Itaca Band
- La plaça del folk 2015: RIU
- La plaça del folk 2015: Derrumband
- The Beatles Forever
- Summer Nights at La Pedrera 2015: Susan Sheiman Open Gate
- Summer Nights at La Pedrera 2015: JP. Derouard & Ignasi Terraza & Juli Amy Remembering Louis
- Festigàbal 2015: Anarquia és independència
- Nits d'estiu a La Pedrera 2015: Garcia/Richardson/Warburton Three
- Nits d'estiu a La Pedrera 2015: Àrid Feat. Kathryn Christie
- Festigàbal 2015: Joe Crepúsculo + Mujeres + Rombo
- Festigàbal 2015: Joan Colomo & la Radiofórmula + Las Ruinas + Dofí Malalt
- Mas i Mas Festival 2015: Anton Jarl Quartet plays Coltrane
- Mas i Mas Festival 2015: Esther Ovejero
- Mas i Mas Festival 2015: Jean Toussaint Quartet
- Mas i Mas Festival 2015: Bob Sands & Dexterity feat. Kirk Lightsey
- Mas i Mas Festival 2015: Geni Barry Quartet
- Mas i Mas Festival 2015: Violetta Curry & Jaume Vilaseca Trio
- Mas i Mas Festival 2015: The Gramophone All Stars Big Band
- Timeless. Massimo Vignelli
- SaturGays: La Troya
- Europe
- Secretsundaze Off Sonar 2013: Chez Damier + Delano Smith + Amir Alexander + Sam Soda + Anthony Naples...
- Víkings
- Taboo: Barcelona Burlesque Nights
- L'home del metro (The Man on the Metro)
- Carles Casagemas. L'artista sota el mite
- Bremen
- Primavera Sound 2013. Primavera in the Clubs: Deerhunter + The 2 Bears + Allah-Las + Merchandise + Miquel Serra
- Oasis
- Skinmates 13: Skin, Sneakers & Rubber Sex party
- Underwear Party
- On the Garage
- VenTú! Solidari
- The Spanish Guitar in concert: Barcelona 4 Guitars
- Grec 2013: Capricis
- One-Hit Wonders
- Phenomena: Lifeforce + Invasion USA
- Wine Harvest in the Penedès region
- Primera persona: Max Mix / Caitlin Moran i Marta Salicrú / Jon Langford / The Monochrome Set
- Pink Floyd. The Wall
- Mas i Mas Festival 2014: China Moses & Raphaël Lemonnier
- SomosLas: Disco Mordisco + DJ Coco + Ferdiyei
- Bearcelona 14: Dance Party
- Night of contemporary dance
- Barcelona, from George Orwell to Democracy
- DNIT: Trust
- Una voce in off / La voix humaine
- Brunch Electronik: Tiger & Woods + Coma + Acid Arab + Baldo
- Arctic Monkeys + The Strypes
- Piknic #9: Galaktika
- DNIT: Oneohtrix Point Never
- Miss Kittin & The Boys: Timo Maas + Oxia
- Nitsa: Mathew Jonson + DJ Fra + William Dafoe
- Wire + Betunizer
- Phenomena: Triologia Indiana Jones
- Sant Jordi 2015 on La Rambla
- Tabea Zimmermann
- Superman
- Grec 2014: Migdalia Hechavarría & José Luis Cortés 'El Tosco'
- Intèrprets Catalans: Alba Ventura
- Grec 2013: Fuegos (Fires)
- Festival Jardins de Pedralbes 2015: Mika
- Daddy Yankee
- Mercè 2013: Burruezo & Bohèmia Camerata + Coral Cypsella
- OBC + Alan Buribayev + Nelson Freire
- Atelier des Jeunes
- Carmina Burana + Beethoven's Ninth Symphony
- Quartet Casals: Inici amb Xostakóvitx
- (What's the story) morning glory? Pere Nolasc Plana + Jon Cottle
- Handmade Festival Barcelona 2015
- OBC: Pixar in Concert
- Mitsuko Uchida
- The Rocky Horror Halloween Show
- Barcelona: Passatges de traducció
- 18th-century Neapolitan nativity scene
- En compañía de lobos
- Third Seminar of African Music
- The OBC at Mercat de les Flors
- Mercè 2013: Correfoc
- Mercè 2013: Piromusical
- Flamingo Tours
- My Perfect Mind
- Fire!! 13: (In)Voluntary Departure
- Joaquín Sabina
- Primera Persona: Robert Forster (The Go-Betweens)
- Xarim Aresté (Very Pomelo)
- Viatge a través del blau: La vida
- Tarantina 2014
- Mecal Air 2014: inauguration
- The Martinez Brothers + Smoke Signals
- The Immaterial Legacy
- Ariana Grande
- Osaka Monaurail
- BioCultura 2014
- Primavera Sound 2013: My Bloody Valentine + Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds + Dexys + Wu-Tang Clan...
- 45 Voll-Damm Festival Internacional de Jazz de Barcelona: Carles Margarit
- OBC + Germanes Labèque
- Bachcelona 2015: BZM Ensemble and Choir
- 45 Voll-Damm Festival Internacional de Jazz de Barcelona: Andrea Motis & Joan Chamorro Big Band
- Sant Jordi 2015: Nuria Graham + Ferran Palau + Senior i el Cor Brutal + The Excitements + Sidonie + Joan Dausà...
- Halloween Industrial Night: Geistform + Veiled + Juche
- Grec 2013: Blaumut
- Outdoor cinema 2014: Carnage
- Grec 2014: Le Capital (El Capital)
- Primavera Sound 2013. In-Edit: Searching for Sugar Man
- Mas i Mas Festival 2015: Barcelona Big Blues Band & Knock-Out Greg
- Temps de llegendes (Legendary times)
- Surgeon + Latzaro
- II Festival Ron Varadero del Bolero: Lázara Cachao & Telva Rojas
- Cocktails & Jazz: Chino & The Big Bet
- Renova la teva roba clothing exchange
- Tallers Oberts (Open Studios) 2013: Poble-sec
- Blues Jam Session
- Nit de tast i de compres a Sant Andreu
- Els Grans del Gospel: Georgia Mass Choir + Barcelona Gospel Choir
- In-Edit Beefeater 2013: Apocalypse. A Bill Callahan Tour Film
- Xocolating!
- Winner Festival
- Outdoor cinema 2014: Pauls Planet
- Gandules '14: She, a Chinese (Ella, una joven china)
- Mark Lanegan
- Joan Casares New Quintet
- The nature-lover's jacket
- La medición del mundo
- Jacco Gardner + Ramírez
- Indochine
- Regina Carter
- Las Ruinas
- Raynald Colom Trio
- Party for LGBT freedom
- Tankard + Crisix
- LEM 2013: Annette Krebs & Wenceslau Guarro
- Joan Ponç. L'enigma
- Sant Jordi 2015: Arts Libris (Book Arts)
- Cinema a la fresca: Lo imposible
- Voltech: Castanyada explosion
- AMFest 2015: Nordic Giants + Her Name Is Calla + Astralia
- Mercè 2014: Circus at the Castle
- Música als Parcs 2015: Merian Trio
- Arts Libris 2014: Coach Station Reunion + Miss Carrussel + Joana Serrat + Hans Laguna + Toni Xuclà i Gemma Humet + 4hiverns + Èric Vinaixa + Ràdio Carbó
- Grec 2013: Hate Radio
- Cruïlla Barcelona 2015: Asaf Avidan & Band + Anna Roig i l'ombre de ton chien + Línia Maginot...
- This is not a love song
- The Damned
- Godflesh
- Bloody Christmas Market II
- 45 Voll-Damm Festival Internacional de Jazz de Barcelona: Saxophone Summit
- Bachcelona 2015: Manel Camp, Llibert Fortuny & Mireia Farrés
- 60th International Maria Canals Music Competition: qualifying round
- Big Bounce
- Cinema al fresco: Ecstasy of the Angels
- Curtcircuit 2014: Th’ Booty Hunters (in memoriam of Johnny Cash)
- Cruïlla Barcelona 2015: FFS (Franz Ferdinand & Sparks) + Ms. Lauryn Hill + Aloe Blacc + Emeli Sandé...
- Fact Barcelona: Reboot + Ten Walls + Dokser
- Beer runners
- Some Like It Hot
- Top Gun
- Tosca
- C.W. Stoneking
- Poetry Slam Barcelona
- Maria Lassnig
- Stendhal Syndrome
- Sónar 2015: The Chemical Brothers + Duran Duran + FKA Twigs + Flying Lotus...
- Awambabuluba R’n’R Club
- Grec 2014: Quart Primera (Pere Jou)
- El somni. Una òpera en 12 plats, un banquet en 12 actes
- Living nativity scenes of Catalonia
- Vol rasant
- Nasty Mondays: Irish Corner
- Filthy Habits versus Stravinsky
- Mercè 2013: MercèDansa
- Alleanza Records: Pig & Dan + Karotte + Jewel Kid + Secret Cinema…
- Chip-Fu & Dj Kamron + Rxnde Acozta & Dj Zeack
- The New Mastersounds
- Nitsa: LeSFATALeS
- Amics de l'Òpera de Sabadell: La Flauta Màgica
- Grec 2015: José James
- Samaya
- Alexei Volodin: The Goldberg Variations
- Festival Jardins de Pedralbes 2014: John Newman + Joan Dausà
- Khatia Buniatishvili
- Happy Techno: Paula Cazenave + A. Professor + Lexlay b2b Albert Rodríguez
- St. Vincent + Núria Graham
- BAM 2013: Dope D.O.D. + Natos y Waor + High Focus Records Showcase
- Grec 2013: Lebensraum (Habitat)
- Built to Spill
- Open doors at the Fundació Antoni Tàpies
- Her
- Phenomena: Gone with the Wind
- Orquesta Sinfónica Simón Bolívar de Venezuela + Gustavo Dudamel
- Blues & Ritmes: Meshell Ndegeocello
- The Raveonettes
- Fire!! 13: Mía
- Open-air film festival 2015: Reservoir Dogs
- Ronda: Comet Gain + Wild Bambina
- Outdoor cinema 2014: Holy Motors
- F.E.A. Festival 2014: Papa Topo + Ultraplayback + Dinger King...
- 45 Voll-Damm Festival Internacional de Jazz de Barcelona: Christian McBride Trio
- Suite Festival: Kraftwerk
- Phenomena: Rear Window
- Robbie Williams
- 65daysofstatic
- The See See + Trau
- Lonesome Cowboys
- Robert King + The King's Consort: Dido & Aeneas
- Blade Runner
- Bijoux. The Flowers
- The Monkey Bar, 33-45 & Proyectual: Steffi + Tama Sumo + Fred P + Mike Huckaby + Andres...
- Symphony No 40 + Mozart's Requiem
- Just Dancing Butter
- Bill Callahan
- Mercè 2013: Fatoumata Diawara + Sanjosex & Chicuelo
- Propter Nuptias
- Lang Lang
- Art Nou/Primera visió 2015: Basim Magdy. The incessant repetition of reality
- Mas i Mas Festival 2014: Hannah Williams & The Tastemakers
- Jaume de Laiguana. Photography exhibition. Retrospective 1997-2012
- Dixon + William Dafoe
- Nick Cave
- Loop 2014: Transmissions
- Sónar 2014: Richie Hawtin + Röyksopp & Robyn + Todd Terje...
- Filharmònica de Szeged: Gran Gala Strauss
- OBC: Els Planetes de Holst
- Pere Ubu
- Time Out 'en viu' (live) by Moritz: Evripidis and His Tragedies
- Dido reloaded / Go, Aeneas, Go!
- LEM 2013: Coàgol + Puce Mary
- enciSAT!: Andrea Motis, Joan Chamorro quintet & Rita Payes
- 12 Monkeys at Phenomena
- Alen Garagic
- Sufjan Stevens + Austra
- Primavera Sound 2015: The Strokes + Interpol + Tori Amos + Caribou...
- Nits d'Estiu a la Pedrera: Raynald Colom Quartet
- Cruïlla Barcelona 2015
- Dia Mundial del Circ: Espectacle de circ contemporani
- Sant Jordi:Espai TR3SC
- Fotofesta 2014
- The Beatnuts + Spanky Loco
- Pasolini Roma
- Ken Vandermark & Agustí Fernández
- Caprichos de Apolo 2014: Allah-Las
- BarnaSants 2015: Pau Alabajos
- Bitty McLean
- Radar 14: Hyperdub 10th Birthday Rave
- Curtcircuit 2014: Macho + Dead Parties
- Festival Jardins de Pedralbes 2015: Melody Gardot
- Sant Jordi 2014: open house at the Ajuntament de Barcelona
- Circo Loco: Tania Vulcano + Kerri Chandler + Davide Squillace + Damian Lazarus + Ellen Allien...
- 19th Earth Day fair
- Barcelona Harley Days 2014
- Guerra de coixins (Pillow fight)
- Lost & Found
- Bananadrama: Carmen la Yerbabuena live! + Los Jemelos DJ set
- Flamenguiri perdía
- Malicious Spring Edition
- Clara Peya
- Leslie Helpert & Albert Vila
- Beer & Pizza Night: The Big Lebowski
- Festival Jardins de Pedralbes 2014: Paul Anka + The Hanfris Quartet
- Bananadrama: Zemmoa
- Open-air film festival 2015: The Grand Budapest Hotel
- Aperol Spritz Sound: Jero Romero
- K-Pop en la Pop: Niño Fixo + Bbiribbom DJ
- Entre amigos
- Phenomena: Doctor Zhivago
- Imagine Dragons
- Pride 13: Official party
- La Sonnambula
- Desires and Necessities. New Incorporations to the MACBA Collection
- POPair + Sheriff & Cherry
- Mack the Knife
- ¡Que trabaje Rita!
- Grec 2015: Ninet'InfernO (based on Shakespeare's Sonnets)
- Classical music Saturdays at the Palau Gomis: Marta Valero + Anna Puigmartí
- Flamenco mixed technique
- Come to My Pool
- Sónar 2015: Skepta & JME + Evian Christ + Henrik Schwarz + Holly Herndon...
- Tàpies: An Artist's Collection
- The Shining
- Marky Ramone's Blietzkrieg + Attaque 77
- POPair: La Terremoto de Alcorcón
- Dinner for One
- Nitsa: Shackleton live! + Headbirds live + Kosmos
- El Petit Mercat Handmade
- Poblenou. La ciutat productiva
- El racó dels pares: La maleta dels nadons
- DNIT: Plaid
- DNIT: Kangding Ray + Dopplereffekt
- Fourth of July party
- Uno de los nuestros: Loquillo + Leiva + Ariel Rot
- Athletes
- Sant Jordi 2015 at the M-Store
- Grec 2013: Tragèdies romanes (Roman Tragedies)
- Electric Babyland
- Eric Sardinas & Big Motor
- Open Air Festival
- Open doors at the Palau de la Música
- Back to the 80s & Especial Depeche Mode: Albertcode + Robert Martex + Spot
- Vida 2015: Father John Misty + The War On Drugs + Primal Scream + Super Furry Animals...
- Renova la Roba clothing exchange
- Gandules '14: Auf der anderen Seite (The Edge of Heaven)
- Intèrprets catalans: José Menor
- Iron Maiden + Anthrax
- Festival Simfonic
- Sónar 2014: Neneh Cherry + James Holden + Audion...
- Waterplace Pool Club
- Uccellacci e uccellini (The Hawks and the Sparrows)
- Royal Blood
- Daniel Bachman + Ryley Walker
- Fire!! 13: Freier Fall
- Cinema al fresco: 9 songs
- BAM 2013: Dorian + Supersubmarina + Second + Miss Caffeina
- 'Nit Lila': Gràcia commerce, food and culture
- Mercè 2013: Lace making
- El llac dels cignes (Swan Lake)
- We Love Craft
- Titanic
- Los Vivancos, 'Aeternum'
- Loop 2014: Videoarte de la Colección Bergé
- Mercè 2014: La Pegatina + Aspencat
- Half Japanese + Me and the Bees
- Oxmo Puccino
- Gay Pride 2014: Parade
- Opera nights at the Palau Dalmases
- DJ Legoteque + DJ Bilbadino
- Sala Montjuïc: Melancholia
- Italia. I sei sensi
- Jazz & Swing: Barcelona Jazz Orquestra
- Spring Party
- Skrillex
- Somoslas: Sacrés Français!
- ¡Que trabaje Rita!: Re-entry
- Silk Pre Party Girlie Circuit
- Joaquín Torres-García
- Walter Salas-Humara
- The Sound of Music
- Moodmusic Sundays: Pablo Sanchez
- 6a Mostra Marrana
- Royal Philharmonic Orchestra + Pinchas Zukerman
- Els Grans del Gospel 2013: Chicago Mass Choir
- La ruta dels cementiris: Poblenou
- International Wind Orchestra Festival Barcelona 2014
- POPair
- Psycho
- Indie-Sign
- Grec 2013: Montaldo
- Sing-Along: This Is It
- Playing for Change
- Carlos Aires: This is not just fucking business
- Robert Lamart + Omar León
- The Walkers
- Tristan and Isolde
- Nits d'estiu CaixaForum 2014: Actress
- Pride 13: Tibidabo Day
- Pride 13: Official parade
- Cendrillon
- Reboot
- Cocktails & Jazz: Augie Burr's Elvis Rockin' Quartet
- Churros con Chocolate: Más cutres que nunca
- Gay Pride 2014: Sarong party
- BAM 2013: Obrint Pas + Fyahbwoy + Orxata + Rafael Lechowski
- Volbeat + Iced Earth
- Jay-Jay Johanson
- From Warhol to the East Village (performance art)
- The Jackathon: Heidi + Mathias Kaden + Catz ‘n Dogz + Richy Ahmed + Lauhaus
- Festa Major del Raval 2014
- Happy Hour
- Biffy Clyro + Walking Papers
- Anti-Flag
- Grec 2014: Els eufòrics
- Outdoor cinema 2014: Breakfast at Tiffany's
- Piknic #6: Benjamin Damage + Tom Trago + Astroboyz
- Piknic #1: Skreamizm Showcase
- Outdoor cinema 2014: The Big Lebowski
- Open-air film festival 2015: The Kid (film-concert)
- Pixar. 25 years of animation
- Open-air film festival 2015: La Grande Bellezza (The Great Beauty)
- EatWith Combo No. 1: 18th-century banquet at Hidden Factory
- Horror Market IV
- Rebujito Gay Party: Night of the living divas
- Rocket: Hercules & Love Affair + Oliver $ + Lyonel + Carlo Gossa
- Ingles de Acero vs Roller Derby Porto
- Marinah & Chicuelo
- Festival Flux 2014
- BAM 2013: Copia Doble Systema + Timberism + Le Parody
- Zurich Marató Barcelona
- Carol Rama
- Beach House
- Barcelona Big Blues Band & Blas Picón
- Barcelona Beer Festival 2015
- In-Edit Beefeater 2013: Triana Pura y Pura
- Blues Night at Poble Espanyol: Oscar Rabadán & Blas Picón + Chino & The Big Bet
- Mercè 2013: The end of the party
- Felahikum
- Folk'n'Basté
- OBC + Yuja Wang
- Gino Rubert. Ex-voto
- Mercè 2013: Smoking Stones
- The OBC at the beach
- Blackcelona Hammond Groove Experience: A Jimmy McGriff Tribute
- Soul Finger: Nik Weston
- Downtown Market
- Phenomena: Aladdin + The Lion King
- Tallers Oberts (Open Studios) 2013: Poble Nou
- Fire!! 13: Born Naked
- Grec 2014: Nerium Park
- BAM 2013: Manos de Topo + Él Mató a un Policía Motorizado + The Tea Servants
- One Direction
- Fire Market
- Festival Jardins de Pedralbes 2014: Buika + Judit Neddermann
- Stompin’ Parties Vol. 1: NeuroKontrol + Metrik + Hielo…
- Studio Barnhus: Axel Boman + Petter + Kornél Kovács + DJ Fra
- Indisposició general. Examination of fatigue
- Simfònics al Palau: Beethoven, la Pastoral
- Nitsa Club: LeSFATALeS + DJ Fra
- Mercè 2013: Piknic Electronik
- Algunos títulos para un acercamiento al ruido
- World Basketball Festival 2014
- The Bootleg Beatles: 50th anniversary of The Beatles in Spain
- Mercè 2013: Pregó de Festa Major
- Mercè 2013: 10th anniversary falcon groups parade
- Mercè 2013: Fire-breathing dragons and beasts on parade
- Mercè 2013: Fireworks shows
- barSWINGona 2014
- Mi Carmen Flamenca
- Wedj's: Armin Van Buuren
- 63rd Antique and Modern Book Fair
- Pairing of wines and cavas with chocolate
- Primavera Sound 2015: The Black Keys + The Replacements + Antony and The Johnsons + James Blake...
- ScannerFM 10th anniversary party: Beach Beach + Renaldo & Clara + Germà Aire + Santa Rita + Fighter Pillow
- DOCfield>15: Guy Martin. City of dreams
- Cleopatra
- Alice in Wonderland
- An Affair to Remember
- Batman (1966) + Flash Gordon
- Novembre teatral: The Dancing Harp
- Festival Jardins de Pedralbes 2014: Kool & The Gang + Paquito Groove Band
- Young Frankenstein
- Sing-Along: Mamma Mia!
- Neko Case + Joana Serrat
- Grec 2014: Ubu Roi
- Outdoor cinema 2014: Hugo
- Churros con chocolate: New season inauguration party
- Capas
- Club Mod: Baio + Sharooz + Modular DJs
- Cinema a la fresca 2014: Frances Ha
- Minifestival 2014: Drugstore + The Electric Soft Parade + Nick Garrie + Band à Part + Ausells + Mariona Aupí + The Yellow Melodies
- Fuel Fandango
- Sundayzz: Claude VonStroke + Justin Martin + Baldo
- Van Van. Food market
- Bachcelona 2015: Ton Koopman
- 45 Voll-Damm Festival Internacional de Jazz de Barcelona: Ginesa Ortega
- 15th Banc Sabadell Millennium Festival: Miguel Poveda
- Elton John and His Band
- Zoco Tea Dance: Danny Howells
- Grec 2013: Brickman Brando Bubble Boom
- Pis(o) Pilot(o)
- Open-air film festival 2015: 10,000 km
- Be My Guest: Sandra Kolstad + Sprutbass
- David Cevoli & The Keychains
- Gay Pride 2014: Drag Race
- Grec 2014: Sun
- SaturGays
- Mercè 2013: El Castell del Circ (The circus castle)
- Max. Oh panòptica ficció!
- Mas i Mas Festival 2014: Trio Arriaga
- Tanya Habjouqa. Occupied Pleasures
- DJ Yoda + Reeps One + Legoteque
- L'Auditori Més: Quartet Casals
- Routines
- DNIT: Dean Blunt + Planningtorock
- Halloween Panteres Grogues
- Minimúsica 2014
- Corpse Bride
- Primavera Sound 2013. Primavera in the Bars: Sexy Bicycle
- Post-war Barcelona, 1939-1945. A chronicle in photographs
- Squarelectric live! + Amable + Gato
- Festivalet 2014
- Bachcelona 2015: Bach the improviser
- Mercè 2013: L'increïble viatge a la lluna (An incredible journey to the moon)
- VenTú Apolo special
- Fire!! 13: Joven y alocada
- Bona Nit Barcelona 2014: Jorge Drexler + José González + Erlend Øye + Pompeya + Raydibaum
- Bachcelona 2014: Pere Portabella Conference
- Sisena Ronda: Mira Billotte (White Magic)
- Bachcelona 2014: Le Tendre Amour
- Blue Velvet
- Forró Afiado
- Primavera Sound 2013. Primavera in the Clubs: Spectrum + Jupiter Lion
- Home Alone
- Binos Barros Band
- Fire!! 13: Born Naked
- Primavera als Clubs 2014: Cloud Nothings + Chromeo + Vàlius + Ty Segall + Dave P
- Mercè 2013: Morning of the 'grallers'
- Orfeó Català: Christmas carols
- Phenomena: Basket Case + X-Tro
- Dubfire Birthday 4h set
- Decadence
- Radar '13 - Electric Minds & Mono Cult: Move D + Bicep + Prosumer + Soundstream...
- Grease
- Mercat Vintage a Pes (Vintage market by weight)
- Yuck + April Fool’s Day
- Fire!! 13: Hors les murs
- Grec 2015: Soeurs
- La forma del món
- Easy Rider
- I Musici
- Maria Stuarda de Donizetti
- Grec 2015: Jordi Savall / Hespèrion XXI. Bal·kan. Mel i sang
- Sing-Along: Moulin Rouge
- Torobaka
- Altaveu 2015: Christina Rosenvinge + Dorian Wood
- Aliens
- FICGLB 13: Marcelo
- Krypton: The extraterrestrial party
- St. Paul & The Broken Bones
- La Gran Ilusión
- Oliver Twist
- Joan Rom. E.R.T.
- 45 Voll-Damm Festival Internacional de Jazz de Barcelona: JazzTimes Before & After amb Ravi Coltrane i Ashley Kahn
- #SexyMordor: Niño Fixo + Luis V. + Aless Gibaja
- Jenny and the Mexicats
- The Chanclettes: #DPutuCooL
- DNIT: Dorian Concept + Copeland
- Orquestra Simfònica del Vallès: Romances d'amor
- Prophetia
- La Gran Ilusión
- Sónar 2015: Squarepusher + Owen Pallett + Floating Points + KTL...
- Rockin' Lobotomy Pajama Party
- El xou de Patrick
- Mas i Mas Festival 2014: Daniel Ligorio
- James Blunt
- Esperanzah! 2014: Manu Chao + La Sra. Tomasa + Los Niños de los Ojos Rojos + Kimbala + La Banda Ton Pare
- ¡Que trabaje Rita! Xmas Edition
- ¡Qué trabaje Rita!: Karina
- Festivalet 2013
- Fira d'Abril 2014
- Outdoor cinema 2014: The Godfather
- Hollywood New Year's Eve
- La cursa dels nassos (The Race of the Noses)
- Sant Lluc Mercat
- Abandoned?
- Grec 2013: Les tres germanes versió androide (Three Sisters, Android Version)
- 21st International Aids Memorial
- La Cenerentola
- Festival Àsia 2014: Arif Lohar
- He Jiaying
- Special Sant Jordi choir concert
- Ferran Freixa. Photography 1973 – 2013
- Corella Ballet: A+A
- The Black Room
- Paperantic Barcelona. 23rd Collectibles Fair
- East Ender Beach: Matthias Tanzmann + Karotte + Luna City Express + Kabale Und Liebe + Ekkohaus + Dan Drastic...
- The Sebald Variations
- Grec 2015: 2015 com a possibilitat ('2015 as a possibility')
- Nativity scene in Plaça de Sant Jaume
- Sónar 2014: Sonia Gómez & Lucy Suggate & James Holden
- Open-air film festival 2015 at L'Illa Diagonal: Ocho apellidos vascos (Spanish Affair)
- Onde o horizonte se move
- Mas i Mas Festival 2014: The Sweet Vandals
- Nabucco
- Carmen
- Jonathan Glanzberg & Andy Henley
- La Nit dels Museus
- Dau Barcelona 2014
- Buzzcocks
- Sr. Chinarro
- Pissarro
- Grup R. Motor of Modernity
- Nitsa Club: Kink live! + Shelby Grey + Kosmos
- BCNmp7: Cultura de Clubs. Dean Blunt + Headbirds
- Chameleons Vox
- Outdoor cinema 2014: Psycho
- Carmen
- For Easter week... Come discover Keith Haring!
- Palo Alto Market
- Rodriguez + The Free Fall Band
- Lío Ibiza
- Primavera Sound 2013: The Vaccines + Delorean + Guards + The Bots + Aliment
- Don Pasquale
- Gay Pride 2014: Malicious
- El Lissitzky. The Experience of Totality
- Open-air film festival 2015: Cinema Paradiso
- La leyenda de Mulan (The Legend of Mulan)
- Grec 2015: À louer ('For rent')
- Guns on the Clackamas
- Ciutat Flamenco 2013: Flamenco Lab Taller de Músics
- Porgy and Bess
- Gràcia vermouth route
- Corella Ballet: Bourbon Street
- Dark Shadows
- Phenomena: Fantastic Voyage
- Nitsa Club: Back to the '90s
- Close Encounters of the Third Kind
- Openwalls Conference 2014
- Houseclass: César De Melero + DJ Pippi
- BAM 2014: Flamingo Tours + Sonny Knight & The Lakers + Lisa & The Lips + Ibibio Sound Machine
- Primavera Sound 2014: Arcade Fire + CHVRCHES + Julian Cope + Queens of the Stone Age + St. Vincent...
- Electronic Octopus Party
- Poblenou Cemetery Route
- Sónar 2013: Max Richter + BCN216
- Waterplace
- Mû Mbana & Special Guests
- Mercè 2014: Castellers (human towers)
- Primavera Sound 2013: Blur + Daniel Johnston + James Blake + Mulatu Astatke + The Jesus and Mary Chain...
- Cinema al fresco: Vampyros Lesbos
- Phenomena triple feature: 'Fright Night', 'Halloween', and a surprise film
- Cruïlla Barcelona 2014: Damon Albarn + Calle 13 + Band of Horses + Angus & Julia Stone+ Tinariwen...
- Hikari
- Girlicious
- The Barber of Seville
- Dijous exquisits: Ada Parellada + La Calòrica
- Primavera Sound 2013. Primavera in the Clubs: John Talabot live + Poolside + Al & Felix (Hot Chip) Dj Set
- Rob Zombie + Soulfly + Powerman 5000
- Balkan Fever Party: Shantel
- Eat Street
- Jo faig el carrer. Joan Colom, fotografies 1957-2010
- Sonisphere 2013: Iron Maiden + Megadeth + Anthrax + Ghost + Avantasia...
- Alborosie & Shengen Clan
- Manos de Topo
- Gent de Port. Barcelona 1980
- Foals
- Grupo Enigma
- Brighton 64
- Cherepaka
- Pride 13: High-heel race
- Les Misérables
- Bachcelona 2014: Garnati Ensemble
- Seven Brides for Seven Brothers
- Los Mambo Jambo
- Primavera Sound 2013. Primavera in the Park: King Tuff + Sean Nicholas Savage + Merchandise + The Babies...
- Nitsa Club: Líbido + The Monkey Bar
- Ciutat Flamenco 2014: Eva Yerbabuena
- Primavera Sound 2013. In-Edit: Petey & Ginger
- Cinema al fresco: Surprise film
- Backstreet Boys
- The Bikeriders & Uptown: Danny Lyon
- Primavera Sound 2013: Phoenix + Tame Impala + The Postal Service + Dinosaur Jr. + Animal Collective + Manel...
- Sónar 2013. Sónar by Night: Pet Shop Boys + Paul Kalkbrenner + Jurassic 5 + 2manydjs + Ed Banger 10...
- The Psychedelic Furs
- Republic, War, Dictatorship: Fixa Sabaté photos
- Primera Persona: Todd McEwen / Porno / Richard Price / Laetitia Sadier
- Carilló: quiet, spiritual and festive music
- Remedios Amaya
- Sopars amb estrelles (Dinners with the stars)
- Outdoor cinema 2014: Mientras Duermes (Sleep Tight)
- Brunch Electronik is back!
- Llapis i...acció! Roser Capdevila dibuixa
- Los Madison
- Ray Gelato & Barcelona Big Blues Band
- Cruïlla Barcelona 2013: Snoop Dogg + Rokia Traoré + Trombone Shorty + Fermin Muguruza + Morcheeba...
- Fire!! 13: Les invisibles
- Mas i Mas Festival 2013: Lou Donaldson Quartet
- Romnia
- OBC: Brahms Requiem
- El documental del mes: Everyday Rebellion
- Primavera Sound 2013. Primavera in the Clubs: Godflesh + Bo Ningen + Foscor
- Original by Two Market
- Allan Kaprow. Other Ways
- Vintage in Barcelona
- Fifth Social Circus Festival
- Royal Wedding
- Grec 2015: La voix humaine ('The human voice')
- Rumore Químico
- Gay Pride 2014: Freedom Barcelona Awards
- La grande bellezza
- Festa Stop SIDA (Stop AIDS Party)
- Cinema a la fresca 2014: Mapa
- Fire!! 13: Revealing Mr. Maugham
- Molly Hatchet
- Pulp Fiction
- #ornitofest 2015: Mazoni + Sanjays + Za! + Esperit! + Tokyo Sex Destruction + It's Not Not + Rosalía + Refree...
- Stop Making Sense
- Suede + Teleman
- Orquestra Simfònica del Vallès: Concert Wagner
- Kill the Bitch
- Barcelona's official New Year's Eve party
- Sónar 2015: Skrillex + Die Antwoord + A$AP Rocky + Róisín Murphy...
- Magic nights at the Casa Batlló
- Gènesi. Sebastião Salgado
- Malicious: Halloween
- Penique Productions
- Open Day at the Palau de la Música
- Manicomio de los horrores
- Alberto García-Alix. Self-portrait.
- 16th Banc Sabadell Festival del Mil·lenni: Macy Gray
- Churros con chocolate: La Churriata
- All Saint's Day
- Grec 2014: L'eclipsi
- The Story Behind: Typing. Christopher Knowles
- The Rocky Horror Halloween Show
- AMFest 2015: Manheim + Alright The Captain
- Trance Touch
- Festival Ronda: Mark Kozelek
- Víctor Mira: Prints and drawings (1980-1990)
- New Year's Eve party
- Street art workshop with Boa Mistura
- Impro Sharana
- Banda Municipal de Barcelona: Tchaikovsky piano concerto
- Depero i la reconstrucció futurista de l'univers
- Peter Bernstein & Perico Sambeat Quintet
- Yo!: QBoy + Cascales DJ
- Sing-Along: Cabaret
- beGun live! + Headbirds + Pedro Vian + William Dafoe
- Ballet Nacional de España: Grito/Suite Sevilla
- Sónar 2013. Sónar by Day: Liars + Lindstrøm & Todd Terje + Karl Hyde + Sébastien Tellier + Gold Panda + JJ DOOM...
- Le grand bleu
- Batman Returns
- DNIT: Fuck Buttons
- Arissa. L’ombra i el fotògraf, 1922-1936
- Bram Stoker's Dracula
- Mark Knopfler
- BAM 2013: Miles Kane + El Petit de Cal Eril + The Free Fall Band
- The Monkey Bar: Masquerade
- Kinky Night
- Ana Prada. Don't escape the ordinary
- Grec 2014: Guillotina
- Festival Jardins de Pedralbes: Antony and The Johnsons
- Striptease night
- New Year's Eve at Poble Espanyol
- Montana Colors. 20 years, 20 writers
- Barcelona Gipsy Klezmer Orchestra
- Nitsa: Four Tet DJ set + Neneh Cherry & Rocketnumbernine + Sunny Graves + DJ Fra
- Open-air film festival 2015 at L'Illa Diagonal: Begin Again
- Tilos Market
- Spanish sculpture. 20th-21st centuries
- The Dark Side Special: Angel Molina + Gus + David Lost
- Mas i Mas Festival 2013: Daniel Ligorio
- Phonos, 40 years of electronic music in Barcelona
- Devendra Banhart + Rodrigo Amarante
- Mercè 2013: 'Bastoner' morning parade
- Mayte Martín
- MiniGrec 2015: Faboo
- Barcelona Shopping Festival
- Outdoor cinema 2014: Moonrise Kingdom
- Outdoor cinema 2014: Stockholm
- Tarantina
- Leather Party
- Halloween Special: Zombie Boy & Kav DJ Set + Amable + Bilbadino DJ
- Rocket: Nick Curly + D'julz + Matt Tolfrey + Jozif + Lyonel + Carlo Gossa
- POPair: Let's Party
- Santa Eulàlia 2015
- AAART!, 18th Circ d'Hivern
- Bear Sex Party
- El Dirty de Razzmatazz
- Primavera als Bars 2014: Caustic Roll Dave
- Morning Gloryville #4
- Madball + Strife + Rise of the Northstar + Backtrack
- The Smashing Pumpkins
- Mad Market
- Flea Market Sants
- ¡Qué trabaje Rita!: Azúcar Moreno
- Hard Rock Rising Festival
- Il Prigioniero + Suor Angelica
- Rave On!
- 20 de 20
- Cabaret de mujercitas
- Metamorfosis. Fantastic visions of Starewitch, Švankmajer and the Quay brothers
- Mac, film poster designer
- Altaveu 2015: Howe Gelb & M. Ward + Senior i el Cor Brutal
- ÚS Barcelona 2015
- El taxidermista
- La commare secca ('The Grim Reaper')
- Brick Lane BCN
- Kosmopolis 15
- The Spanish guitar in concert: Barcelona Guitar Trio
- Daughn Gibson
- Javiera Mena
- Dead Man [Filmoteca]
- The Elephant Man
- Fire!! 13: Orlando
- FICGLB 13: Heterosexual Jill
- Boogie Woogie Tap
- Slum Village
- Primavera Sound 2014: Dr. John + The National + Pixies...
- Secció irregular: Stuff + Sesión de relajación
- Gigi McFarlane & Fabrizio Paparello
- Wax Museum Horror Experience
- Opening Party: Nervo + R3hab + Les Schmitz
- Espriu-Miró
- Formentera on/off
- VII cicle 1906 Jazz: Oliver Lake & Tarbaby
- Rihanna
- Nitsa: Kirk DeGiorgio + NX1 live! + DJ Fra
- Rosemary's Baby
- Dub FX
- Barcelona Vintage Market
- La Troya: Convento
- Boyberry's 8th anniversary
- Barcelona's International Comedy Club
- XX Saló del Manga
- Annie Hall
- La Barcelona wagneriana
- Twin Pigs
- Phenomena: The Godfather
- Evgeni Koroliov
- El Rastro de la Virgen
- René Jacobs: Le nozze di Figaro
- Holi Barcelona
- FICGLB 13: Shorts, session 1
- Bugged Out: Mykki Blanco live! + Sanatruja
- Bach in Barcelona
- La Fàbrica Singular
- Alvar Aalto. 1898-1976. Organic architecture, art and design
- Waterplace Pool Club
- Outdoor Cinema 2014: surprise film
- Fire!! 13: Bambi
- OFFF Barcelona 2014
- The Black Room
- Eraserhead
- A Tota Castanya: Chain and The Gang + Aliment
- Los Fresones Rebeldes + La La Love You
- La [2] de Nitsa: Somoslas vs La [2]: Michael Von Fischback + DJ Coco + Ferdiyei
- Suite Festival: Gregory Porter
- Stash! R’n’R Club: Psychodrive Live!, Hot Chilli Phantom + Krusty Killer
- Phenomena: Full Metal Jacket + Escape to Victory
- Fortune Cookie (En bandeja de plata)
- Maquinofòbia Pianolera. CaboSanRoque + Carles Santos
- BarnaSants 2015: Maria de Medeiros
- Piknic Electronik #1: DB & FRNCH + Marquis Hawkes + Detroit Swindle + Jesse Rose B2B Justin Martin
- Fiction Parc
- Intèrprets catalans: Ramon Bassal
- FICGLB 13: Ignasi M
- Bachcelona 2014: Juan de la Rubia
- Mercè 2013: 'Castellers' parade and party
- Mercè 2013: Lluís Coloma Septet + Los Mambo Jambo
- Grec 2015: Este lugar entre. Prethink and Free Action
- Star Trek + Star Trek into Darkness
- Maya Jane Coles + Ion Pananides
- Dracula
- Johnny Winter & Band
- Saturgays: Welcome 2014
- Barris en dansa: Inakibú
- Mas i Mas Festival 2014: Laia Montserrat + Mikhail Studyonov
- Sala Montjuïc: Drive
- Gandules '14: I Am from Chile
- Duot
- Grec 2013: Rodolfo Mederos featuring Martirio
- Barcelona prêt-à-porter, 1958-2008
- Halloween: Franco's family
- Mercè 2013: Petita Festa
- De cartones y hombres
- Palau 100: Bach's St John Passion
- Grec 2014: Merda d'artista
- 25th Guitar Festival Barcelona: Andrés Calamaro
- Club 4: Robert Dietz + Pablo Luque
- Underline presents Oslo Showcase: Christian Burkhardt + Ray Okpara + Damian Schwartz + Kasper + Papol...
- Tricky
- Castells inflables al Piknic Electronik
- Festival Jardins de Pedralbes 2014: George Benson + Amadeu Casas & Myriam Swanson
- Malic in China
- The Bus: Fred V & Grafix + Loadstar hosted by Dynamite MC + Benvinda
- Mercat Viu Sants
- Kill Bill: Vol. 1 + Kill Bill: Vol. 2
- Open-air film festival 2015: Relatos Salvajes (Wild Tales)
- Spazzys + Violets
- The Wave Pictures
- The Avengers + Avengers: Age of Ultron
- VIII Festival Milano Jazz & Blues: Joan Chamorro Trio & Rita Payés
- Antic Horror Picture Show
- X Fira Modernista (10th Modernist Fair)
- Edita Gruberova
- Cuina al mercat de la Boqueria
- (in)fusión flamenca 2013: Chico Ocaña
- Soen + Vulture Industries + Persefone + Cheeto's Magazine
- (What’s the story) morning glory? Amaia Osés
- DNIT: Koreless + Emptyset
- Ohlala!: La nuit des femmes
- Björk
- Joana Serrat
- New Year’s Eve!
- 45 Voll-Damm Festival Internacional de Jazz de Barcelona: Master class with Richard Bona
- Frankenweenie + Pinocchio
- Suite Festival: Katie Melua
- Dena DeRose
- New Year's Eve: Kerri Chandler + Alex Pott b2b Ion Pananides + Smoke Signals
- Radar 14: Night Slugs + Fade to Mind
- Mónica Naranjo
- BAM 2013: Unicornibot + Disco Las Palmeras! + Cuello + Semifinal Sona9
- Lady Gaga
- Giselle. Moscow Ballet
- Jenny Woo + H.I.T.S. + Sticky Notes
- Sona 9 2013: Preliminary concerts
- Hipnotik Festival: Mala Juntera + Duo Kie + Rayden + Cheb Ruben + Nasta...
- Outdoor cinema 2014: Submarine
- Nitsa Club: Lindstrøm + DJ Fra + Shelby Grey
- Dona Kolors Solidary Market
- Nylon BCN: Ikki & Mbaka + Boxinbox + Thicksmoke
- 9th anniversary of Club TR3SC: Festa del llibre de Sant Jordi
- OBC + Orfeó Català + Albert Guinovart + Xavier Puig: Concert Onze de Setembre
- Piknic #5: Piknic Electronik Montréal
- Rear Window
- Sing-Along: Mamma Mia!
- Aperol Spritz Sound: Anni B Sweet
- Boeing Boeing
- Wet Deck: Edu Natored
- Revers / Anvers (1972-2015)
- Make Noise Festival 2013: Wavves
- Kamuyot
- El Dirty Fake New Year's Eve 2013
- Kele + Baldo
- El Trencanous
- Grec 2015: Jove Big Band
- Pride 13: Memòries de l’espectacle
- SomosLas: Michael Von Fischbach + Lucky Pierre
- Nylon BCN: The Zombie Kids + Da Professor + Thick Smoke
- Susana Sheiman Trio
- 080 Barcelona Fashion
- Brighton 64
- Time Out en Viu: Aliment
- Piknic #10: Flying Circus
- Stash!: Smell of Kat live! + Hot Chilli Phantom +DJ Francis
- El barret de copa i altres històries
- Flatstock: The world of music posters
- Els Tres Tenors
- 15th Banc Sabadell Festival del Mil·lenni: Van Morrison
- Orfeó Català: Concert de Sant Esteve
- New Year's Day Festival: Richie Hawtin + Gaiser + Matador + Hobo + Raúl Mezcolanza + Toni Varga + Mario Biani
- Taking a walk
- Café Quijano
- OBC + Hilary Hahn
- Grec 2015: El cinquè hivern ('The fifth winter')
- Agrippina
- Cocktails & Jazz: Fran Suárez Trio
- Festival Jardins de Pedralbes 2014: Best of Jethro Tull by Ian Anderson + Màia
- LaPutuCOOLParty
- Palau 100 Piano: Iván Martín
- Delicatessen: Adam Levi + Jonah Smith + David Soler + Esther Condal
- Herreweghe: St John Passion
- 16th Banc Sabadell Festival del Mil·lenni: Joan Baez
- Ohlala! New Year's Eve
- Blues & Ritmes 2015: Maria del Mar Bonet
- Barcelona Big Blues Band & Lluís Coloma
- Round About Midnight: Blind Boys Of Alabama
- Barcelona Big Blues Band & Dani Nel·lo
- Riiko Sakkinen. Capitalistes sans frontières
- 45 Voll-Damm Festival Internacional de Jazz de Barcelona: David Pastor Solo
- El So Original: Goldberg Variations
- Kylie Minogue
- Sala Montjuïc: West Side Story
- Scream
- Javier Perianes
- Músiques al Born CC: Peces romàntiques
- 45 Voll-Damm Festival Internacional de Jazz de Barcelona: Joan Chamorro Trio & Eva Fernández
- Shen Yun Performing Arts
- Fazil Say
- Outdoor cinema: Grupo 7
- The Drums
- Cobla i transformisme
- Refugiada poètica
- Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street
- Dirty Dancing
- The Jon Spencer Blues Explosion
- Nou origen: Black Tulip
- Mercè 2014: Manel + Txarango + La Troba Kung-Fú
- 16th Banc Sabadell Festival del Mil·lenni: Angus & Julia Stone
- 16th Banc Sabadell Festival del Mil·lenni: Leiva
- 14è Banc Sabadell Festival del Mil·lenni: Low
- Gavin Harrison & 05ric
- Mini Dirty Halloween: Perotutehasvisto + Dani Patch + Dancers
- Medea
- Gay Pride 2014: Mr Pride
- Orquestra Da Camera + Martha Argerich
- Álvaro Carmona: 'Yo soy'
- ¡Que trabaje Rita! First anniversary: Mario Vaquerizo
- Erol Alkan + Ghost Culture + Kosmos
- Monthy Python: Life of Brian + The Holy Grail
- Melon Party vs. Girlie Circuit
- Flea Market: We Can Do It!
- 15th Banc Sabadell Festival del Mil·lenni: The Pepper Pots
- Clem Snide + Rafa Berrio
- Ben Klock + Undo
- 080 Barcelona Fashion
- The Beach Boys
- Dropkick Murphys + The Mahones + Blood or Wiskey + Bryan McPherson
- Interstellar
- Ben Klock + Latzaro
- Els Vermuts del Primavera al Parc: La Sera + Majical Cloudz + John Wizards...
- Primavera Sound 2016
- Give Print a Chance! First Barcelona Silkscreen Market
- King Lear
- Horse Meat Disco + Toni Bass
- Trilogia Mozart. Cosí Fan Dei Furbi
- XVII Fira Internacional del Disc de Barcelona
- The Karate Kid
- Cocktails & Jazz: Bernat Font Trio
- GameLab 2014: International Fair of Video Games and Interactive Entertainment
- Mercè 2014: Saturno Park at Ciutadella
- John Digweed + Undo
- Marina Capdevila. Never too late for a first date
- Gin & Live: The Sparkles
- The Zombie Kids
- Night of the Living Dead + World War Z
- Dansat 2015: Cube
- A Taste of Sónar+D: CaboSanRoque + Vallès & Stepbystep
- Atoms for Peace
- EFE: 75 years in photos
- Maria Rodés, Ramón Rodríguez i Martí Sales
- Festa de la Cultura Vintage: Lost & Found + Encants + Van Van Market
- 4th Easter Festival: Francesc Valls Chamber Choir
- God Is an Astronaut
- La ruta dels cementiris: Montjuïc
- Faust
- Mercè 2014: Correfoc
- Lucy Live
- Cocktails & Jazz: Magnolia
- Bruno Mars + Mayer Hawthorne
- POPair: Demolition Man Party!
- Strauss Festival Orchestra: Johann Strauss Spectacular
- Barcelona Metal Festival: Within Temptation + Paradise Lost + Sôber + Inmune + Ankor
- Holy Fuck
- Fanny Roz
- Transfusión
- Festa Major de Sants 2013: Harley Davidson show
- Outdoor cinema 2014: Los Últimos Días (The Last Days)
- Fire!! 13: Io sono l'amore
- Elsa de Alfonso + Los Prestigio
- La Banda in Plaça del Rei
- Flea Market: La moda mercantil
- Cocoon Showcase
- Vaivén
- Così fan tutte
- 1er Mercat del Vi Ecològic
- Grec 2015: Vorònia
- Fire!! 13: La diversitat, de portes enfora i de portes endins
- Caprichos de Apolo: Excepter + Vida
- La Nit del Museu Nacional
- Doug Menuez. A bold genius: the digital revolution in Silicon Valley 1985-2000
- !!! (Chk Chk Chk)
- Eurovision 2014
- Show Up: Juan Pe
- GG Fashion Market
- DJ Fra
- Psycho
- Nitsa is 20!: Ellen Allien + Ian Pooley + Nathan Fake +DJ Fra
- ACTE 30: Lúa Coderch, Or
- The Excitements + The Limboos
- Vincent + Pee-Wee's Big Adventure
- Sónar 2013. Sónar by Day: Sherwood & Pinch + Jamie Lidell + Foreign Beggars + Atom TM + Ólafur Arnalds Trio...
- BAM 2014: Moodoïd + Viento Smith + Semifinal Sona9
- Open-air film festival 2015 at L'Illa Diagonal: Her
- Ani DiFranco
- Julio Bashmore + William Dafoe
- Tast a La Rambla
- Acomiadeu Movember!
- Nitsa Club: Suara Night
- Jamie Cullum
- The 39 Steps
- El abrazo de la muerte (Criss Cross)
- Nitsa: Red Axes + Lord of the Isles + DJ Fra
- Sant Joan 2015: Canigó Flame
- Mecal Air 2013: Your face is falling off
- El dia Minimúsica
- TR/ST + Fernando Lagreca
- Irish Celtic
- Gay Pride 2014: Tibidabo Day
- The Lumineers + Simon Felice
- Sónar 2013. Sónar by Day: Chromatics + Dinos Chapman + TNGHT + AlunaGeorge + Mary Anne Hobbs + Darkstar...
- Cinema al fresco: Stonewall Uprising
- 16th Banc Sabadell Festival del Mil·lenni: José Feliciano
- Mercadillo Vintage
- Sun Kil Moon
- This is Hardcore: Steve Aoki + Deorro + Autoerotique
- 45 Voll-Damm Festival Internacional de Jazz de Barcelona: Alfredo Rodríguez + Orquestra Simfònica del Vallès
- Joss Stone
- Jonas Kaufmann
- ¡Qué trabaje Rita! (Deluxe)
- Orquestra Simfònica del Vallès: El Bolero de Ravel
- Krypton: Muñecas al borde de un ataque de glam
- ARTeNOU 2015: Mura Masa + Cooly G + 813 + beGun...
- Orquestra Simfònica del Gran Teatre del Liceu + Josep Pons
- Festival Nocturna 2014: Grendel + Klangstabil + Spiritual Front + Geistform + Front 242 (DJ set)
- La Ká: Electro-clonadas
- The New Catalan Ensemble with Motis & Chamorro
- Turbo Recordings vs Greco-Roman & Cómeme
- LEM 2013: Coàgul + Marco Bellonzi
- 16 Banc Sabadell Festival del Mil·lenni: Omara Portuondo & Roberto Fonseca
- Ciutat Flamenco 2013: Sardinada popular
- Plaza Opening Party: Omar S + Marc Piñol
- Assault on Precinct 13 + The Thing + Prince of Darkness
- Elektropical Fever Fest
- New Model Army
- Carrie
- First Blood + Predator
- Cruïlla Barcelona 2013: Rufus Wainwright + Suede + Cat Power + Billy Bragg + Wyclef Jean...
- Fire!! 13: Lesbiana, une révolution parallèle
- The Free Fall Band
- Mercè 2013: Seguici inaugural parade
- Mercè 2013: La ciutat de la bullícia (The bustling city)
- Come to dance? Swing at the MNAC
- Fire!! 13: Fight against homophobia
- Llibres a escena: La luthier Harmonia
- Pròxims: Manel + The Free Fall Band + Dorian + Mine! + Bremen
- !!! (Chk Chk Chk)
- Blue. Homenatge a l’Invisible
- 45 Voll-Damm Festival Internacional de Jazz de Barcelona: The Cat Empire
- Sigur Rós
- Beach House
- Alex Under + Undo
- Summer Nights at the CaixaForum 2014: Ray Lema
- Kris Kristofferson
- 45 Voll-Damm Festival Internacional de Jazz de Barcelona: La Marina Band
- Summer nights at La Pedrera 2015: Llibert Fortuny & Gary Willis
- MiniGrec 2015: El intrépido viaje de un hombre y un pez ('The intrepid journey of a man and a fish')
- Maria Rodés
- 45 Voll-Damm Festival Internacional de Jazz de Barcelona: Kroke
- Cinema al fresco: Habemus Papam
- Orquestra Simfònica del Gran Teatre del Liceu: La 'Romàntica' de Bruckner
- Horizontes, pinturas recientes
- Piknic #7: Mutek
- 45 Voll-Damm Festival Internacional de Jazz de Barcelona: Richard Bona
- The Woolen Men
- Loop 2014: Tríptic Carícies del No-Ésser
- Secció irregular: Los Micrófonos + Salomania
- Americana 2015: Fargo + Kumiko, the treasure hunter
- Angel Olsen + Cálido Home
- Grec 2014: I Congrés Femení de Supervivències
- Quijote kill
- The Dark Side of the Moog: Jordi Ares + David Lost
- Gambeat Weekend 2014: Magic Cat + The Youth + Al Supersonic & The Teenagers + The Cavemen Five
- Tapas Night at Merca-2 Bellvitge
- Symphonic Festival 2014
- Outdoor cinema 2014: The Wind Rises
- 46th Voll-Damm Festival Internacional de Jazz de Barcelona: Taylor McFerrin
- F.I.R.A., 19th Circ d’Hivern
- IDN 2015: Shiver
- Social Friday
- Margaret Dygas + Alfonso
- Flamingo Tours
- Festes de Primavera 2013: Raimundo Amador & Kiko Veneno
- Primavera Sound 2013. Primavera in the Bars: Diego Hdez
- Grec 2013: Jorge Pardo, Huellas XL
- LEM 2013: Vinfonies
- 25th Guitar Festival BCN: Coque Malla
- Els Vermuts del Primavera al Parc: Flamaradas + Súper Gegant + The Twilight Sad...
- (in)fusión flamenca 2013: La Màlaga
- Piknic Electronik 2013. Circus Company Live: Dop + Nôze Band + Guillaume Coutu Dumont + Seuil...
- Betraying The Martyrs + Stained Blood + The Last Request + Corelyn
- Instants de rock
- Loop Fair 2014
- Cinema al fresco: A Separation
- The Afghan Whigs
- Once Upon a Time in America
- Us // Beach & Sun
- Grec 2014: Frida
- Festa de la sostenibilitat
- Altaveu 2014: Laetitia Sadier + Joana Serrat
- BAM 2014: Den Sorte Skole + Filastine + Young Fathers
- Ruz-Bárcenas
- SomosLas: Single + Hidrogenesse DJ
- Minor Alps
- Primavera Sound 2013. Primavera in the Clubs: Come + Julie Doiron + The Orchids + Sr. Chinarro
- Shake: Pariah + Happa + Paul Stone
- Secció irregular: Intravía
- Gay Pride 2014: Film. The LGBT elderly
- Time to relax. Adrian Melis
- Mas i Mas Festival 2015: Rocío Marquez
- Maya Jane Coles + William Dafoe
- Síndrome. Context, modes and structure. Current forms of artistic production in Stockholm.
- Sónar 2013: Lorenzo Senni
- Supersubmarina
- Sant Joan 2015: Casa Orlandai
- Barcelona Design Week 2014: Digital Printing Textil Session
- Reboot + Camilo Franco
- La Antonia Pincha + Perotutehasvisto
- Roy Davis Jr + .DIA
- A Taste of Sónar+D: Ei Wada + DJ2D2
- Tallers oberts (Open Studios) 2015
- Poble-sec's Festa Major 2015: Casi el Mejor Trio de Tu Vida + Augie Burr & The Burr-Tones + 13th Magic Skull...
- Urban Mirrors
- 45 Voll-Damm Festival Internacional de Jazz de Barcelona: Ravi Coltrane Monvínic Experience
- DVS1 + Latzaro
- Big Draw 2014: La festa del dibuix
- Art Deparment + Maher + Erick Bolta
- Festa Major del Poble-Sec 2014: Santa Rita + Brut + Aliment + vàlius
- BAM 2014: Klaxons + Mishima + Coriolà
- Falstaff
- Els Vermuts del Primavera al Parc: Hospitality + The Mark Eitzel Ordeal + Dum Dum Girls + Renaldo & Clara...
- Alien Trilogy
- Reggae Factory: Luv Messenger + Blackup
- Grec 2013: Plexus
- Cinema a la fresca: Moonrise Kingdom
- Sónar 2013. Sónar by Night: Kraftwerk + Skrillex + Two Door Cinema Club + Major Lazer + Bat For Lashes...
- Orquestra Nacional de Lió + Hélène Grimaud
- Against me!
- Aliment + Beach Beach + Biscuit + Furguson + Me and The Bees
- Reggae Factory: Blackup Sound 13th Anniversary
- Grec 2015: W.W. (We Women)
- Cinema al fresco: Porky's
- Nit de Tots Sants: Capitán + Nothing Places + Leonmanso
- Lapsus Festival 2015
- Miniput 2014
- Ciutat Flamenco 2013: Tócame las palmas, espai per la improvisació
- Sallie Ford & The Sound Outside
- Jordi Savall: El Llibre vermell de Montserrat
- Gandules '14: Aquí y allá
- Primavera Sound 2013. Primavera in the Clubs: Fuka Lata + Twilite + Plum + 107 Faunos
- 33rd Barcelona International Comic Fair
- BCN Gin Tunes & Roses: Robyn Hitchcock
- 45 Voll-Damm Festival Internacional de Jazz de Barcelona: Jack Dejohnette Group & Don Byron
- Desiertos
- Take Shelter
- El documental del mes: Art and Craft
- Barcelona Design Week 2014: Mercado Condal de Diseño
- Sing or die
- La trilogia dels 'Contra'
- DNIT: Julia Holter
- BAM 2013: Anímic + Oso Leone
- 32nd BCN International Comic Fair
- Ellum Showcase: Jupiter Jazz + Steve Rachmad + Move D + It's A Fine Line + Odd Parents
- OBC + Natalia Gutman
- OBC: Concert de La Mercè
- I'm hip hop 6th edition
- Recreacions (Re-creations)
- Toots and the Maytals
- Robert Jon & The Wreck
- Nights at Montjuïc Castle: Escola de Circ Rogelio Rivel
- Outdoor cinema 2014: Django Unchained
- El Club dels Notaferits: Samitier + Línea Maginot
- Bis Festival 2014: Me and The Bees + Mourn
- Deers
- Bachcelona 2015: L'Ofrena Musical
- La mirada comprometida
- La Banda al Moll de la Fusta
- Quartet Casals: Integral Schubert I
- 15th Banc Sabadell Millennium Festival: Totó La Momposina + Joseph Derteano Latin Project
- Cinema al fresco: True Romance
- Loop 2015: New Street
- Kevin Saunderson + Undo
- Dorantes Trio
- Festa Major de Sants 2013: Oliva Trencada + 9Son
- Les nits de Jordi Sabatés: El món màgic de Georges Méliès
- Grec 2014: Eels
- Leo Harlem i Dani de la Cámara: ¿Qué hay de nuevo?
- Round About Midnight: Sandra Carrasco & Javier Colina Quartet
- Suite Festival: Els Amics de les Arts
- Mercè 2014: Cursa de la Mercè 10K race
- Slow Magic + Tversky
- Blackcelona 2014: Los Fulanos & Carlos Reyes 'Compota'
- Lo Tuyo y lo Mío: #GayDay
- Last Minute
- Mercat de Botigues d'Horta
- OBC: Així parlà Zarathustra (Thus Spoke Zarathustra)
- Guitar BCN 2015: Christina Rosenvinge
- Silk: 9th anniversary
- Mercè 2014: Mercè Music & BAM
- Phenomena: The Sound of Music
- Mecal Air 2016
- Miley Cyrus
- Gaudí nights
- Mas i Mas Festival 2015: Kenny Barron & Dave Holland
- Motis-Chamorro & Friends
- Festival de Cinema d'Autor 2013: À perdre la raison ('Our Children')
- Històries en relleu
- Owen Pallett
- Dia Internacional de la Dansa 2015
- Phenomena Summernights: The Apartment
- L'òpera entre bambolines: La Traviata
- Nit d'ànimes at the Sagrada Família civic centre
- BMB Festa Major del Poblenou
- Border Community: James Holden
- Grec 2013: Amparo Sánchez & Jazz Machín
- Mas i Mas Festival 2013: Tom Principato & Amadeu Casas Trio
- Outdoor cinema 2014: 4 mesos, 2 setmanes i 2 dies
- La música del Museu: Diego Galaz
- Cine Low Cost 2014
- Vermut & Swing: Lluis Gomez Swing Trio
- Suite Festival: Luz Casal
- Gravity
- Curtcircuit 2014: Josh Rouse + Barbacoa
- Mecal Air 2013: I'm annoying. What's it to you?
- Carrie
- Guitar BCN 2015: Jolie Holland
- Retrats sense sostre
- In-Edit Beefeater 2014: Super Duper Alice Cooper
- Jimmy Edgar + Chambray + Baldo
- Double Indemnity
- Aperol Spritz Sound: La Bien Querida
- Mercè 2013: Manu Carrasco + Nek + Paula Rojo + Pablo López + Carlos Rivera + Permiso de la Dama
- LEM 2013: Nuno Rebelo & Anna Subirana + Setsfree
- Festival Àsia 2014: Family activities
- 45 Voll-Damm Festival Internacional de Jazz de Barcelona: Tindersticks
- Ciutat Flamenco 2013: Romances
- Minimúsica 2015
- Festival’Era: The Antlers + Gold Panda + Delorean + The New Raemon...
- Pieter Hugo. Kin
- Ben Sims + DJ Fra
- Clouds
- ArtTe for kids: Xavi Lozano. Tubs del món
- Gay Pride 2014: Live Love
- New Year's Eve 2014
- WeArt Festival 2013: Photography
- Què pensar. Què desitjar. Què fer
- Minigrec 2015: La butxaca del pantaló és un telèfon ('The trouser pocket is a telephone')
- The New Mendicants
- Open-air film festival 2015: Boyhood
- Música als Parcs 2015: Alè Quartet
- DOCfield>15: La temptació d'existir. Christer Strömholm/Anders Petersen
- Wild Beasts
- Piknic #16: Crew Love
- Festival INFLUX 2014 [vídeo a escena]
- Luis Gordillo. Aproximación-aproximándose
- Suite Festival: Van Morrison
- Sant Jordi 2014: Música a l'Antiga Fàbrica d'Estrella Damm
- Festival de Músics al Metro de Barcelona 2013
- Blues & Ritmes 2014: Fred Wesley & The New J.B.'s
- Juan Perro
- Cinema al fresco: Another Earth
- Simfònics al Palau: Carmina Burana
- BMB Festa Major de Sants
- Primavera Sound 2013. In-Edit: How to Act Bad
- Brodas Bros: Concierto concepto
- Mac, més enllà del cartell + Drew: the Man Behind the Poster
- Tallers Oberts 2014: Ciutat Vella
- Open-air film festival 2015: Frances Ha
- The Market
- La troupe folies
- Roxette
- Piknic Electronik 2013: Sascha Funke + Floating Points + Saschienne live! + El Guincho
- The Misfits
- Bachcelona 2014: Beca Bach
- Primavera Sound 2013. Primavera in the Bars: Carles Viarnès + Duot
- Cinema al fresco: Donnie Darko
- Cinema al fresco: Weekend
- 30 minuts de clàssica: Duo Two Simple Reeds!
- Bride of Frankenstein
- ElRow City: Oscar Aguilera + De la Swing + George Privatti
- Nitsa Club: George Fitzgerald + Locked Groove + DJ Fra
- John
- Fotofòrum
- Edward Scissorhands
- Mas i Mas Festival 2015: Joe Louis Walker
- Suol Showcase: Fritz Kalkbrenner + Daniel Bortz + Chopstick & Johnjon + Meggy + Sven Von Thulen
- Primavera Sound 2013. Primavera in the Bars: Siesta! + Der Ventilator
- The soul examined
- Blackcelona 2014: The Slingshots
- Grec 2013: Jo mai (Never Me)
- Festigàbal 2013: De Mortimers Gang Live Karaoke Band + Empty Pockets Jam Band
- Balthazar
- Que vaya bonito
- Blues & Ritmes 2014: Howe Gelb
- Gnawa Beat
- bcn216: Casablancas
- 22a Mostra Internacional de Films de Dones de Barcelona: La sal de la tierra
- Open-air cinema 2015: The Fountainhead
- Twin Pigs: Romería
- Caprichos de Apolo 2014: Sun Araw & Laraaji + Fuego
- Altaveu 2014: Mishima + Jose Domingo
- Transilvania Club
- Sanjosex
- L'Orient amb ulls de dones
- (in)fusión flamenca 2013: Cargolé
- Nitsa: Ellen Allien + DJ Fra
- Franco Battiato
- George Lanham + Rubén Seoane
- Piknic #15: Hivern Discs
- Festival Àsia 2014: Naghmeh Saz
- Festival Àsia 2014: Jazz in Japan
- Million Dollar Baby
- IDN 2015: Quantum
- Curtcircuit 2015: Hidrogenesse
- OBC: Shostakovich's Symphony No. 5
- Open-air cinema 2015 Gandules: Weekend
- Kitsuné Club Night: Digitalism DJ set + Jerry Bouthier
- Lo Tuyo y lo Mío
- Chvrches + Der Panther
- Juan MacLean + Shelby Grey
- Mercè 2014: The morning of the Festa Major
- Los Zigarros
- Grec 2015: Joan Manuel Serrat
- Gay Pride 2014: High-heel race
- Michael Bublé
- Grec 2013: Yesterday
- 45 Voll-Damm Festival Internacional de Jazz de Barcelona: Rumba para Bebo
- Whomadewho live! + Amable & Gato
- Grec 2014: Vader (Father)
- VenTú! 3rd anniversary
- Pianissimo Circus
- OBC + Sarah Chang
- Open-air film festival 2015: Her
- 45 Voll-Damm Festival Internacional de Jazz de Barcelona: Luciana Souza
- Handbag night
- Francisco Nixon
- Tibidabo Live Festival: Yo La Tengo + Albert Cavalier + The Young Wait...
- AMFest 2015: Nothink + Viva Belgrado + Guerrea + Kermit + (Lo:Muêso) + Tiger Menja Zebra
- Cupcake Strikes Back
- Delorean + Anni B Sweet + Delacruz
- Fact Limited Edition: Sascha Dive + Mar-T
- Churros con Chocolate: More magic than ever
- Kiss
- Sleepy Hollow
- Banda Municipal: El llac dels cignes (Swan Lake)
- Mestres de la guitarra al Palau: David Russell
- Dress Your Wall
- Downtown Market: ¡Sweet!
- In-Edit Primavera Sound 2014: The Punk Singer
- Grec 2013: La Locomotora Negra & the Coral Sant Jordi
- Is Tropical
- Art, two points
- Downtown Market Vintage
- ARTeNOU 2014: Star Slinger + 123MRK + Poldoore...
- Fire!! 13: The Deep End
- Cinema al fresco: Apaga y vámonos
- Festival de Cinema d'Autor 2013: The We and the I
- Festa Major de Sants 2014: F.E.A. Summer Edition 2014
- Drumming live
- Secció irregular: Carta blanca a Luz Broto + Cap a una estètica de la bona voluntat + Sense títol
- Ronda: Los Locos del Oeste
- Christmas at Poble Espanyol
- Tallers Oberts (Open Studios) 2013: Ruta Gòtic
- Outdoor cinema 2014: August: Osage County
- Phenomena Summernights: Arsenic and Old Lace
- Absolut II
- Alexandre Tharaud + Quartet Casals
- Mercateatre 2015: Street theatre festival
- La [2] de Nitsa: Disorder | Manchester Sound + Gary Clark + Graham + Loopneo VJ
- Panteresports 20th anniversary party
- Born Electric presents: James Zabiela + Pedram + Cardopusher
- Lost&Found Market Christmas edition
- Loop 2015: Killed
- Caprichos de Apolo: Seward
- Steve Gunn
- Jonas Reinhardt
- Open-air film festival 2015: Moulin Rouge
- Open-air film festival 2015: O Menino e o Mundo (The Boy and the World)
- Open-air film festival 2015: Nebraska
- Barcelona Jewish Film Festival 2015: East Jerusalem/West Jerusalem
- Art Nou/Primera visió 2015: Enric Farrés Duran. An exhibition of drawings
- Outdoor cinema 2015: Life of Pi
- A night at the Museu Nacional 2015
- Altaveu 2015: Sant Boi Urban Dance
- Only Lovers Left Alive
- Mas i Mas Festival 2015: Telva Rojas & Tomate, Trío y Cebolla
- Mas i Mas Festival 2015: Jerry González Trio
- Eduardo Chillida. Entre las formas
- BarnaSants 2015: Kiko Veneno & Martin Buscaglia
- Guitar BCN 2015: Núria Graham
- Guitar BCN 2015: Matthew Herbert
- Minifestival 2015: Close Lobsters + Michel Cloup Duo + The School + The Manhattan Love Suicides + Linda Guilala + La Legendaria Familia Stinson + The Double Shame
- Les Pommes Rouges Market
- DOCfield>15: Leopoldo Pomés. Flashback
- Cap a una estètica de la bona voluntat. Amaranta Velarde
- Dansat 2015: Sessió 6.4
- Moon Duo
- Toy Story Marathon
- Round About Midnight: Dhafer Youssef
- Born de cançons: Joana Serrat
- Strangers on a Train
- Primavera Sound 2015: Patti Smith + Belle & Sebastian + Ride + José González...
- MACBA es viu: Ready to Rebel
- Cesc Gelabert: Tríptic
- Caribou + Jessy Lanza
- Guitar BCN 2015: Estrella Morente and Niño Josele
- Halloween: DJ Starfighter
- Full Metal Jacket
- Músiques Sensibles 2014: Halldor Mar + Illa Carolina
- ArtFutura 2014
- Mac DeMarco + Juan Wauters
- Festival Voll Damm MPB 2014: Peter Loveday + The Night Dogs
- José González
- (What’s the story) morning glory? Matías Inzunza
- Jamboree Jazz Club Festival 2014: Shemekia Copeland
- Airplane!
- Muses
- Concert de Sant Esteve 2014
- The Script
- Grease
- LEM 2014: Aida Nadeem
- Guitar BCN 2015: James Vincent McMorrow
- U2
- Matrix
- Toni Servillo presenta 'Viva la libertà'
- El Genio Equivocado 5th anniversary: Hans Laguna + Grushenka + Cómo Vivir en el Campo + Murciano Total + Les Sueques + Las Ruinas
- What the Body Does Not Remember
- Caprichos de Apolo 2015: Miquel Serra
- On the Way to School
- Love-ism + Ferrum + Please me Please
- Secció irregular: We love radio
- DNIT: Vessel + Falty DL
- Cruïlla Barcelona 2014: Zaz + Blaumut
- Mercateatre 2014
- Outdoor cinema 2014: Blue Jasmine
- MiniGrec 2014: Dot
- French Films live! + Gato + Maadraassoo
- Outdoor cinema 2014: Història de la meva mort
- Outdoor cinema 2014: Tres Bodas de Más (Three Many Weddings)
- Mas i Mas Festival 2014: La Banda Municipal de Barcelona a la Plaça del Rei
- Summer Melon
- Gandules '14: Amreeka (Amerrika)
- Boy George DJ
- Festa Major del Poble-Sec 2014: Minimúsica + The Damned Hellbillies + Shakin' All + Ramon & the One Armed Go Go Dancer + The Saurs...
- Eleanor Friedberger
- James Blake
- Live the Roof: Depedro
- Mas i Mas Festival 2014: bRUNA
- 16th Banc Sabadell Festival del Mil·lenni: John Mayall
- Sota l’aparença (Under the Appearance)
- Mercè 2014: Mapping Barcekholm
- BAM 2014: Seward + Lanters On The Lake
- Foot-ball
- Martin Buttrich + Mathew Jonson
- Waikiki Honolulu
- My secret showroom
- Vaivén
- In-Edit Beefeater 2014: Finding Fela!
- Primavera Sound 2013. Primavera in the Bars: Fur Voice
- Tallers Oberts (Open Studios) 2013: Sarrià
- Gama Bomb + Artillery + Torture Squad + Tantara
- Danko Jones
- La [2] de Nitsa: Tachenko live! + DJ Coco + Graham
- Tallers Oberts (Open Studios) 2013: Ciutat Vella
- Tallers Oberts (Open Studios) 2013: Ruta Raval
- Primavera Sound 2013. In-Edit: Sound City
- Primavera Sound 2013. Primavera in the Bars: Go!Zilla
- Ciutat Flamenco 2013: P'Alucine
- Dido & Aeneas
- Ciutat Flamenco 2013: Rocío Molina
- Primavera Sound 2013: Seward & Cráter Collective
- Time Out en Viu: Verkeren + Modernet de Merda + Indiescabreados
- Orquesta Ilegal de Barcelona
- East Ender Festival 2013: Reboot + Michel Cleis + Valentino Kanzyani + Chris Liebing + Marcel Dettmann + Miss Kittin + Anja Schneider...
- Save The Day 5th Edition: Juan Atkins + Mala + Mr. G + Shaun Reeves + Jus-Ed...
- Loco Dice & Jamie Jones Open Air Barcelona
- Grec 2013: Diego El Cigala
- Grec 2013: Kiko Veneno
- Grec 2013: Cal·ligrames en moviment. A dance tour of Barcelona
- Grec 2013: Puz/zle
- Tàpies. Des de l'interior.
- Orquestra Barroca Catalana + Polifònica de Puig-reig: Rèquiem de Mozart al Palau
- 4th Easter Festival: Barcellona alla moda
- Nitsa Club: Pachanga Boys + Shelby Grey
- 10a passejada amb barret
- Somoslas: Molt Riquet (live & DJ) + Äadrik Synth + Ferdiyei
- Bugged Out: Lee Curtiss + Undo
- La Célula Durmiente + Furguson
- Vicens Martín & Dream Big Band i Gemma Abrié
- Blackcelona 2014: Cosmosoul
- Rek: Matthew Herbert + Xosar live! + Alfonso
- Du bist dran
- Churros con Chocolate: Más olímpicos que nunca
- Maceo Plex + Gardens of God + Odd Parents
- BierGarten Barcelona 2014
- Tallers Oberts 2014: Poble Sec
- Eurovision 2014
- Caprichos de Apolo 2014: The Coup
- VII 1906 Jazz Cycle: Ambrose Akinmusire
- Vermut Jazz 2014: Occupied Trio
- Grec 2014: tauberbach
- Grec 2014: Beyond
- This is Hardcore 2014: AlunaGeorge + Kitsuné Club Night + Eton Messy + Clouded Vision & Meant
- Outdoor cinema 2014: Blue Jasmine
- Outdoor cinema 2014: The Getaway
- On the air
- Super3: El musical
- La imatge apareguda. Luís Marsans
- Echosmith
- Corpus Christi 2015: L'ou com balla
- Escenes: The Goldberg Variations
- Mas i Mas Festival 2015: Myriam Swanson
- Mas i Mas Festival 2015: Marco Mezquida Piano Solo
- BCNegra 2015: Underworld. Notes on the reality that Casagemas would paint today
- Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit
- BarnaSants 2015: Xavier Baró
- BCNegra 2015: The quiet Scotsman
- Black Music Festival 2015: Cold Specks
- Guitar BCN 2015: The Jayhawks
- Cicle Nu: Trau + Xarim Aresté
- The Grand Budapest Hotel
- Homen torto
- Como superar o grande cansaço? + Entre Contenções
- Madonna
- XVII Fira del Disc
- Record Store Day 2015
- She Keeps Bees
- Mr. Brainwash
- FM Belfast
- Blues & Ritmes 2015: Daniel Lanois
- 16th Banc Sabadell Festival del Mil·lenni: Tweedy
- London Connection: Patrick Forge
- Guitar BCN 2015: Luna
- XV Gala Dia Mundial de la Infància
- Il divo
- Nueva Época #3: TOPS + El Último Vecino + Elsa de Alfonso y Los Prestigio + Mujeres DJ + Bulbasur DJ + Relámpago DJ
- Sílvia Pérez Cruz + Raül Fernández Miró
- Blues & Ritmes 2015: Sara Watkins, Sarah Jarosz & Aoife O'Donovan
- Fito & Fitipaldis + Los Zigarros
- 1 day 1 photo. 31 photographers, 365 days, Catalonia 2014
- West Side Story
- Big Mama & Original Jazz Orquestra Taller de Músics
- MiniGrec 2014: Pinocchio's Shadow
- Sonoritats
- Outdoor cinema 2014: Dans la Maison (In the House)
- Outdoor cinema 2014: Grease
- Outdoor cinema 2014: Les Petits Mouchoirs (Little White Lies)
- Sundayzz: Benny Benassi + Sidechains
- Nitsa: Hugo Capablanca + Marc Piñol + Shelby Grey
- Summer Nights at La Pedrera: Félix Rossy & Enrique Oliver
- Till April
- Natural Child
- Hipnotik Festival 2014: Rapsusklei + Tote King + Los Chikos del Maíz + Ivan Nieto
- Jacques Greene AV/DJ set + Playless
- Festival Àsia 2014: Barcelona Asia Choir
- Marvelous
- The Maltese Falcon
- Personne
- 16th Banc Sabadell Festival del Mil·lenni: Cat Power
- Rhum
- In-Edit Beefeater 2014: Johnny Winter. Down And Dirty
- Closing Party: Ian Pooley + Ricardo Del Horno + Joe Black Koko + Saulo Pisa
- The Births
- Lee Ranaldo
- Festival de Cinema d'Autor 2013: Sister
- Festival de Cinema d'Autor 2013: Tiny Furniture
- Festival de Cinema d'Autor 2013: Historias de la Edad de Oro ('Tales from the Golden Age')
- Primavera Sound 2013. Primavera in the Bars: Coriolà
- Primavera Sound 2013. Primavera in the Bars: Núria Graham
- Slow Nights
- 24th Guitar Festival BCN: La Casa Azul
- Primavera Sound 2013. Primavera als Clubs: Veronica Falls + Parquet Courts + Cheatahs
- La ricotta + La terra vista des de la lluna + Què són els núvols?
- Ciutat Flamenco 2013: Banda Municipal de Barcelona, Escola Gornal-Centre de les Arts de L’Hospitalet i Institut del Teatre + Eva Yerbabuena
- Ciutat Flamenco 2013: Presentacion of workshops and classes
- Ciutat Flamenco 2013: Tapeos
- Lawrence Weiner: Cicle de cinema
- Caníbal Sound System: Los Amaya live! + DJ Txarly Brown
- Be As One Showcase: Shlomi Aber + Stacey Pullen + Rolando + Andrea Oliva…
- Akbal Music & Digital Delight Showcase: Clive Henry + James Teej + Fur Coat + Droog + Miguel Puente & Sishi Rosch…
- Bpitch Control Showcase: Ellen Allien + Shinedoe + Thomas Muller + Baby G + DJ Red
- My Favorite Robot pres. Crossing Wires Beach Party: Timo Maas + My Favorite Robot + It's A Fine Line + Jori Hulkkonen...
- 1redlove: Trus'me + Secret Guest + Space Dimension Controller + Ryan Elliott...
- Grec 2013: Raynald Colom
- Grec 2013: Rinoceront (Rhinoceros)
- HappyTechno Music. Sant Joan Festival: Lexlay + Shitake B2B Fran Navaez + Albert Rodríguez B2B Hugo Martí...
- FadFest 2013: El millor disseny de l'any
- Jimmy Cliff + Green Valley
- Krypton: 1st anniversary
- Pre Party Girlie Circuit
- Nitsa: Especial Brunch Electronik
- Rocket 003: Derrick Carter + Onno + Dia + Robbie Akbal
- Blackcelona 2014: The Oldians
- Tanta Dansa: Capital
- Documentary of the month: GMO OMG
- Claude Vonstroke + Alex Pott
- Round About Midnight: Richard Bona
- Pontiak
- Tori Sparks Trio
- La Troya: Somos como niños
- K: Passarel·la primavera/estiu 2090
- Eat Street #2
- 4th Bicicletada Modernista
- Flamenco Experience
- Grec 2014: Victòria d'Enric V
- Marvelous
- Vanessa Paradis
- Jamboree Jazz Club Festival: Israel Varela
- Big Summer
- Phenomena: Superman IV + Masters del universo
- Special New Year's Eve 2014
- 2manydjs + Dubnoise + Nuria Scarp
- Llorenç Santamaría
- JONC Alevins: Christmas concert
- Estraperlo New Year's Eve: DJ Unclu Garrot + Josmar
- Gran Orquesta Sazonando de Cuba
- Parade + Doble Pletina
- Stephen Malkmus and The Jicks
- Camins
- DNIT: Ben Frost
- Radio Birdman
- Nights at the Montjuïc Castle: A Contra Blues
- Open-air film festival 2015 at L'Illa Diagonal: Enough Said
- SoundEAT!: Extraperlo + beGun + Playless
- Grec 2015: Janine Johnson. A night of Bond
- Permanent Vacation
- No Age
- OBC: La Vuitena de Dvorák
- Los Punsetes + Los Gangliios
- Emergència! 2015: Miraflores + The Parrots + Flamaradas + Der Panther + Hi Corea! + Karen Koltrane + Resonance + Ensemble Topogràfic + Reverberation Radio
- Americana 2015: Transparent
- Siegfried
- 16th Banc Sabadell Festival del Mil·lenni: Kitty, Daisy & Lewis + The Dash
- AMFest 2015: Cleft + Axes + I Am Waiting For You Last Summer + Memória De Peixe + El Tercer Semestre + Muñeco
- Peter Pan
- Movistar SerielizadosFest
- Shen Yun Performing Arts
- James Holden
- The Dodos
- Portal
- Viaje a ninguna parte (A trip to nowhere)
- Open-air film festival 2015: American Hustle
- Sant Joan 2015: Donzella Beach Club
- Just davant nostre (Before our eyes)
- Future Shorts: Winter session
- Mathias Kaden + Smoke Signals
- Mercè 2013: 63rd sardana competition
- Mercè 2013: Cobla Catalana dels Sons Essencials
- Michael Mayer + Coma live! + DJ Fra
- Dorián Chávez
- Rrrrec 2014
- Jazzing 2014: La Jazz Orquestra del Raval + Jamboree Big Latin Band + La Locomotora Negra
- Club 4: Len Faki + Luca Fabiani
- The Singermorning Festival: Joris Voorn + Marc Maya + De la Swing + George Privatti…
- L'ull escolta: Pantalles, projeccions i escrits
- Elephant
- 15th Banc Sabadell Festival del Mil·lenni: Yann Tiersen
- Primavera Sound 2013. Primavera in the Bars: Caballo
- Viggo Mortensen presents 'Jauja'
- Sónar 2013. Sónar es mou al Metro: Wooky
- Virginia Labuat
- Fact Music Pool Series. Mobilee Pool Session: Anja Schneider + Pan-Pot + Sebo K + Ray Okpara...
- Ferran Adrià i la fàbrica del menjar solidari
- Grec 2013: The Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra & Wynton Marsalis
- Blood Red Shoes
- MØ
- Los Stompers
- 56th International Barcelona-Sitges Vintage Car Rally
- BarnaClick 2014
- Artists and Models
- Blues & Ritmes 2014: Los Mambo Jambo
- Tiempos sólidos
- Norton live! + Amable & Gato
- La [2] de Nitsa: Cheatahs live! + Ly live! + Bluetonic + Pegatas
- Blackcelona 2014: Santo Machango
- Blackcelona 2014: Leila
- Recorrido(s)
- Kerri Chandler
- Echo Rising Stars: Quatuor Voce
- Bringing Up Baby
- RowShow Feria de abril
- The Autumn Defense
- Panorama en el marc del Festival Loop 2014
- Moonbootica + Babarians
- Loop 2014: Empowering audiences
- Loop 2014: Bisectriz
- Versus 2014: Hotflush
- Get Wet
- Grec 2014: 88 infinits
- Gay Pride 2014: Shops on display
- Obres
- Sonoritats
- Lo Real
- Glasvegas
- Mount Kimbie + Boreals
- El Trencanous
- Festa de Cap d'Any
- Carilló: Concert extraordinari de Sant Esteve
- New Year's Eve: DJ Cöco Käfer + DJ Freso
- 2a Edició MiniMiba. Els nens salvaran el món
- The Sadies
- Almacalé
- Secret
- Secció irregular: María Jerez + Chico y Chica
- Festa Major de Gràcia 2014
- We Are Scientists + Paws
- Discos imposibles
- Res no s'atura (Nothing Stops)
- Festival Jardins de Pedralbes 2014: Carla Bruni + Maria Rodés
- Beetlejuice
- Sala Montjuïc: Kids & Music, Sant Andreu Jazz Band
- Fire!! 13: Salut Trans
- Midnight Call
- Outdoor cinema 2014: Super 8
- Fire!! 13: Facing Mirrors
- Delicatessen: Simone White + Ramon Mirabet
- Cinema al fresco: Take Shelter
- Cinema al fresco: Source Code
- Cinema al fresco: Citizen Kane
- Cinema al fresco: Belle de jour
- Le mépris (Contempt)
- Cinema al fresco: Kids
- Gandules'13: Las malas hierbas
- Jordi Savall: Die Israeliten In Der Wüste
- Mecal Air 2013: I love you. By the way, what was your name?
- POPair: La fiesta del Bearano
- David Byrne & St. Vincent
- Destroyer
- Birrasó Festival: Tokyo Sex Destruction, Betagarri, Los Chicos, Doctor Calypso, The Excitements, Los Fulanos, Fundación Tony Manero...
- Open House: Born Centre Cultural
- Elmer Gantry
- Fabricació de joguines: Una petita mirada al món
- Deixeu-li fer (o la història d'en Patufet)
- Comment te dire adieu
- BAM 2013: Nehuen DJ + Alizzz
+ Addison Groove + Cardopusher & Nehuen
- BAM 2013: The Suicide Of Western Culture + Fur Voice + Boreals
- BAM 2013: Triángulo de Amor Bizarro + Future of the Left + Havalina
- 45 Voll-Damm Festival Internacional de Jazz de Barcelona: Marinah and the Argonautas
- 45 Voll-Damm Festival Internacional de Jazz de Barcelona: John Grant
- 45 Voll-Damm Festival Internacional de Jazz de Barcelona: Daniel Humair Quartet
- Franz Ferdinand
- Seven Days in May
- Joan Hernández Pijuan. Obra gràfica. 1966-2005
- Concert Bicentenari Verdi IV
- Rambla Postal
- Sean Nicholas Savage
- FICGLB 13: Shorts, session 2
- FICGLB 13: R/Evolve
- Dusty Mush + The Future Primitives
- In-Edit Beefeater 2013: Big Star. Nothing Can Hurt Me
- In-Edit Beefeater 2013: The Punk Singer
- Cocktails & jazz: Dani Nel·lo & Mario Cobo
- Somoslas: Night of the dead
- Nitsa: Gesaffelstein + Kosmos
- Les murs du temps
- Festa de l'escuma
- Darwin, l'origen de la vida i l'evolució
- Ewan Pearson + Undo
- Funk D'Void + Miki Craven
- Marky Ramone + Gato + Maadraassoo
- Ángel Molina All Night Long
- Pastorets Superestel
- The prehistoric family
- Flamenco: Miguel Poveda
- Santa Llúcia Christmas market
- Pop Will Save The Day: Anna Greenwod + Perotutehasvisto
- El Perro del Mar
- 45 Voll-Damm Festival Internacional de Jazz de Barcelona: Martirio i Raúl Rodríguez
- Pep Duran
- Nitsa Club: Chroma + Animal Neo + Rosario + Elektroduenda + Kosmos
- Grec 2015: CaRRoussel
- MODESELEKTION: Modeselektor + Omar Souleyman + Nosaj Thing + L-Vis 1990 + Akkord + Born In Flamez
- 46th Voll-Damm Festival Internacional de Jazz de Barcelona: Jean-Philippe Guy
- Insane Pacha: Magda + Andre Buljat
- 48 h Open House Bcn 2014
- Inauguració exposició "...de un color sufrido"
- Nightmare Before Halloween!: Lionsize + Homi Boy + Innercut
- Pumpkin Electronik
- La Rebujito: 'Este cementerio no es muy serio'
- A Nightmare on Elm Street
- Ghostbusters
- FiCMA 2014: Thin Ice
- La Orquestra del Caballo Ganador: ZA! + CaboSanRoque + Sara Fontán
- Scarface
- Dones i Co
- Stu Larsen
- Mónica Naranjo + Edurne
- Los Punsetes + Extraperlo
- Manhattan
- Taxi Driver
- West Side Story
- Limbo
- Gay Pride 2014: La Melon
- Outdoor cinema 2014: Gravity
- POPair: la fiesta del Bearano
- Grec 2014: Maria Rodés
- Bachcelona 2014: Ton Koopman + Tini Mathot
- Bachcelona 2014: Andreas Martin
- Bachcelona 2014: Lixsania Fernández + Juan de la Rubia
- Bugged Out: Bicep + Lemmy Ashton + Latzaro
- Outdoor cinema 2014: Fame
- Outdoor cinema 2014: Safety Not Guaranteed
- Mecal Air 2014: I think so I bike
- Mas i Mas Festival 2014: Aloe Blacc
- Summer Nights at the CaixaForum 2014: Shlohmo + Millie & Andrea
- Live the roof: Iván Ferreiro
- Houseclass: Derrick Carter
- Fact Barcelona: Luciano + Andre Buljat + Dj Herr
- 16th Banc Sabadell Festival del Mil·lenni: Marianne Faithfull
- The Informer
- Olympo: The Party of the Gods
- Tapiró night at the MNAC
- Round About Midnight: Ayo
- Fonte Giberto
- Poblenou Urban District Open Day 2014
- Grec 2013: Wasteland
- Grec 2013: El viento en un violín (The Wind in a Violin)
- Demonstration for LGBT freedom
- Fire!! 13: TransArtCabaret!
- Fire!! 13: Trans
- Fire!! 13: Out in the Dark
- Razz & Bounce
- Cinema a la fresca: Planet Ocean
- Cinema al fresco: The Guard
- Cinema al fresco: Moonrise Kingdom
- Cinema al fresco: Nowhere Boy
- OBC: Mahler's Symphony No. 8
- Altaveu 2013: La Troba Kung-Fú + Nando Caballero i l'Orquestra del Llanero Solitari
- Emilio Solla & Afines
- Bits
- Diumenges ardents
- Verdi kids: Springtime stories
- Mercè 2013: Lax'n'Busto + Kate Ryan + Alex Hepburn + Vuit + Acció
- BAM 2013: Small Black + Aucan + Sohn
- Lost & Found Weekend
- 45 Voll-Damm Festival Internacional de Jazz de Barcelona: Bugge Wesseltoft Ok World Ensemble
- LEM 2013: Tiger Menja Zebra + Putan Club
- 45 Voll-Damm Festival Internacional de Jazz de Barcelona: Big Band del Consevatori del Liceu + Big Band Blue de l'Escola de la Concepció
- In-Edit Beefeater 2013: 20 Feet from Stardom
- World Press Photo 13
- Opera at the cinema: Tosca
- Opera at the cinema: Les Vêpres Siciliennes
- PS Touring Party: Adult + Svper + Paus + Headbirds + DJ Fra + Shelbey Grey
- (in)fusión flamenca 2013: Paula Domínguez & Ramon Escalé
- DJ Yoda + Gato + Maadraassoo
- People from the Sky
- Marky Ramone & Friends live! + Amable & Gato
- Homenatge a l'idiota
- Christmas 2016: Holiday market in Gran Via
- Steve Vai
- SaturGays
- World Press Photo 14
- Primavera Sound 2013. Primavera in the Bars: Gentle Music Men + Arconada
- Festival Àsia 2014: New Ariang. Pocheon Folk Art Company
- 30 minutes of classical music: Duo Ucello
- Dia de Brasil 2014: Ellen Oléria + Peu Meurray & Banda Querô + Solo Sagrado + Xandele + Wagner Pa & Brazuca Matraca + Gandaia
- Mercè 2014: Dani Martín + Lax'n'Busto + Amelie + Via Límit + Adrià Ortega
- Nights at O'Barquiño
- Dancing Spies: Reboot
- Mercè 2014: Open day at Palauet Albéniz
- Mercè 2014: XVII International Pyrotechnic Festival
- Hamaques: Mandacarú
- Connexions 2014: Joan Colomo & STN!
- Quartet Casals
- Churros con chocolate
- Connexions 2014: Rumbamazigha 2.0
- Connexions 2014: The Gramophone Allstars Big Band
- 46th Voll-Damm Festival Internacional de Jazz de Barcelona: Big Band del Conservatori del Liceu
- Mark Lanegan Band
- Curtcircuit 2014: The Pepper Pots + The Excitements
- In-Edit Beefeater 2014: Freddie Mercury. The Great Pretender
- 45 Voll-Damm Festival Internacional de Jazz de Barcelona: Chucho Valdés & The Afro-Cuban Messengers
- 45 Voll-Damm Festival Internacional de Jazz de Barcelona: ACS (Allen, Carrington & Spalding)
- 45 Voll-Damm Festival Internacional de Jazz de Barcelona: Avishai Cohen With Strings
- Festival de Cinema d'Autor 2013: A última vez que vi Macau ('The Last Time I Saw Macau')
- Primavera Sound 2013. Primavera in the Bars: Gabriel y Vencerás + Piñata
- King Electric + The Last One
- Primavera Sound 2013. Primavera in the Bars: Les Sueques + Big Summer
- Primera Persona 2013: primera jornada
- 24th Guitar Festival BCN: Standstill
- Miss Caffeina
- Primavera Sound 2013. Primavera in the Bars: Purling Hiss
- Uroz + Rubén Seoane
- ElRow Town: Vitalic + Tiga + Marc Maya + Oscar Aguilera + De la Swing + Mario Biani + Toni Varga
- Dave Rowntree + Bilbadino DJ + Legoteque
- Ciutat Flamenco 2013: Off the stage with Rocío Molina
- Open-air film festival 2015: Surprise film
- El Born by night: 1714 evening tour and tasting
- El Món a BCN
- Vive La Fête + Gato + Maadraassoo
- Piknic Electronik: Michael Mayer
- 20 Years Of Kompakt: Michael Mayer + DJ Koze + Pachanga Boys aka Mauricio Rebolledo & Superpitcher...
- Caprichos de Apolo 2013: Mashrou’ Leila
- Fink
- Poble-sec's Festa Major 2015: The Zephyr Bones + Opatov...
- Mercè 2013: Delafé y las Flores Azules + Els Catarres + Dept + Barrankillos + Lapsus + Andreu Rifé + Okey OK + Cloverace + Amelie
- Teatre proletari de cambra
- Vera Cruz
- Mercè 2013: Auryn + Inna + Henry Mendez + Danny Romero + Teràpia de Shock
- Nina Stemme
- Grec 2015: Yann Tiersen
- Evan Dando
- Operació Gaudí
- Michael Mayer + DJ Fra
- I due Foscari
- Krum (El Crosta)
- Seward
- Curtcircuit 2015: Sidonie + Mi Capitán
- In-Edit Primavera Sound 2015: Wild Combination. A Portrait of Arthur Russell
- Wakefield Poole: Visiones y Revisiones
- Daniel Stefanik + Miguel Bastida + Erlin James
- Gin & Live: BBFace & Knurf
- Primera Persona 2013: segona jornada
- Happy New Year
- 24th Guitar Festival BCN: Madeleine Peyroux
- 15th Banc Sabadell Festival del Mil·lenni: Anna Calvi + I Have a Tribe
- Special Edition NYE 2014: Dan Ghenacia + Nuria Ghia + Luca Fabiani + Pablo Luque
- Grec 2013: Liquid Trio & Joe Morris
- Multitudes
- 45 Voll-Damm Festival Internacional de Jazz de Barcelona: Miguel Zenón Quartet
- Ebony Bones Sound System + DJ Desconocido
- Patrick Wolf
- Piknic #4: Pariah + Tessela + Dj Spinn + Sanatruja + Brunetto + Ville Rowland
- FICGLB 13: Hot Guys With Guns
- Mas i Mas Festival 2015: Kayah & Barcelona Gipsy Klezmer Orchestra
- Grec 2013: Buika
- Cinema al fresco: Midnight in Paris
- JONC + Chamber Orchestra of Europe
- Open-air film festival 2015: The Big Lebowski
- Cinema al fresco: Monsieur Lazhar
- Primavera Sound 2013. Primavera in the Bars: PacoSan + Eliah Smith
- Sleeping Beauty. Moscow Ballet
- Festival de Cinema d'Autor 2013: Like Someone in Love
- 45 Voll-Damm Festival Internacional de Jazz de Barcelona: La Locomotora Negra
- Eat Street May 2015
- Cinema al fresco: Una pistola en cada mano
- Muse
- Ángel Molina
- 31st International Comic Fair
- The Telescopes + One Unique Signal
- Orquestra Simfònica del Gran Teatre del Liceu: Poemes Simfònics d'Strauss
- Iupi!
- Caprichos de Apolo 2014: Bart Davenport + Biscuit
- Cass McCombs
- Morrissey
- Open-air film festival 2015 at L'Illa Diagonal: 10,000 km
- Festival Jardins de Pedralbes 2014: Russian Red + Ausells
- 4 Festival de Pasqua: Escolania de Montserrat
- Wolves & Wolves & Wolves & Wolves
- Gambeat Weekend 2014: The Masonics & Miss Ludella Black + Trau + The Dying Shames + Kongsmen
- Festival Àsia 2014: Kiwi & The Papaya Mangoes
- In-Edit Beefeater 2013: A Band Called Death
- LIV-BCN: Marnie (Ladytron) + Boreals + Univers + Ocellot
- Descemer Bueno
- Evita
- The Fundació Miró's 40th anniversary
- Kurt Vile & The Violators
- Barcelona Blues Festival 2015: Sonny Rhodes + A Contra Blues + Jimmy Barnatán...
- Bachcelona 2015: Le Tendre Amour
- Javier Peñafiel. Pánico esnob
- David Chevers
- BCN Live! by Sony: The Vaccines + Zoot Woman + Standstill + Izal
- Natalie Prass
- Folk Me Hard: Julieta Jones + A Singer of Songs + Be Brave Benjamin + Murray Kane
- The Stranger
- 47th Voll-Damm Festival Internacional de Jazz de Barcelona: Diana Krall
- Wildbirds & Peacedrums
- Earth Day Festival 2015
- Dover
- Chuck Prophet & The Mission Express
- Craft Spells
- JjFox aka Chus Jodar
- BCN Gin Tunes & Roses: Cathy Claret
- Músiques Sensibles 2014: Joana Serrat
- Jaws + Alien
- La gran belleza
- BCN Gin Tunes & Roses: Elliot Murphy & Olivier Durand
- Norma
- IDN 2015: Neural Narratives 2. Polytopya
- Nitsa Club: Andrew Weatherall + Jennifer Cardini + Javi Redondo + DJ Fra
- Grec 2014: Josh Rouse
- Bachcelona 2014: Bachmosferes
- Festival Visual Brasil 2014
- Poble Sec Goes Reggae 2014
- Gandules '14: Welcome
- Mas i Mas Festival 2014: Freddy Cole
- Red Hook Crit Barcelona 2014
- Piknic #11: Red Bull Music Academy
- Mas i Mas Festival 2014: John Talabot
- D’après une histoire vraire
- La bellesa captiva. Petits tresors del Museo del Prado
- OBC: Concert de la Mercè
- Festival Àsia 2014: Don Quijote, the Knight-errant
- Jazzing 2014: Vicens Martin Dream Big Band & Gemma Abrié + D.O New Ensemble The Next Generation
- James Vincent McMorrow
- Les aventures de Tadeo Jones
- Americana 2015: Cheatin’
- Caprichos de Apolo 2014: The Handsome Family
- Curtcircuit 2015: The James Hunter Six
- Mas i Mas Festival 2013: Hermeto Pascoal Grupo
- Brooklyn Jazz Unerground Ensemble
- La bella i la bèstia. Cia. Veus-Veus
- La [2] de Nitsa: [2] Allstars
- New Year's Eve: Sistema + Rubén Seoane + …add? + Gus + Omar León
- Joan Colomo reinvents the radio format
- Cocktails & Jazz: The Brand
- Savages
- 15th Banc Sabadell Millennium Festival: Nana Mouskouri
- Big Mama Montse & Rique Sabatés
- Cabaret petrificat
- Mediterrani. El nostre mar com mai l'has vist
- Sala Montjuïc: The Intouchcables
- Fire!! 13: Naître père
- Fire!! 13: Una noche
- Cinema al fresco: Avanti!
- Cinema al fresco: The Fugitive
- Gandules '13: Tulpan
- Mas i Mas Festival 2013: Diego Amador Trio & Llibert Fortuny
- Frankenweenie
- Mas i Mas Festival 2013: Sun Ra Arkestra
- Mas i Mas Festival 2013: Aroma Flamenco
- Festigàbal 2013: Los Hermanos Cubero + Los Tiki Phantoms
- Mas i Mas Festival 2013: Andrea Motis, Joan Chamorro & friends
- Brave (Indomable)
- Black Tusk + Fight Amp
- Elepé
- Santi Millán Live!
- Cuentos cruentos (Twisted Tales)
- Aperitius musicals: Simfonia per a veus i tambors
- American Graffiti
- Sardines & Rumba
- Macho
- Mercè 2013: Sardana dances
- BAM 2013: Guerrera + Pájaro + Los Hermanos Cubero
- Forever Rey del Pop
- 45 Voll-Damm Festival Internacional de Jazz de Barcelona: Wadada Leo Smith's Golden Quartet
- 45 Voll-Damm Festival Internacional de Jazz de Barcelona: The Tallest Man on Earth
- Lloyd Cole
- LEM 2013: Macrobukkake + Radiant
- Festival Ronda: Veo Monstruos
- Festival Ronda: Za! + Súper Gegant
- Festival Ronda: Miquel Serra
- The Last Vegas
- Ten Years After
- LEM 2013: Altaba/Egea/Madau + Charles Hayward
- LEM 2013: Turing Tarpit + C-Utter + Borbetomagus
- Philippe Jaroussky
- In-Edit Beefeater 2013: Mistaken for Strangers
- In-Edit Beefeater 2013: Teenage
- 45 Voll-Damm Festival Internacional de Jazz de Barcelona: Family Jazz with the Sant Andreu Jazz Band
- OBC + Salvador Mas + Laura Ruiz Ferreres
- Esculpiendo el vacío (Sculpting the vacuum)
- Ritmos expandidos
- Iceberg. La realitat invisible
- Banda Municipal: Nit macabra
- (in)fusión flamenca 2013: Costi el Chato
- L'Alternativa 2013: Finisterrae
- Radio Slave + Danny Ocean + Ion Pananides
- Phenomena: The Golden Voyage of Sinbad
- Nitsa: Felix & Al (Hot Chip DJ) + Kosmos
- Meitat tu, meitat jo
- Cotton Roots
- Stupenda
- Animalets
- Xarop de cargol
- I am Dive
- Episodis crítics (1957-2011). Col·lecció MACBA
- Nick Waterhouse
- Antikaraoke amb Rachel Arieff
- Garri Bardine, mestre de l'animació russa
- Monte Carlo Rally of historic cars
- Phelix + Omar León
- Finestres de la memòria
- Band of Skulls + Holy Bouncer
- Justin Bieber + Carly Rae Jepsen
- Wine and gastronomy at Santa Caterina
- Days of Wine and Roses
- Cinema al fresco: Animals
- Concurs de directes de Sarrià
- Primera Persona 2014: Bob Stanley + Green Gartside + Irvine Welsh + Gerard Love + Sheila Heti + Jonathan Lethem + Calvin Johnson
- Grec 2014: The Fountainhead (La deu)
- Primavera Sound 2014: Nine Inch Nails + Television + Mogwai + Caetano Veloso...
- El Row Town & El Monasterio 'vivo': Adam Beyer + Joseph Capriati + Paul Ritch + Marc Maya + Brandt Brauer Frick + The Mole...
- Boulevard Des Airs
- gest-dibuix/dibuix-llenguatge
- Ciutat Flamenco 2013: Sistema Tango, Ensemble de Cuatro + Free Art Ensemble
- Punch and Judy
- Mercè 2013: Los Fulanos + The Excitements
- Outdoor cinema 2014: Tots volem el millor per a ella
- Hans-Peter Feldmann
- 16th Banc Sabadell Festival del Mil·lenni: Scott Bradlee & Postmodern Jukebox
- Grec 2015: A night of tango. Piazzolla invites Buika
- The Warlocks + Brahma Loka
- A taula!
- Solfatara
- Cinema al fresco: Smoke
- Fire!! 13: I Stand Corrected
- Cinema al fresco: The Wayward Cloud
- Steve Smyth
- Nereida Fau
- Nits d'estiu a La Pedrera: Noah Preminger Trio
- 9
- Summer Nights at La Pedrera: Gorka Benitez & David Xirgu, with Ben Monder
- 45 Voll-Damm Festival Internacional de Jazz de Barcelona: Diane Reeves
- Altaveu 2013: Scott Matthews + Ramon Mirabet
- Altaveu 2013: Damien Jurado + Núria Graham
- Mercè 2013: Getting the party started
- Mercy Mercy
- Sac de rondalles: De Aitana al Mascarat. Leyendas de tierra y mar
- Sweet Smell of Success
- Stay
- Mercè 2013: Los Manolos + Peret
- Mercè 2013: Niño Josele & Cobla Sant Jordi-Ciutat de Barcelona + Elliott Murphy
- Mercè 2013: M Clan + Blaumut + Guevara
- 45 Voll-Damm Festival Internacional de Jazz de Barcelona: Kurt Rosenwinkel New Quartet
- Furguson live! + Amable + Gato
- Festival Ronda: Núria Graham
- LEM 2013: Candor Chasma + Zoviet France
- Connexions 2013: Isaac Ulam & Jose Domingo
- LEM 2013: Aceite de Perro + Perucho's + Sei Miguel Unit Core
- Festival Ronda: Joan Garriga
- FICGLB 13: Shorts, session 3
- 10 years without Elliott Smith: Germana + Joan Colomo + Anímic + Me and The Bees...
- In-Edit Beefeater 2013: Beware of Mr. Baker
- Me and the Bees + Burning Parachute
- PS Touring Party: Extraperlo + The Free Fall Band + DJ Coco + Graham
- Bring Me The Horizon
- (in)fusión flamenca 2013: Javier Gavara i Publio Delgado
- Nitsa: John Tabalot + DJ Fra
- Xavier Escribà. Presences
- Antikaraoke
- DJ Monamí
- Nick Lowe
- Mark Knopfler
- Omar León + Gus
- Tallers de descoberta: Cuina catalana amb la quitxalla
- Mas i Mas Festival 2015: Judit Neddermann
- Opening La Terrazza 2014
- BCNegra 2015: Another letter in the alphabet of crime. Chat with Sue Grafton and Kinsey Milhone
- Round About Midnight: Susana Baca
- Danza real ya!
- Eurovisió 2014
- Festival Àsia 2014: Black Coffee by Mayookh Bhaumik
- Trash An’ Ready: SOJA + Black Uhuru + The Skatalites + Pirat’s Sound Sistema
- Open-air cinema 2015 Gandules: But I’m a Cheerleader
- BCN Gin Tunes & Roses: Greg Trooper
- DesignMarket
- Femení Singular Curtcircuit: The Soul Sisters Blackcelona + The Slingshots
- Caprichos de Apolo 2014: Woods
- Cinema al fresco: Lawrence Anyways
- Big Fish
- Festigàbal 2013: Mates Mates and Vic Godard + vàlius
- Altaveu 2013: Standstill + Wednesday Lips
- XI Sant Antoni Reggae Splash
- Festival Jardins de Pedralbes: Roger Hodgson
- International Choral Festival Barcelona 2013
- La Rebujito: Once upon a time
- Tristan Perich. Sound in Bits
- Mercat de la Terra. Slow Food Barcelona 2015
- BAM 2013: Standstill + Pau Vallvé
- Fleastock
- Dean Wareham + Lost Tapes
- Midnight Call
- Banda Municipal de Barcelona: Summer Concerts I
- Round About Midnight: Mayra Andrade
- Sr. Mit
- Matsuri. 3rd Traditional Japanese Festival
- Suite Festival: Bob Geldof
- Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
- Forajidos (The Killers)
- Grec 2014: Les criades (The Maids)
- Open doors at the Fundació Antoni Tàpies
- Enzo Dal Verme. Silent Portraits
- 4th Easter Festival: Brotons premieres Brotons
- The Red Velvet Revue
- Ciutat Flamenco 2013: Jeong Ga Ak Hoe, Marta Robles, Alba Carmona & Salao + Duquende
- Art & Language incomplet. Col·lecció Philippe Méaille
- Swab 2014: International Contemporary Art Fair
- Lusesita. Pícnic
- La pinzellada flamenca: Entre orillas
- Déballage BCN
- Hindustani Music
- BarnaSants 2015: Sanjosex
- Anti-Karaoke
- Via fora els adormits!: Pau Riba + Marina Rossell
- Unknown Mortal Orchestra
- MiniGrec 2015: Inauguration party
- #SNACKSCENE: ADORE DELANO + TVMNSTR + Chicletol + Sanatruja
- Round About Midnight: Keziah Jones
- FICGLB triple session: 'Mamis', 'Secrets & Toys' and 'Home Is You', with presentation by Yaelle Shwed and Aya Shwed
- Solidarity and vermouth
- Kevin Johansen + The Nada + Liniers
- Swing dancing in the streets
- The OBC at the Sagrada Família
- Batman
- Terrazza Williams Martini Racing
- Barcelona Gipsy Klezmer Orchestra
- Sant Jordi 2015: Open Day
- Bloomsday 2015
- Jurassic Park + Terminator 2
- OBC: The Lord of the Rings
- Godzilla
- President Bongo of Gus Gus
- Cecilia Bellorín & Los Monolitos
- Mercè 2013: Open House at Palauet Albéniz and the Jardins Joan Maragall
- Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter
- Nasty Mondays: Madmax & Sören
- Bombón
- The Shopping Night Barcelona
- Sant Jordi 2015: Festival de Llibre d'Artista i la Petita Edició
- Primavera Sound 2015: OMD + Albert Hammond Jr. + Cinerama + Christina Rosenvinge...
- Curses + Raver Jewish
- 45 Voll-Damm Festival Internacional de Jazz de Barcelona: Spike Wilner Trio feat. Melissa Aldana
- IN SITU 2014. Mostra de dansa contemporania
- FICGLB 13: Uomo
- Cinema al fresco: Groundhog Day
- Club Yeti
- Maslov Vasily
- Tricentenari BCN: Arxius 1714: Després d'Utrech. Una Barcelona sentenciada, 1713-1714
- We Love Cats Market
- Matinée Easter Gay Weekend
- Chocolate tasting
- Van Van Gastronomy Market at Monumental
- Happy Hour: Moeem
- Mahler's Fifth Symphony
- Sónar 2014: Massive Attack + Chic + Lykke Li...
- Femení Singular Curtcircuit: Pop Queens
- Cara-B: Joe Crepúsculo + Mujeres + El Último Vecino + Hinds (Deers)...
- Jordi Socías. Fotografies trobades
- Kino Acosta
- Morning Gloryville at Mercat de les Flors
- Mark Sultan + Son Bou
- Somoslas: Guille Milkiway DJ + Hidrogenesse DJ + Julio Cesar DJ + DJ Coco + Ferdiyei
- Fleastock
- Sílvia Pérez Cruz + Julio Manrique
- Caprichos de Apolo: The Pinker Tones presenten ROLF & FLOR
- Kill the Bitch
- Sing-Along: The Sound of Music
- Emiliana Torrini
- Mercè 2013: La cavalcada de gegants de la Mercè, around the world and back to the Born
- 24th Guitar Festival BCN: Johnny Winter
- 24th Guitar Festival BCN: Eels
- Alabama Shakes
- Orquestra Barroca Catalana + Cor de Cambra del PMC: El Messies
- Cocktails & Jazz: Velvet Candles
- Maria Canals International Music Competition
- LEM 2013: Entre Vifs
- Grec 2015: Diego el Cigala
- Tom Harrell Quintet
- 3rd Barcelona Tapas Fair
- Gay Pride 2014: 3rd Cross Montjuïc for Diversity
- Cryptopsy + Cattle Decapitation + Decrepit Birth
- Malcolm Holcombe
- Analogies
- Easter chocolate workshop
- The Quiet Man
- Grec 2015: Not I / Body Concerto / Rest
- Circuit 2014: Water Park Day
- Cruïlla Barcelona 2014
- Barcelona Midnight Trail
- Fab Festival
- Kumas a la Metro
- Espècies d'espais
- Robocop
- 24th Guitar Festival BCN: Lucinda Williams & Doug Pettibone
- PlátanoMelón: Tallers eròtics & vermut
- All Those Food Market
- FICGLB 13: Route of Acceptance
- Rubén Seoane
- Fellatio for gays
- Guitar BCN 2015: Lee Ranaldo
- Ghostbusters
- Festival Àsia 2014
- Citizen Kane
- Bachcelona 2015: Balla Bach
- Continuum. Col·lecció Josep Suñol
- Charles McPherson & Bruce Barth Trio
- Marcel·lí Antúnez. Sistematúrgia
- Wet ® Deck Summer Series
- CaboSanRoque. La cobla patafísica. 2015-2001
- Poblenou Urban District Open Day 2014
- Luis de Arquer + Adriana Lorenzo: Not just piano
- Festival Ronda: The Oscillation + Desert
- A toast to Stonewall
- The Nightmare Before Christmas
- Cruïlla Barcelona 2014: Jack Johnson + Mackelmore & Ryan Lewis + Emir Kusturica + Imelda May + The Selecter...
- The Limits of Control
- Maüra, Daughter of the Earth
- P.I.G.S.: Art and activism as a catalysts of society
- In-Edit Beefeater 2014: Frank Zappa. Phase II. The Big Note
- Grease
- Calle 13
- ¡Que trabaje Rita! 2
- Grec 2014: Wonderland
- Outdoor cinema 2014: Searching for Sugar Man
- Outdoor cinema 2014: Viewers' choice
- 8 cos enganxat
- Promoconcert: Mozart's Requiem and Symphony No 40
- Sant Joan 2015: Plaça d'Anna Frank
- Outdoor cinema 2014: La vie d'Adèle (Blue Is the Warmest Colour)
- Grec 2013: David Carabén
- Chocolate and brandy tasting
- Unseen. Jessica Lange
- Verdi kids: The Gruffalo's Child and other stories
- Mercè 2013: Giants, eagles and human towers
- Open Doors at the Museu de Cultures del Món
- Così fan tutte
- Sant Jordi 2014: Sant Jordi on La Rambla, Rambla de Catalunya & Passeig de Gràcia
- Gay Pride 2014: ¡Que trabaje Rita!
- Bosque Ardora
- V for Vendetta
- José Luis Moreno + Graham Lister
- Vortex
- Eyes Wide Shut
- Katy Perry
- Bunker
- Phenomena: The Three Musketeers
- Casablanca
- Joaquín Cortés. Gypsy
- Happy Hour
- Beady Eye
- Peter Loveday + Ausells
- Spring Breaks
- Interstellar
- The Birds
- La Leche!
- La Rebujito: Yo iba de peregrina
- Grec 2013: Popcorn Machine (A Domestic Apocalypse)
- Dayna Kurtz
- Gerard Way
- Hot Dog: SSION live! + Pin & Pon DJ + GeeJ
- Primavera Sound 2013. Primavera in the Clubs: The Haxan Cloak + Vactor
- Leo Harlem and Dani Delacámara
- Molotov Jukebox
- Olivia Ruiz
- Cupcake
- Tibidabo Live Festival: Mogwai + Belako + Eraul...
- Manolo Valdés
- Phenomena: Groundhog Day + Stand By Me
- Milonga Queer
- Die Walküre (The Valkyrie)
- Foo Fighters [CANCELLED]
- The Rocky Horror Picture Show
- Sónar 2015: Hot Chip + Arca & Jesse Kanda + Autechre + Kindness...
- Halloween 2013
- Conversations with the Dead
- Gay Pride 2014: Foam party
- Fire!! 13: Paul Bowles, The Cage Door is Always Open
- Yoshi Sislay Showroom
- El hombre que amó a Yngve
- Festa Major de Sants 2013: La Troba Kung-fú
- Los que no perdonan (The Unforgiven)
- Stripart 2015: XX Show of young artists from Horta-Guinardó
- Grec 2014: M.U.R.S.
- OBC: The Turkish Passion of Fazil Say
- Gay Pride 2014: Main party
- Night of Texas terror: The Cabin in the Woods + The Texas Chainsaw Massacre + You're Next + The Evil Dead + Surprise film
- Churros con Chocolate: The biggest and proudest
- FICGLB 13: Shorts, session 4
- BCN en las Alturas
- La Traviata
- Niu de Ciència
- Pride 13: Foam party
- The Curse of Frankenstein
- Turbonegro
- Short Circuit
- Sagrada Família Christmas market
- Ludoteca del Piknic Electronik
- Nueva Época #4: Hidrogenesse + Clubz + Javiera Mena DJ, Bonnie & Clyde DJs y Plateselector Djs
- Cavalcada de Reis 2016 (Kings' Day parade)
- 15th Banc Sabadell Festival del Mil·lenni: Vinicio Capossela
- Miró/Calder
- An Píopa (The Pipe)
- The Godfather
- Demanoenmano
- Descobreix l'univers Gaudí en família
- Gutten Fest 3
- Discover 10 Barcelonas
- In-Edit Beefeater 2013: Nitsa 94/96: el giro electrónico
- Mother of God + Mushroom Caravan Overdrive + Dolmenn
- Tarantina
- Festival Jardins de Pedralbes 2015: Paul Weller
- Strauss Festival Orchestra
- Fatboy Slim + Zeds Dead + Lockah
- Mercè 2013: Xambanga de Gegants
- The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
- Museu de la Música: Guitarra clàssica. La millor col·lecció del món
- Nueva Época Monumental #2: Joe Crepúsculo feat Alacrán + Mujeres + Miqui Otero DJ + Elsa de Alfonso DJ + Delorean DJ
- Bona Nit Barcelona 2015: Kakkmaddafakka + Ramon Mirabet + Jack Savoretti + Disaster in the Universe
- Round About Midnight: Asaf Avidan
- A Room With a View
- Taxi Driver
- Jazzing 2014: Eva Fernandez & Joan Chamorro Group + Eva Fernandez & Original Jazz Orquestra del Taller de Músics
- Cors d'òpera famosos
- Matinée Summer Festival
- Elisa Murcia Artengo & Jenny Owens. Latitudes
- We Run Barcelona - Cursa Bombers 2015
- Barcelona, zona neutral
- Circ Raluy: The Big Top
- New Year's Eve party
- Fire!! 13: I Am Divine
- Grec 2015: Kyle Eastwood
- Martín Chirino: Sobre la Espiral del Viento
- Anna Greenwood + Dani Patch
- Barcelona 4 Guitars
- Palau 100: Riccardo Muti
- The Color Run
- Ice rink at Plaça de Catalunya
- Home: Gabi Sacomani
- David Copperfield
- Con faldas y a lo loco
- E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial
- Open rehearsal: Castellers del Poble-Sec
- Reptile Youth + Department
- Let's Dance: Katy Perry
- The Sixth Fleet in Barcelona
- Arxiu Bolaño (The Bolaño Archive). 1977- 2003
- Sant Jordi 2014: La llegenda de Sant Jordi
- Phenomena: Lawrence of Arabia
- Ciutat Flamenco 2014: Sol Picó (with Candela Peña & La Shica)
- A Clockwork Orange
- The show must go on
- Milonga queer
- VII Barcelona in Butoh Festival
- Barcelona Beach Festival: Avicii + David Guetta + Steve Angello
- Spanking Sound Festival: Castrovalva + No Regrets + Seals
- DJ Uri Mood + DJ Shega + Lara Taylor
- Swan Lake. Russian Classical Ballet
- Japonisme. The fascination with Japanese art
- Grec 2015: En avant, marche! ('Forward, march!')
- Cruïlla Barcelona 2015: Kendrik Lamar + Jamie Cullum + Of Monsters and Men + CocoRosie...
- Amenra + Treha Sektori + Oathbreaker + Hessian
- Bcn Second Line Band
- Saturday Night Fever
- Pervert Club: Red Light
- Marshmallow i pasta de fruita
- Fantàstic Handmade Market
- Grec 2013: 100 Femmes
- Haver fet un lloc on els artistes tinguin dret a equivocar-se
- Double Happy Hour!: Bacon Bear Bar + Zeltas XXL
- Le Llaman Copla (They Call It Copla)
- The Kennedys
- Primavera Sound 2013. Primavera in the Park: Mac DeMarco + Bored Spies + Cayucas + Violeta Vil...
- Marula Cafè's fifth anniversary
- Sophie Calle. Modus vivendi
- ElRow: The Singer Morning Festival
- Vida Festival: Yo La Tengo + Lana Del Rey + M. Ward + Sílvia Pérez Cruz & Refree + Mishima...
- 17th Barcelona Tattoo Expo 2014
- La Leche Festival
- MiNE!
- Chinese New Year in Barcelona
- Spanish Pavilion, 1964/65. New York World's Fair
- Saló Eròtic de Barcelona Klic-Klic 2014
- Yo Picasso. Self-portraits.
- Ciutat Flamenco 2015: Daniel Doña
- Grec 2015: La mesura del desordre ('The measure of disorder')
- En Persona: Diego Carrasco i Tomasito
- An Officer and a Gentleman
- Georges Méliès. The magic of film.
- XII Passejada amb Barret (Stroll with a Hat)
- Robert Forster + Peter Loveday
- Grec 2014: La partida (Dealer's Choice)
- Low
- XX
- Fleadonia
- Festival of Chinese Lanterns
- Outdoor cinema 2014: A liar's autobiography: The Untrue Story of Monty Python's Graham Chapman
- Mas i Mas Festival 2015: Marga Mbande Soft Quartet
- Mas i Mas Festival 2015: Ivan Kovacevic 5 Spots
- Mas i Mas Festival 2015: Tricia Evy
- Mas i Mas Festival 2015: Toni Solà Quartet feat. Ronald Baker
- Girlicious
- Things to do in Catalonia: ideas for summer 2015
- Reial Cercle Artístic de Barcelona
- Centre d'Estudis i Recursos Culturals (CERC)
- Associació de Professionals de Dansa de Catalunya
- Fundació Privada Hospitalitat Mare de Déu de Lourdes de Barcelona
- Country Bridge Club
- Fundació d'Oncologia Infantil Enriqueta Villavecchia
- Fundació Escola Cristiana de Catalunya - Àngels
- Fundació Dr. Antoni Esteve
- Associació Ceramistes de Catalunya
- Piknic #5: Claude Vonstroke + Jimmy Edgar + Kosmos + DJ Zero
- Fundació Giulia Adinolfi - Manuel Sacristan
- Poblenou Cemetery: free guided tour
- Filferro
- Festa Major: Poble-sec's big party!
- Gaudí's Torre Bellesguard
- B-Bar at B-Hotel
- Juice Rodriguez
- The Raval's Festa Major: a four-day street party
- Piknic #4: Robag Wruhme + Craig Richards + Herr b2b Buljat + Sampol b2b Maia + Hitch & Raxon
- Parc del Nus de la Trinitat
- The spritz crawl
- Outdoor art in Barcelona
- Fundació de Música Ferrer-Salat
- The best ice cream shops in Barcelona
- La Ká: Let's have a tiki
- Osbar
- T'estimo però no tant
- Old Wave New Wave: Batalla de DJ
- Taapion: Sterac + Shlømo live! + Antigone + Dafoe
- Piknic #3: Apollonia + Mike Shannon + Vincent Abbo + Gus Van Sound
- Obra Social d'Ajuda al Disminuït Psíquic
- Castellers de Barcelona
- Foment Martinenc - Secció de la Dona
- Casal Catòlic de Sant Andreu
- Associació Amics Museus de Catalunya
- Celebrate the 4th of July!
- Cruïlla 2015: the best of the line-up
- Piknic #2: Floorplan aka Robert Hood + Barnt + Weval + Bloody Mary + Guim Lebowski
- Centro Aragonés de Barcelona